Social TV - International

Social TV - International Social TV is a non-profit media and social change organization in Palestine/Israel.

Established in 2006, Social TV is a non-profit independent media organization promoting social change in Palestine/Israel. Our online archive contains over 2,000 professionally produced video reports and studio programs in Hebrew, Arabic, and English. About 100,000 people are exposed to their content each month in Israel, Palestine, and globally via the internet, social media, and TV broadcasts. O

ur vision is a society in which progressive discourse—based on equality, commitment to peace, coexistence, human and women’s rights, and ending hunger—influences the decision-making processes of individuals, social institutions, and government. Our mission is to act as a critical media tool for redefining the progressive agenda and assimilating it into the public consciousness.

אנחנו מחפשות מפיקה מדהימה

אנחנו מחפשות מפיקה מדהימה


*מול ממשלה קיצונית ומסוכנת -צריך כל אחד ואחת מאיתנו*
עשרות ארגונים ותנועות מחאה, יוצאים היום לרחוב - להפגין, למחות, לזעוק📢
יחד אנחנו בונים התנגדות רחבה ומגוונת
*כשממשלת הפירוק מכריזה מלחמה* על הדמוקרטיה, על המשפחות שלנו, על החברים והחברות שלנו, על הילדים שלנו - *אנחנו לא ניתן לאף אחד ליפול!*

*ניפגש ב- 19:00 בהבימה*
משם נצא לצעוד ברחובות תל-אביב למוזיאון
*צאו מהבתים-אנחנו האנשים להם חיכינו*💪🏻💥

אנחנו נהיה שם. לא רק כדי לסקר. יש רגעים שאי אפשר רק לספר את הסיפור. אקטיב מדיה, זה הסיפור

אנחנו נהיה שם. לא רק כדי לסקר. יש רגעים שאי אפשר רק לספר את הסיפור. אקטיב מדיה, זה הסיפור


Every year, around this time, Social TV gathers a group of conscientious objectors. They look directly into the eyes of Israeli society and explain why they will not enlist in the army.
This year, we joined four objectors that went to the occupied Palestinian territories to examine their decision through what they saw on the ground.

"Refusing the Occupation," a different Israeli coming-of-age story.

Reporter: Alon Mizrahi
Cinematography: Rachel Shor
Editor: Adam Guelman

Thank you to our brave (in a feminist, and not militant, kind of way) partners at מסרבות and B'Tselem בצלם.


Social TV is an independent communication tool responsible for bringing forth the voices of communities silenced and oppressed by the Israeli government.

Our articles are published in Arabic and Hebrew. We translate into English the videos which also touch the lives and challenges of communities outside the borders of Israel and Palestine.

We would love to meet you here and share with you our progressive, radical point of view.

You can view our Hebrew/Arabic page here:

הטלוויזיה החברתית היא גוף תקשורת אלטרנטיבי ועצמאי הפועל מ-2005, לקידום סדר יום חברתי בישראל באמצעות הפקות וידאו.


In Israel-Palestine live hundreds of thousands of families suffering from acute food insecurity. A meal limited to something like a slice of bread with chocolate spread—with no nutritional value—only fills the stomach so it doesn't hurt from hunger.

Many Israelis and Palestinians cannot afford or access nutrient-rich food, and are left with no choice but to eat food which leaves one susceptible to being overweight or ill.

Before you tell yourself that “hunger cannot be eradicated,” listen to the following data: 350 million shekels a year can lend itself to a solution. With this amount, the lives of thousands of families can begin to change.

We all have the right to access and eat healthy, nutritious food. And it is the responsibility of all of us to demand it.

Yael Rozanes - יעל רוזנס
MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger מזון - תגובה יהודית לרעב
סיכוי-אופוק سيكوي-أفق פתחון לב לקט ישראל Leket Israel מרכז אדוה Adva Center לתת Latet
121 - מנוע לשינוי חברתי עֲשׂוֹת משפט - קול רבני לזכויות אדם Rabbis for Human Rights Negev Coexistence Forum| פורום דו-קיום בנגב | منتدى التعايش السلمي في النقب שתיל - شتيل - Shatil Shatil - An Initiative of the New Israel Fund הפורום הישראלי לתזונה בת-קיימא Aid Organization for Refugees - ASSAF פסטיבל סולידריות/ مهرجان تضامن / Solidarity Festival Sidreh Organization


Radical Lipstick: Food Waste

When was the last time you ate an orange apple? Or a tiny watermelon? Or one with spots?

We are throwing away food without paying any attention at all. Sometimes because we bought too much, sometimes because we don't like it, and sometimes just because it isn't shiny.

But all this casualness about food has a price. The amount of food thrown away could feed all the hungry mouths in the world, save resources and money, and slow down global warming. Yes, what goes into (or does not go into) our mouths has an impact on the climate crisis.

And what does the person you'll vote for in the next election have to say about all of this? (if anything...)

, this time against food waste

מצילות המזון ירושלים Food Rescuers JLM
רובין פוד -


In the past weeks we've been sending cinematographer and activist, Rachel Shor, and activist, Naomi Nur Zahor, to film the women of Masafer Yatta—rocky piece of land in which 1,150 people live, mostly in natural or carved caves. They raise sheep and grow agricultural crops for their own livelihood.

In building this article, Rachel and Nur were a clear choice. When they look through the camera lens, they do not simply see a group of marginalized women in a forgotten and occupied space. They see the woman before them--full and complete and complex.

The article about the women of Masafer Yatta is an ethical and professional stance of Social TV. As an independent and alternative media organization, which aims to disassemble oppressive power structures, we oppose the colonialist practices which define women as weak and insignificant.

We see the Palestinian women, who live in the occupied territories and within the Israeli state, as partners of the feminist struggle to dismantle national and political power structures.

Last "Independence Day,” in the dead of night, while Israeli citizens were waving nationalist flags and barbecuing, the supreme court secretly issued a warrant commanding the deportation of the natives of Masafer Yatta from their homes. It all started when the state of Israel declared the 30,000 dunams (30,000,000 square meters!) as a “closed military zone" and ordered the natives to leave their homes immediately. Despite the fact that it is Israeli-occupied land and international law forbids such a measure, the policy makers and their legal advisors simply claimed that "the army commander's authority, to declare territories as closed on occupied land, overrules the international judicial law.”

Though the case of Masafer Yatta has been in the Israeli court system for over 22 years, the Supreme Court, suddenly and symbolically, issued the announcement for a mass-transfer on the eve of the Israeli Independence Day. The judge, David Mintz—a settler himself—issued the expulsion order.

The women of Masafer Yatta carry on their backs complex identities, each one with her own load, coping together and individually with the implications of the expulsion, the impending demolition of their homes, the unknown, and the State which sees them as the "enemy,” enacting a long series of racist and discriminating practices.

This article is in honor of Kifah, Hiba, Sanaa, Majda, Zohariya, Dalia, and Farissa.

Social TV stands in solidarity with the Palestinian human rights organizations who were raided and shut down by Israeli ...

Social TV stands in solidarity with the Palestinian human rights organizations who were raided and shut down by Israeli authorities last week. We stand against the ongoing efforts to delegitimize human rights work and deny the classification of resisting Israel's long-standing occupation as an act of terror.


What was the name of Yehuda HaYamit Street in Jaffa before 1948? And Shivtei Israel Street?

Street names have a political meaning. And removing such names (like ones named after historic Palestinian and Arab figures) and replacing them with others (in Hebrew) is an attempt toward eradicating a language, legacy, and culture.

Yafa Streets (شوارع يافا רחובות יאפא) emphasizes the historic Arab street names in the public space, alongside the current street names, as a symbolic gesture of recognition and correction of history.

This article was made as part of STV's project - an urban activist lab by Social TV - הטלוויזיה החברתית. The connection formed between the project participants created an exciting collaboration that drives the project forward.

Thank you to Wahat al-Salam - Neve Shalom, Zochrot / זוכרות / ذاكرات and עמותת יד ביד جمعية يداً بيد for supporting the projec


The politician's guide to exploiting hunger and poverty for political purposes:
1️⃣Find yourself an urban market, preferably as "authentic" as possible
2️⃣Have a conversation with a seller, make sure to nod every 20 seconds
3️⃣Insult your political opponent for his indifference
4️⃣Haphazardly throw in a story about poverty from your past
5️⃣Promise some stuff to passers-by
6️⃣Make sure everything is recorded on camera
7️⃣Leave the place
8️⃣Return only in the next election campaign...maybe

Reporter: Assaf Uzan
Photographer: Adi Toledano
Editor: Shira Green
Roni Strier Becky Keshet MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger מצילות המזון ירושלים Food Rescuers JLM Rabbis for Human Rights

You are invited to a closing event of Social TV’s Yafa Tongue! Featuring work of our participants and a workshop by Syst...

You are invited to a closing event of Social TV’s Yafa Tongue! Featuring work of our participants and a workshop by System Ali. More details in the invites below!

Sign up here:


Lod: Between the Nakba and May 2021

May 2021 will be remembered as the month of the war of cities. The opening bullet was fired by a Jewish resident of Lod who murdered Moussa Hassouna, a Palestinian resident of the city. To this day, the Jewish resident moves about as a free man. But the family and friends of Moussa have no such freedom from the grief and longing for their beloved.

That night--and the nights that followed--the Palestinian residents of Lod realized that the Nakba that their parents and grandparents endured never ended. The understanding that all systems of the Israeli government work together against them not only causes them great pain, but also unites them in a joint struggle for justice and equality.

Director: Barak Heymann Heymann Brothers Films
Photo: Lukasz Konopa Haidi Motola
Editor: Adam Gelman

Marwa Hassuna فداء شحادة Abed Gazaabou Shhadeh Yigal Mosko
Shai Carmeli Pollak Adalah - The Legal Center For Arab Minority Rights In Israel


On Nakba Day, STV's lexicon for reclaiming the language of the oppressed (Radical Lipstick) presents: "Continuous Nakba."

What does a continuous Nakba in 2022 look like, you ask?
To fight to be allowed to teach your history at school.
To be 20 kilometers away from your ancestral village without the possibility to visit it.
To speak Hebrew to survive.
And to ask really nicely for your home not to be destroyed because the Israeli Authorities don't grant building permits to some Palestinians.

We made an article about it so that you can't say you didn't know.

Thanks to Amoneh Asfour- Yafa activist, Yousef Asfour- history teacher and activist at Amnesty International Israel, and Rachel Beitarie- CEO of Zochrot / זוכרות / ذاكرات

Editor and Chief Producer | Maya Yavin
Video Editor | Adam Galman

Social TV is shaken by the murder of Palestinian journalist Shereen Abu Akleh, an esteemed veteran journalist who report...

Social TV is shaken by the murder of Palestinian journalist Shereen Abu Akleh, an esteemed veteran journalist who reported on events that the mainstream media and Israeli society refuse to acknowledge.

The Israeli government must recognize the unbearable prices of the occupation, and the responsibility they bear in bringing it to an end.


The Oppression Mechanism of Bureaucracy:

Another morning spent dealing with all the bureaucratic paperwork instead of enjoying your coffee?

סיכוי-אופוק سيكوي-أفق


Should there be an earthquake in Kufr Aqab, about 80% of the buildings in the neighborhood will collapse, according to UNRWA. But, if you need an ambulance, it will not come. And the police also prefer not to enter.

Kufr Aqab is another neighborhood located in the municipal area of ​​Jerusalem. The residents are required to pay all the taxes, and receive...nothing in return.

An article by Yuval Abraham and Rachel Shor for Social TV - הטלוויזיה החברתית.


Walaja: Between the Wall and City Hall

Last week, the Israeli Supreme Court demonstrated its legal and moral responsibility towards the residents of the village of Walaja, meeting an obvious obligation: a permanent home for everyone--not only Israeli-Jews.

Walaja is a hostage of an impossible political reality that the State of Israel is running on the backs of its residents. On one hand, it is a village--one part in control of the Palestinian Authority, the other part controlled by Israel. It is also a neighborhood in Jerusalem--a neighborhood that the Jerusalem Municipality (עיריית ירושלים) carefully ignores. And while the Jerusalem Municipality ignores the neighborhood, the State of Israel ignores the existence of the people.

400 women, men, girls and boys get up every morning with a demolition order hanging over 38 homes--about a third of the village houses. This morning, the Supreme Court announced to the State that it should respect and resolve this ongoing abuse of people's lives.

The hearing took place on Land Day--a day of national rage of the Palestinian people. 54 years have passed since the demonstration that has become a national symbol for the Palestinian citizens, and the demonstration is as relevant as ever.

In 1975, the state decided to expropriate about 20,000 dunams of private land in the Galilee, the Triangle area and the Negev. Why? Simply because the State could. We called it "Development of the Galilee," and transferred thousands of dunams from the villages of Nahaf, Deir al-Assad, and Bana to the construction of the city of Carmiel.

It is time to stop the policy of discrimination and the continuing violation of citizens' rights.

A video article by Matan Golan Photography & Graphics, activist, architect, and journalist on Social TV - הטלוויזיה החברתית and שיחה מקומית, who accompanies the Walaja struggle year-round.

Cinematography: Eyal Warshavsky

ידידי אל-ולאג'ה Friends of al Walaja
Ir amim עיר עמים عير عميم


Planting hope in Palestine/Israel:

Social TV joined the Parents Circle-Families Forum to plant olive trees of shared pain and a new hope.


Each one of us has a story. And not "just" a story--but a story about personal identity, nationality, culture, and belonging.

In the 'Yafa Tongue' language project, 12 Palestinian and Jewish participants from Jaffa will learn how to tell their story through documentary videos. Join us on our journey!


Social TV stands with Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights, Al-Haq, the Bisan Center for Research and Development, Defense for Children Palestine, Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC), and the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees in their efforts towards safety, justice, and liberation for Palestinians.

While disappointed and disturbed, we are not surprised by the government of Israel’s recent designation of these groups as “terrorist organizations.” The work of these organization’s does not threaten Israel’s security, but rather poses a threat to the government of Israel in maintaining it’s status quo of apartheid policies and an ever-expanding occupation. This move seeks to further intimidate the related communities, partners, employees, and donors of these (and other) organizations committed to human rights in Palestine and Israel.

We urge our viewers, followers, friends, and supporters, in both the local and international community, to speak out against this shameful designation and to learn more about the work of the six organizations above.

We must use this shameful decision as a catalyst for centering and elevating our Palestinian partners in their respective missions, and not succumb to the intimidation of a government weakened by public knowledge.


Snir and Tal went through difficult mental periods in the army accompanied by anxiety attacks, nightmares, and abuse until they realized that the only way to get out of service was through exemption on grounds of mental health. However, in the army, there is an increase in the number of exemptions for mental reasons in recent years, and the 6.8% who receive a mental exemption are seen as a worrying phenomenon that must be fought. On the other hand, the commanders we spoke to, including Prof. Haim Knobler, who was the head of the IDF's mental health department, claim otherwise.
The question arises: does the role that the military has taken on to recruit everyone force it to define those who have not enlisted as depressed, as having a psychiatric disorder, or to portray them as imposters and liars?


Interview with Shachar Peretz, a few days before her enlistment in the army:

"In this country, from a very young age we are habituated to the idea that we will join the IDF. We have gotten used to seeing uniforms as a natural part of the public arena, we are used to seeing machine guns on buses on Sundays, and I think the decision not to take part in this, the decision not to wear a uniform or hold a gun, is a very brave decision, which is not trivial. It's a very hard decision to make in a space that sanctifies soldiers, that sanctifies death, that sanctifies dead heroes, in which the streets are named after commanders and schools conduct ceremonies and sound sirens every year, and there seems to be no other way".

Shachar is expected to report to the IDF on August 31, 2021 and inform the army of her refusal to enlist.


“Peace journalism seeks not to feed the flames that contribute to a conflict, but quite the opposite”: with these words, Professor Amal Jamal of Tel Aviv University inaugurated “Media Impacting Conflict Transformation” – aka the “Peace Journalism” program, the brainchild of Social TV and the Adam Institute for Democracy & Peace. This three-year project was funded by the European Union. Since May 2018, more than 180 Israeli Jewish and Arab journalists, activists and other media personnel have studied the fundamentals of peace journalism, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, conflict resolution, and practical tools for creating media items. The results: more than 100 items ranging from videos to podcasts to print and more. This video offers a taste of what we've created.


Tel Aviv


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Our Story

Established in 2006, Israel Social TV is a non-profit independent media organisation promoting social change. Our online archive contains over 3,000 professionally produced video reports and studio programs in Hebrew, most of which are translated into English. About 100,000 people are exposed to their content each month in Israel and abroad via the internet, social media and TV broadcasts. We use the unique power of visual documentation, where intellectual arguments alone might fail to change the hearts and minds of people, promoting human rights and bringing about social change in Israel.

Our vision: A more equal society in which people widely consume independent media and see it as a reliable complementary source, necessary for acquiring a critical perspective and making informed choices. We want to promote a society in which the media is operating as democracy's watchdog- that motivates the citizens to take action, to be involved and to become activists. This comes in contrast to the current corporate media that is designed to amuse, to increase ratings and to make a profit from advertising and marketing content. We want to promote a society where the media plays an active role in social change and provides a platform for groups whose voices are not heard. To create a media that promotes values of equality, social justice and solidarity. Agenda: Israel Social TV sees itself as part of the human rights and social change community in Israel. We work with other human rights and social change NGO's to promote common goals. Our focus is on the plurality of people living in Israel and their environment rather than nationalism, commercial interests and political agendas. Naturally, Israel Social TV is not motivated by commercial considerations and does not sell advertising and marketing content, therefore ratings are a motivator for social change rather than monetary gain. Social TV criticizes the existing social order in Israel, its militaristic chauvinist agenda which always promotes solutions based on power, offering only an ‘us v them’ paradigm of reality, one which is determined by an elite of wealthy families in Israel. Our Purpose: To be a significant media outlet that leads in promoting radical contents and discourse (an approach that advocates change from the roots, while challenging normative conventions). To disseminate these contents, in order to reach a large audience in Israel and put a crack in the crony capitalism and the hegemonic relationships between capitalists, government and the press. We work to raise awareness, change perceptions, and encourage involvement and activism. We serve as a platform and an amplifier to the radical voices and agendas that get marginalized by the mainstream media. Strategy: We work through 3 avenues:

  • Creating video as well as text content: We cover events and produce investigative video reports, magazine and studio programs, focusing on groups and organizations who do not receive mainstream media exposure and on issues where mainstream media does not empower social justice. ISTV has produced 3,000 video articles and studio programs to date.

  • Content dissemination: Our website is home to all of our productions and serves as a stage for journalists, activists, and organizations with similar agendas. Our database includes all of our materials and serves as an invaluable and unique source of information for writers, researchers and the public. We market our materials online through social media and in cooperation with other websites. We provide information to educators and conduct lectures for media personnel and policy makers. We reach around 100,000 viewers per month via broadcasts on the Community Channel, available to all cable and satellite subscribers, and through our website, Facebook (we recently exceeded 48,000 followers), YouTube, and other social networks. During the war in Gaza we reached 500,000 individuals on Facebook according to Facebook Insights. We regularly monitor our social media sites and website, read and respond to comments, and use this data to improve our content.