Chaar Panktiyan

Chaar Panktiyan Chaar Panktiyan is a perfect tool for writers. It is providing FREE Editing, Designing, Publishing and Marketing.

It is an initiative by Lab Academia Publication for greeting 2-4 liners and getting them published online and in the upcoming anthologies.

Deadline extended till 27th October 2024!

Deadline extended till 27th October 2024!

Deadline extended till 27th October 2024.

We are planning to launch the book in the month of Feb-2025 at IIC, Delhi and all the writers will be invited and felicitated.

As we aim to compile a diverse collection of stories that reflect the soul of Delhi, we invite writers from all walks of life to share their tales, experiences, and insights about this vibrant city.

Whether you're a seasoned writer, a budding storyteller, or someone with a unique perspective on Delhi, we encourage you to submit your work. We welcome fiction, non-fiction, poetry, essays, and any other form of creative expression that encapsulates the essence of Delhi.

Till now, the anthology has received more than 100 stories and poems from well-known writers of India. The overall response has been overwhelming, and the submission deadline is open till 27th Oct. 2024. So, if you haven’t submitted your entry yet, we invite you to join us in this exciting project. Let your words echo through the pages, sharing your unique view of Delhi with readers everywhere. Don’t miss the chance to be part of this celebration of Delhi!

We welcome fiction, non-fiction, poems, essays, and any other form of creative expression that encapsulates the essence of Delhi.
Themes may include (but are not limited to):

Cultural richness and diversity
Historical landmarks and heritage sites
Everyday life in Delhi
Socio-political dynamics
Personal anecdotes and experiences
Urban exploration and cityscapes
Challenges and triumphs of Delhiites

Submission Guidelines:
1. Submissions should be original and unpublished.
2. Word limit: 1000 - 5000 words for prose and not more than 3 poems per submission.
3. Please format your work in Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced.
4. Include your name, email address, and a brief bio (100 words) in the document.
5. Submit your work as a Word document (.doc or .docx) to [[email protected]] with the subject line "Submission for The Soul of Delhi by - [Your Name]."
We look forward to reading your submissions and uncovering the myriad stories that make Delhi truly unforgettable.

Warm regards,
Lab Academia

India's First Sufi Literary Festival, "Aaj Rang Hai" featured Eminent Poet, Reviewer and Singer, Kasturika Mishra. Don't...

India's First Sufi Literary Festival, "Aaj Rang Hai" featured Eminent Poet, Reviewer and Singer, Kasturika Mishra.

Don't worry, if you have missed the event, you can still watch it on our YouTube channel, Poetry & You.

Enjoy and give your valuable feedback.

Remaining videos will also be uploaded on the same channel. You can like, subscribe and press the bell icon so that you don't miss any important update.

Stay tuned!

India's First Sufi Literary Festival: Aaj Rang Hai featured Eminent Poet, Reviewer and Singer, Kasturika Mishra ji. शास्त्रीय गायिका, लेखिका एवं कवियित्री कस...

प्रिय लेखकों,लैब एकेडेमिया पुब्लिकेशन अपने आगामी संकलन, "The Soul of Delhi" में आपके द्वारा लिखे दिल्ली शहर से जुड़े अनुभ...

प्रिय लेखकों,

लैब एकेडेमिया पुब्लिकेशन अपने आगामी संकलन, "The Soul of Delhi" में आपके द्वारा लिखे दिल्ली शहर से जुड़े अनुभव, कवितायेँ, कहानियाँ, संस्मरण, निबंध, इत्यादि रचनात्मक अभिव्यक्ति साझा करने के लिए आप सबको आमंत्रित करता है। चुनी गई कुछ बेहतरीन रचनाएँ इस क़िताब में प्रकाशित की जाएँगी। तो आइये दिल्ली से जुड़े अपने अनुभव को लाखों पाठकों के साथ साझा करें और बन जाएँ इस अनूठे सफ़र के साथी।

सबमिशन की अंतिम तिथि: 30 सितम्बर

नीचे उदाहरण के रूप में कुछ प्रसंग दिए गए हैं जिनसे सम्बंधित विषयों पर आप लिख सकते हैं:

सांस्कृतिक समृद्धि और विविधता
ऐतिहासिक स्थल और विरासत स्थल
दिल्ली में रोजमर्रा की जिंदगी
सामाजिक-राजनीतिक गतिशीलता
व्यक्तिगत उपाख्यान और अनुभव
शहरी अन्वेषण और शहर परिदृश्य
दिल्लीवासियों की चुनौतियाँ और जीत

जमा करने हेतु दिशा निर्देश:
1. प्रस्तुतियाँ स्वरचित और अप्रकाशित होनी चाहिए।
2. शब्द सीमा: गद्य के लिए 1000 - 5000 शब्द और कवितायेँ 3 से अधिक ना हों।
3. फॉण्ट - हिंदी के लिए देवनागरी लिपि (यूनिकोड फॉर्मेट में) और अंग्रेजी के लिए टाइम्स न्यू रोमन, 12-पॉइंट फ़ॉन्ट, डबल-स्पेस में प्रारूपित करें।
4. अपनी रचना के साथ आपका नाम, ईमेल पता और एक संक्षिप्त जीवनी (100 शब्द) भी लिख भेजें।
5. अपना काम एक वर्ड डॉक्यूमेंट (.doc या .docx) के रूप में email address: [email protected] पर ईमेल द्वारा सबमिट करें।

Lab Academia - Research and Publishing Center

Call for Submissions for: "The Soul of Delhi: Stories from the Capital"Dear Writers and Storytellers,We are thrilled to ...

Call for Submissions for: "The Soul of Delhi: Stories from the Capital"

Dear Writers and Storytellers,

We are thrilled to announce a call for submissions for our upcoming anthology, "The Soul of Delhi: Stories from the Capital". As we aim to compile a diverse collection of stories that reflect the soul of Delhi, we invite writers from all walks of life to share their tales, experiences, and insights about this vibrant city.

Whether you're a seasoned writer, a budding storyteller, or someone with a unique perspective on Delhi, we encourage you to submit your work. We welcome fiction, non-fiction, poetry, essays, and any other form of creative expression that encapsulates the essence of Delhi.

Till now, the anthology has received approx. 40-50 stories and poems from well-known writers of India. The overall response has been overwhelming, and the submission deadline is open till 30th September 2024. So, if you haven’t submitted your entry yet, we invite you to join us in this exciting project. Let your words echo through the pages, sharing your unique view of Delhi with readers everywhere. Don’t miss the chance to be part of this celebration of Delhi!

We welcome fiction, non-fiction, poems, essays, and any other form of creative expression that encapsulates the essence of Delhi.

Themes may include (but are not limited to):
Cultural richness and diversity
Historical landmarks and heritage sites
Everyday life in Delhi
Socio-political dynamics
Personal anecdotes and experiences
Urban exploration and cityscapes
Challenges and triumphs of Delhiites

Submission Guidelines:
1. Submissions should be original and unpublished.
2. Word limit: 1000 - 5000 words for prose and not more than 3 poems per submission.
3. Please format your work in Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced.
4. Include your name, email address, and a brief bio (100 words) in the document.
5. Submit your work as a Word document (.doc or .docx) to [[email protected]] with the subject line "Submission for The Soul of Delhi by - [Your Name]."

We look forward to reading your submissions and uncovering the myriad stories that make Delhi truly unforgettable.

Warm regards
Lab Academia

Aaj Rang Hai

Aaj Rang Hai

Hi folks, We are so delighted to invite you all to attend the first edition of the “Aaj Rang Hai”, a one-of-a-kind liter...

Hi folks,

We are so delighted to invite you all to attend the first edition of the “Aaj Rang Hai”, a one-of-a-kind literature extravaganza that will be held on 11th Aug 2024 at Kunzum Books, GK 2, New Delhi and organized by Lab Academia - Research and Publishing Center

And here is the schedule of the event, please visit for reserving your seat. The event is free for all! Register ASAP.

The primary aim of this Literary Extravaganza is to garner attention towards the crucial role of Literature in the evolution of societies, individuals, and cultures. Eminent speakers, change-makers, poets and academicians will be attending the festival to celebrate the art of poetry and storytelling.

The Literary Festival is an integral part of Lab Academia's event calendar, and the entire Poetry & You team is looking forward to the opportunity to interact and network with peers. In summary, it is an event that provides unique outreach opportunities - you can expect the hall to be packed with exceptionally bright young people, along with academic and literary stalwarts and professionals from various walks of life.

We look forward to your participation. Do let us know if you require any further details. Also visit our Facebook/Instagram page for latest information:

Warm regards,
Lab Academia - Research and Publishing Center

Supported by Poetry & You

Dear Literary Enthusiasts,It is with great pleasure to invite you all to take part in the first edition of the “Aaj Rang...

Dear Literary Enthusiasts,

It is with great pleasure to invite you all to take part in the first edition of the “Aaj Rang Hai”, a one-of-a-kind literature extravaganza that will be held on 11th Aug 2024 at Kunzum Books, GK 2, New Delhi.

The primary aim of this Literary Extravaganza is to garner attention towards the crucial role of Literature in the evolution of societies, individuals, and cultures. Eminent speakers, change-makers, poets and academicians will be attending the festival to celebrate the art of poetry and storytelling.

The festival will also include Book Discussion, Talks, Poetry and Storytelling, the details of which will be shared soon. Meanwhile Visit for reserving your seat. The event is free for all!

The Literary Festival is an integral part of Lab Academia's event calendar, and the entire Poetry & You team is looking forward to the opportunity to interact and network with peers. In summary, it is an event that provides unique outreach opportunities - you can expect the hall to be packed with exceptionally bright young people, along with academic and literary stalwarts and professionals from various walks of life.

We look forward to your participation. Do let us know if you require any further details. Also visit our Facebook/Instagram page for latest information:

Warm regards,
Team, Lab Academia - Research and Publishing Center

Avail 50% discount on all our packages. Offer valid till limited period. Hurry!Get published with India's leading resear...

Avail 50% discount on all our packages.

Offer valid till limited period.


Get published with India's leading research and publication house, Lab Academia - Research and Publishing Center

For more information, email at [email protected]

लखनऊ वो शहर है जो कभी नवाबो की शान रहा तो कभी आज़ादी की लड़ाई के संघर्षो का हिस्सा। यहाँ कला भी हैं और फनकार भी, उर्दू की ...

लखनऊ वो शहर है जो कभी नवाबो की शान रहा तो कभी आज़ादी की लड़ाई के संघर्षो का हिस्सा। यहाँ कला भी हैं और फनकार भी, उर्दू की नज़ाकत भी और हिंदी का प्यार भी है। जाने कितने क़िस्सों की चादर में लिपटा ये शहर अब आपके रूबरू होगा हमारी इन कहानियों और क़िस्सों के ज़रिये। तो आइये आपकी मुलाक़ात कराते हैं अदब और मोहब्बत के शहर लखनऊ से हमारी कहानियों के सफ़र की इस किश्त के ज़रिये जिसका नाम है, दास्तान- ए- लखनऊ।
Limited Copies!

Published by:
Lab Academia - Research and Publishing Center

Thanks to all the participating Authors for their valuable contributions. This wouldn't have been possible without their faith and support!

Warm regards

Here is Lab Academia's Digital Publication wing Poetry & You for instant publication of your work that too without any f...

Here is Lab Academia's Digital Publication wing Poetry & You for instant publication of your work that too without any fee.

DM to know more.

Happy Reading!

This beautiful poem is from the book "Alfaaz" written by Dr. Rashmi Jain. For more such poems, you can grab a copy from Amazon.

Happy reading!


Dessert at my funeral

Poetry is about me, it's about you
Poetry is about everything, old & new
Poetry is bold & poetry is blue
Poetry is everything real & true

Poetry is raw, poetry likes to crawl
Under your skin & to the moon
Poetry is death, poetry is life
Poetry is the way to get yourself a wife

Poetry is blood, poetry is sweat
Poetry makes your eyes go wet
Poetry is fiction, poetry is reality
Poetry is the only thing that gives some clarity

Poetry is war, poetry is peace
Poetry is better than saying "Please"
Poetry is here, poetry is there
Poetry is in everything and is everywhere

Poetry is an axe to break the fence
Poetry is a language of confluence
Poetry is a cloud, poetry is rain
Poetry is never just in vain

Poetry is a rope to hang myself
Live to write about it, place it in my bookshelf
Poetry is a second chance
Or the romance they learnt of, in France

Poetry gave me life, poetry will be my death
I vow to preach poetry till my last breath
Poetry! Poetry! Poetry!
They all shall yell,
Poetry will be a dessert at my funeral.

© Ahmed Khan

Here is a glimpse of Lit-Up Community Meet, Samvaad held in Lucknow on the occasion of our dear Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam Si...

Here is a glimpse of Lit-Up Community Meet, Samvaad held in Lucknow on the occasion of our dear Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam Sir's Birthday. Also, in the same month, we have completed 8 years of Creative Excellence and Innovations in the Field of Publications. We dedicate this journey to our beloved former president, great Scientist, and Missile Man of India Dr. Kalam Sir, because his teachings and principles have always guided us!

Thanks to all the respected guests, dignitaries, keynote speakers, participants, and the entire team of Lab Academia - Research and Publishing Center for your valuable contribution. This success is dedicated to all of you ❤

Also, we are grateful to all the media officials for such wide coverage.

Special thanks to JJ Bakers for their excellent food and services.
The Event was Sponsored by Lab Academia - Research and Publishing Center and Poetry & You

To join the Lit-Up community for the next editions, fill out this form:

A grand literary convention was organized by Lab Academia in memory of the great scientist and former President Dr. APJ ...

A grand literary convention was organized by Lab Academia in memory of the great scientist and former President Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. The main theme of this program was "The values ​​taught by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and the guidance given by him".

Here is what Lucknow Media is talking about Samvaad

You are cordially invited to attend our monthly Lit-Up Community Meet "Samvaad" on 14th Oct. 2023 at 4 PM, Hazratganj, L...

You are cordially invited to attend our monthly Lit-Up Community Meet "Samvaad" on 14th Oct. 2023 at 4 PM, Hazratganj, Lucknow.

Major Events:
Authors' Meet
Open Mic
I, The Change Talk
Book Promotion

If you are an Author, Poet, or Content Creator, this is your stage to showcase your work, meet like-minded people, promote your work, and enjoy poetry with delicious snacks. Don't miss this evening as this is going to be great fun.

During this community meet, we'll celebrate each other's work and will discuss art and literature. There will be a few guest speakers along with the Authors and Poets. We'll also give you space to showcase your books, feel free to bring a few copies along with you and also prepare a speech of yours. You can talk about your book, your writings, your passion, upcoming ventures, etc but keep it short and crisp. There will be many more things, such as delicious cake, high tea, and poetry. We are sure you'll enjoy this evening.

Reserve your spot by filling out this form

We have limited seats.


Sponsored by Lab Academia - Research and Publishing Center and Poetry & You

Stay connected:

कवियों के लिए ख़ास। आज ही रेजिस्टर करें:

कवियों के लिए ख़ास।

आज ही रेजिस्टर करें:


Deoghat, Jhalwa


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