IN plain SIGHT.
In every gaze, every stare, every... distraction, the hook on the wall, in its shadow, in every tune, every sound, every noise, in the way the alarm screams, the way the snooze button clicks, in the way Garfield is written in today’s newspaper, in the way the sexy woman on the sports page is shot, the way registered sign is inscribed next to Garfield, in the way the blue bucket sits on the bathroom floor, in the sound of the barking dog outside, in the way the watchman dozes off at peak hour, the way the grill of the car coming down the road smiles with a glow in its eyes, the man driving it frowns, the way the clouds strike a pose, the way the door mat is placed outside the office, the way the light pours in as we draw the blinds open, the way the cursor blinks as this is being t y p e d.
We watch, sleep, stay up, read, doze off, listen, yawn and in the sounds we hear and make, in every experience we see images in our minds eye, indelible images. At first an image that’s all, then the Cello plays, the image turns into a story, the story into a film, and within seconds we travel from random noise to a film that gives us Goosebumps. This can be addictive, which is why we keep our eyes, nose, mouth, ears and minds open even if it makes us look ridiculous.
We step back into a child like curiosity, non-chalantly crafting stories every moment in the most graphic manner. To compete with the myriad visuals that appeared in our heads when our grandmothers spent those lazy afternoons telling us stories to put us to sleep but keep us awake today.
To ensure that every such image is immortalised on film is what drives the