Dickson Carlton was born in Bangalore, India and at an early age, he started developing his passion and building his knowledge of music. For someone who has seen his own music taste evolve along the lines of Bangalore’s music taste, there isn’t a stage name more apt than Vimana Pilot. From heavy metal and Rock ’n Roll to psytrance isn’t a very surprising transition. To create and to play music is a talent in itself but the ability to bring together different people of different backgrounds under one umbrella for the sake of new music; Now that is something magical! To dream of taking the underground to another level! To work towards creating a label that bleeds this idea. That is purpose. With purpose come direction and with direction comes progress. Progression that transcended time and space. A progression that does not end with his passing. Lysergic crew will make sure that Dickson rests in peace while his ideas may never rest! You will forever remain in our hearts !
As our first step, we are announcing the release of our first album that is a tribute to our loving friend and one of the founding members of this label!