Mamash Productions Group

Mamash Productions Group החברים של ממש! :)

A sneak peek behind the scenes of .air with the incredible Lihi Kornowski ✨              BTS 📸: .gerafi

A sneak peek behind the scenes of .air with the incredible Lihi Kornowski ✨

BTS 📸: .gerafi


Some journeys take you beyond the expected—into the unknown, where simplicity meets discovery.

Filming in the breathtaking Italian Dolomites was nothing short of an adventure. With an incredible crew, we brought to life a vision of exploration, innovation, and the pursuit of something greater.

Just as ancient navigators relied on the stars, MIS Implants Technologies Ltd. - Global LYNX embodies a guiding force in the world of implantology—an all-in-one solution where biology, chemistry, and physics harmonize into a six-star experience.

Proud to have been part of this journey, capturing a story that resonates far beyond the screen.

MIS Implants Technologies Ltd. - Global dream team:

Tali Jacoby- Director of Products & Marketing

Limor Talmon Raveh- Marcom Manager

Vadim Leyfer- Head Designer

A Mamash Productions Group Production:

Director- Amit Sides

Script- Yoni Zigler / Director

Account Manager & Producer - Maya Cohen

DOP - Oran Avivi

Actress - soraya torrens

Editor -Amit Sides

Motion Designer - Tomer Gerbi

3D- Gil Kadosh, Oz Saadon

Sound Design - Guy Shkedy

Storyboard artist- Yoav Shtibelman


Bringing a vision to life takes creativity, collaboration, and a team dedicated to making every detail count.

We had the pleasure of producing ZoomInfo's latest brand video, and the response has been incredible!

Now, we’re taking you behind the scenes to show how it all came together.
From concept to ex*****on, our goal was to capture ZoomInfo’s mission of helping GTM teams work smarter and win faster.

A huge thank you to everyone involved in making this project a success!
Check out the making-of video below, and see the final brand film here:

Special thanks to the ZoomInfo team,

And our secret sauce Yoni Zigler / Director


The future of go-to-market has arrived.
Thrilled to share our latest video for ZoomInfo showcasing the power of their Go-to-Market Intelligence Platform.

This is NOT another AI-generated commercial, this a Mamash Productions Group-generated commercial... about AI!

ZoomInfo dream team:
Amir Cohn - Video Creative Manager
Tal Raz - Chief Marketing Officer
Dafna Sudri 🎗️ - Director, Creative Design
Jon Scott- Senior Team lead, Creative
Ryan Sweeney- Manager, Motion Design
Meghan Barr- Vice President, Content, and Communication
Aly Hayes - Senior Manager, Content
Megan McCall - Senior Manager, Creative
Eli Weiss- Senior Video Producer

A Mamash Productions Group production:

Director - Yoni Zigler / Director
Account Manager & Producer - Maya Cohen
DOP - David Stragmeister
Production - Jonathan Chaver
AC - Gabi Weisman
2nd AC -Yuval Ohav Zion
Gaffer - Lior Perri
Spark - Yuval Landsberg
Grip - Moshe Shabat
Sound - Asaf Abergil
Set Design - Ion Vargalis
Styling - Anna Karpunov
Location Manager - Dan Viztom
Hair & Makeup - Gitla Brushel Makeup & Hair Artist
PA - Omer Shahar

Casting - Inbar David
Actors - Robby Berman, Anaya Jade, Romi Horowitz, Sarit Brato, Gili Roskis,
Dean Ge**er, Nathan Koffman, David Rayner, Dror Dzo, Gabriela Börschmann Ziegler

Editor - Yoni Zigler
Motion Designer - Adam Ben Ami
Color Grading - David Stragmeister
Sound Design - Guy Shkedy


You gotta get that Boost! New for Alma Lasers International
Fun fact: no humans were involved in the making of the music.
All the rest was created by these beautiful people >>

Alma Lasers International - Victoria Raz, Yuli Sarah Netanel, Idan Shababo

A Mamash Productions Group Production

Director & Creative - Yoni Zigler / Director
Account Manager & Producer - Maya Cohen
DOP -Oran Avivi
Production - Morani Sama
AC - Eviatar Lavie
Gaffer - Alexei Antonovski
Spark - Idan Igor
Sound - Asaf Abergil
Set Design - Ion Vergalis
Styling - Tomer Elmoznino
Hair & Makeup - Gitla Brushel Makeup & Hair Artist
PA - Omri Sagie
Stills photographer - Tal Brushel

Casting - Inbar David
Cast: Nahal Lin, Gilian Rose, Lee Ofir, Wendy Balaish, Tadila Tiruneh, Noy Ben Brit, Eva Kleyman

Editor - Yoni Zigler
Motion Design - Tomer Gerbi
Color Grading - Hagay Swisa
Sound Design - Guy Shkedy


When intelligence meets simplicity in a beautiful new spot for Alma Lasers International Harmony.

Alma dream team: Victoria Raz, Yuli Sarah Netanel, Idan Shababo

A Mamash Productions Group production:

Director & Scriptwriter: Yoni Zigler / Director
Producer: Morani Sama
Casting Director: Inbar David
DOP: Oran Avivi
AC: Aviv Kagan
Gaffer: Nir Rachmin
Spark: Idan Farkash
Grip: Liad Berger
Assistant Grip: Hanan Buckman
PA: Omer Shahar

Set Design: Shir Hadi
Hair & Makeup: Michal Naiger
Styling: Haya Vider

Shot at Parallax Virtual Production Studio: Nadav Hekselman & Yoni Geva

Post production producer: Maya Cohen
Editor: Yoni Zigler
Supervision & Motion Design: Awesome - a Deloitte studio , Shimi Cohen & Guy Ross
Color Grading: Yoni Passi
Additional sound design: Guy Shkedy

Original Music by The Soundery: Luke Brown & Liam Iliffe

Cast: Lev Rasin, Ayana Kean, Alan Godin, Karina Zeng and Alex.


It's time we add Taboola to our mix.
These ads turned out delicious!!

Taboola team:
Global head of enterprise marketing - Guy Zuckerman
Sr. Growth Marketing Manager - Katia Gelfman
Web Designer - Marina Okner

A Mamash Group Production:
Director & Creative - Yoni Zigler / Director
DOP - Oran Avivi
Production - Maya Cohen & Morani Sama
Casting - Inbar David
AC - Jonny Karni
Gaffer - Alexei
Spark - Idan Igor
Grip - Tamir Lampert
Sound - Michael Stolier
PA - Zohar Yerushalmi

Hair & Makeup - Roy Hemo
Styling - Anna Karpunov
Art - Ion Vergalis & Yanis Balandin

Post production producer - Maya Cohen
Editor - Yoni Zigler
Motion designer - Tomer Gerbi
Sound mix - Guy Shkedy
Color Grading - Yoni Passi

Cast - Gili Roskis


To all the engineers, designers, and visionaries
- this one is for you!

Happy to share our new videos for Stratasys who are revolutionizing product development with 3D printing rapid prototyping solutions!
Bringing to market new advanced capabilities for engineers and designers to feel and test their visions with functional and visual prototypes.

Special thanks to the amazing Einat Ben Horin and Judy Badnani
Creative & Script - Alon Seifert

A Mamash Group Production:

Director - Yoni Zigler
Producer - Morani Sama
DOP - Oran Avivi
AC - Aviv Kagan
Gaffer - Dror Zinmen
Spark - Moses Antebi
Grip - Matan Shahaf
Grip assistant - Omer Cavshana
PA - Omer Shahar, Zohar Yerushalmi
Casting - Inbar David
Art director - Ion Vergalis
Styling - Tomer Almoznino
Make up & Hair - Michal Neiger

Post production producer - Maya Cohen
Offline editing - Yoni Zigler
Motion Design & Compositing - Awesome - a Deloitte Studio
Color Grading - Yoni Passi
Sound design - Guy Shkedi

Cast: Ramit Shalom, Shira Nemirovsky, David Ben Shimon, Oded Dawer, Stanislav, Anna Tukerchuk

 BTS 🤘🏻 📸 By

BTS 🤘🏻
📸 By


Join the Moadon with our new commercial for Fattal & friends club - starring the all so sexy Red and Philip 🤩
A Mamash Group production

Creative & Script: Nir Levi
Creative manager: Amit Sides
Director: Yoni Zigler
Producer: Morani Sama
DOP: Oran Avivi
AC: Armen Sarkisov
AC assistant: Gali Rubin
Gaffer: Alexey Antonovsky
Spark: Idan Pasechnik
Grip: Omer Agemi
PA: Omer Shahar, Omri Sagie
Sound: Tamir Atali
Styling: Shiraa Levi
Hair & Makeup: Girtla Brushel
Art Director: Ion Vergalis
Post production producer: Maya Cohen
Offline editing: Yoni Zigler & Amit Sides
Online & Color Grading: Way Studio
Sound mix: Nitzan Levy, Guy Shkedi
Starring: Red Band & Amit Moscovitz
Special thanks to the Fattal dream team: Avia Magen, Anat Aharon, Adi Baran, Adva Melamed, Sari Reches, Sarit Arie


Happy to share our new video for Navan - Business travel and expense management - Solved!

A Mamash Group Production

Executive producers: Gal De-lange & Eyal Friedmann
Creative Script: Nir Levi
Director: Gadi Portnoy
Production: Morani Sama
AD: Tamar Menshes
DOP: Eitan Hatuka
Casting: Inbar David
AC: Iftach Kedem
Gaffer: Fatian Ibrahim
Grip: Liad Berger
Grip assistant: Carmel Atari
Spark: Idan Farkash
Sound: Michael Stoliar

Set design: Ion Vergalis
Costume design: Orgad Edery
Styling: Hadas Tzur
Hair & makeup: Gitla Brushel Makeup & Hair Artist
PA's: Omri Sagi, Zohar Yerushalmi

Post production producer: Maya Cohen
Offline: Gadi Portnoy
Online: Vadim Ben Zakrim
Sound design: Ohad Tsahar

Cast: Matan Amit, Aydan Turner, Yiftach Kaminer, Yater Shulberg, Talia Martin

Navan's all-star team: Shmulik Belo Tom Pinchuk, Molly Sonenberg, Maya Steingarten, Shir Shavit

Special thanks to the amazing Google Israel Creative works team - Eldad Weinberger, Adva Navonand, Keren Daya


Alma: “The new Soprano Titanium is faster than ever.”
Mamash: “We got you ;)”


A Mamash Productions Group production
Executive Producers: Gal De-lange & Eyal Friedmann
Director & Scriptwriter: Yoni Zigler / Director
Producer: Morani Sama
DP: Oran Avivi Tami Har-Lev Directors&Talent Agency
AC: Aviv Kagan
Gaffer: Alexey Antonovsky
Assistant Gaffer: Idan Igor
Key Grip: Liad Berger
Assistant Grip: Hanan Buckman
PA: Omer Shahar
Set Design: Shir Hadi
Set Design Assistant: Mati Gordon
Styling: Shira Levi
Hair & Makeup: Michal Nager
Casting: Inbar David
Cast: Yoshevah Jones & Samantha Lipkin
Editor: Yoni Zigler
Motion Design: Shimi Cohen Awesome - a Deloitte Studio
Motion Designer: Guy Ross
Color Grading: Daniel De Laranja
Sound Design: Guy Shkedy

Special thanks to the amazing Alma Lasers International team: Vika Raz Idan Shababo Tal Burgan Yuli Sarah Netanel


Happy to share our new project for the amazing

Special thanks to the fabulous Daniel Binsted

Creative & Script:Ishay Ravid
Director: Yoni Zigler / Director
DOP: Oran Avivi
Production specialist: Maya Cohen
Line producer: Netanel Yosef
Art: Ion Korea
Styling: Shira Levi
MUA: Omri Ovdat
Locations: Amir Galperin

LA casting: DB casting

Actor: Shawn Frambach

And all the rest of the crew and cast for this great project

Some   pics from your latest project 📸 for  🩵     By

Some pics from your latest project 📸 for 🩵



Happy to take some weight off your shoulders with this new spot for Next Insurance ✨

A Mamash Group Production:

Creative & Script - Tal Rosenthal & Noam Sharon - TSFM

Director & Producer -Tom Morris
First AD: Rachel Shimko
Director of Photography: Brooks Ludwick
Art Director: Leah Waters-Katz
Wardrobe Stylist: Jolene Nava
Stunt Coordinator: Brandon Belieu
Production Sound: Chris Claypool
First Assistant Camera: Allen Chodakowski
Second Assistant Camera: Dusty Saunders
Stills Photographer: Chris Lorimer
Gaffer: Gordon Yould
Key Grip: Randy Newman
Swing: Leah Yould
Key PA: Geoff Samuels
PA: Jeremy Samuels

Presenter: Jack De Sanz
Contractor: Justin Usle
Caterer: KeNeice Musgrove
Office Worker: Ethan Mole
Masseuse: Jessica Basista

Amberlin Morse, Erica Colarruso, Lesly Flores, Sydney Campbell

Post Production:
Post Production Producer: Maya Cohen
Offline editor: Amit Sides
Motion Design & Compositing: : Awesome - a Deloitte Studio - Shimi Cohen, Guy Ross
Color Grading: Yoni Pessi
Sound Mix: Guy Shekdi

Special thanks to Anat Harel and KimChi Chen from the Next Insurance team.

And to Mr Tom Morris for making this magic happen!

Some backstage photos from our latest video for  Going back to the 90’s was so much fun! 👾By

Some backstage photos from our latest video for
Going back to the 90’s was so much fun! 👾


Still doing IT like it’s 1995?! You need Atera
A new commercial for our friends at Atera

Atera's all-star team:
Gil Pekelman, Nir Elharar, Yaara Dekel, Adi Orr, Noa Nuni, Oshri Moyal, Elad Elram, Bar Maltabashi, Josh Plit, Anna Turkot, Yotam Rapaport

A Mamash Group Production:
Executive producers - Gal De Lange & Eyal Friedmann
Creative, Script & Directors - Tal Rosenthal, Noam Sharon - TSFM Tal Natan
DOP - Eitan Hatuka Tami Gur
Line producer: Morani Sama
Production specialist - Maya Cohen
Assistant director: Tamar Menashes
Casting - Inbar David
Hair & makeup - Orit Tsadik, Or Sapir
Styling - Oren Dar
Set design - Eden Ohana, Shiran Hadad, Shai Bernshtein
AC - Evyatar Lavi, Eitan Hillbourn
Gaffer - Ezer Katsav
Spark - Gal luzon
PA -Omri Sagie
Grip - Roy mano
Grip assistant: Urial

Transcoding:Omer Leshem
Offline editing - Tal Rosenthal, Noam Sharon, Yarden Levi
Motion design - Deloitte motion, Shimi Cohen, Guy Ross
Sound design - Guy Shkedy, Yael Heim
Color Grading: Yoni Passy

Actors: Jordan Tiger, Nadav Zilberman, Aviv Hayot, Eliya Gormshov, Sasha Grinbaum, Farok Datch, Drora Corem

Stills photography: Dor Sharon


New for our friends at Atera

With the talented Yambo Studio & Tal Baltuch

The amazing Atera team:
Gil Pekelman Nir Elharar Yaara Dekel Adi Orr Noa Nuni Oshri Moyal Elad Elram Bar Maltabashi Josh Plit anna.turkot Yotam Rapaport


Aluf Kalman Magen
Tel Aviv


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Our Story

Stories are everywhere.

In cities of millions of people and in a desolate desert at the edge of the world. In a journey of a hundred years and in the corner of a little girl's smile. stories are everywhere.

But while finding a story is relatively easy, telling it is art.

We are Mamash Production Group - A video production company, specializes in the art of telling stories in the most interesting, innovative and effective way.