רבקה קובלסקי צילום אומנותי - Images Through Time

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רבקה קובלסקי צילום אומנותי - Images Through Time Capturing nature landscapes and the human landscape is my passion. I also teach YOU how to do that. "

רבקה קובלסקי

רבקה קובלסקי עלתה לארץ משיקגו בשנת 1985 עם בעלה יוסי.אם לשישה, שהיא גרה באפרת סמוך לירושלים.

רבקה אהבה את הצילום מאז היא לקחה קורס תיכון. תשוקתה גדלה, במיוחד לאחר שלמד צילום בשחור ולבן.

רבקה ממשיכה בעבודת חדר חושך בסטודיו הפרטי שלה. עם הרצון העז שלה כדי להישאר בחוד החנית של התחום שלה, רבקה העזה לתוך העולם המרתק של הדמיה דיגיטלית, תוך שמירה על העניין והאהבה שלה בהיבטים רבים כל כך של צילום, סרט וג

ם דיגיטליים. "המשימה שלי היא ליצור" רגעים נצחיים "כדי ללכוד ולתעד את יפיו של כל רגע ורגע:. כאשר משפחה מתכנס כדי לחגוג ... בי דיוקן ייצור עומק ... שבו התמונה יכולה לספר סיפור, שבו ... מקום על פני כדור הארץ מגיע לחיים ... "

"צילום לוכד את העושר סביבנו. יהין הלב, תשוקה, והנשמה המשולבת בעבודה שלי.

One rule of composition that helps make our images even more interesting is the rule of thirds.  Of course all rules are...

One rule of composition that helps make our images even more interesting is the rule of thirds. Of course all rules are meant to be broken - but try it when composing an image - see if you like it.

This is one of the most fundamental rules of composition. Imagine dividing your image into nine equal parts using horizontal and vertical lines. Placing your subject at one of the intersections can create a more visually interesting and balanced composition.

Want to get more involved in photography? Check out my latest video, where I touch upon the art of the compositional too...

Want to get more involved in photography? Check out my latest video, where I touch upon the art of the compositional tool of framing, and I show how shooting in a city at night can enable you to create some really cool images. This short clip shows the incredible light in the city of Jerusalem at night.

A big shoutout to my 500+ YouTube subscribers! Your support means the world. Join the community and let's learn, share, and grow in photography and creativity, together.


I wanted to share, that thanks to the hard work of Shoshannah Brombacher and everyone else at the American Guild of Juda...

I wanted to share, that thanks to the hard work of Shoshannah Brombacher and everyone else at the American Guild of Judaic Art a new online art exhibit IS UP!!

The annual exhibit is in memory of:

Karen Walanka, z”l (1946-2018)

Karen was a long-time member of the AGJA and the Guild’s president in 2015. In 2007, Karen founded the Judaic Arts Fair in Chicago, one of the most highly regarded biennials of Jewish art and culture in the United States, sponsored by Moriah Congregation.
The AGJA’s annual Karen Walanka Online exhibit is a way for us to honor Karen’s memory, her love of beauty, and her life-long ambition to bring it to us all.

I am honored that my photography work has been included in this really unique and beautiful collection of art. The theme is LIGHT - OR." And boy do we need as much light as we can get.

Please have a look at the exhibit here and send me your comments; I'd love to hear:

Karen was a long-time member of the AGJA and the Guild’s president in 2015. In 2007, Karen founded the Judaic Arts Fair in Chicago, one of the most highly regarded biennials of Jewish art and culture in the United States, sponsored by Moriah Congregation. The AGJA’s annual Karen Walanka Online e...

Since Oct. 7, not only do I contemplate my posts more than usual; but I have also refrained from posts often.  That is s...

Since Oct. 7, not only do I contemplate my posts more than usual; but I have also refrained from posts often.

That is still true.

I waited with this one. I am posting it now because this portrait session held a special meaning to me.

I knew when I arrived at the park, that Tirtza Goldenhersh Friedman, the beautiful mother of this beautiful family, was the daughter of my madricha in Bnei Akiva in Chicago (from a few years back!). I did not know that the kind and wonderful father, Aryeh Friedman, is the son of a dear friend of mine from Moshava and Michlalah (also a few years back), Etana Gordon Friedman Z"L.

As anyone who follows me knows: I LOVE WHAT I DO.

The added bonus, of not just connecting with people and their families, but seeing the continuity of people who are dear to you - seeing their children and grandchildren, seeing the warm and welcoming people that have emerged, the fineness and generosity of spirit - GIVES HOPE. It lights up the darkness. And, it makes what I do that much more meaningful.

כן ירבו

Like most of us, I feel numb, devastated, and depressed. There were a few things yesterday that lifted my spirits a bit:...

Like most of us, I feel numb, devastated, and depressed.

There were a few things yesterday that lifted my spirits a bit:

One was a communal event, and the others were more personal.

This past Shabbat, we in Gush Etzion experienced a miracle. Local terrorists planned a massive terror attack that was foiled, thank GD when 2 car bombs exploded at Tzomet Gush Etzion. That is where we all go to fill our cars with gas, and do shopping. Twenty minutes later, a terrorist breached into the nearby Karmei Tzur settlement, before being shot dead. What could have been tragedies of mammoth proportions, ended with the terrorists being neutralized, damage to the gas station, and some injured (may they speedily recover).

The people of Gush Etzion held a peaceful, solemn gathering of thanksgiving, at the site of this potential tragedy. There were a few speeches, prayers of thanksgiving, and praying for an end to all the pain and injustice. There were cries for unity - we are all fighting ONE cruel enemy.

Of course, the overwhelming feeling of sadness and loss due to the news of our hostages being murdered in cold blood, and the terror attack at Tarqumiyah created a cloud of deep sadness that hovered over all of us.

The main point was: all of us are in this together. We pray for our soldiers to return home safely and victorious; we pray for all the evacuees to return home safely; we pray for all the hostages to return home safely; we pray for all the injured to be healed, body and soul; and we pray for the world to see Hamas and ALL its supporters for what and who they are.


On a personal note, my husband Yosef Kowalsky and I had the great privilege of seeing our grandchildren go to first grade and other grades. We pray for them and all the children to have the opportunity to live in peace and to grow into adulthood with no strife and as little pain as possible. Is that asking too much?

Today the country feels so divided. And we still have funerals and shivas to attend. And a country to defend. We must be united.

Let's try to be together. עם ישראל חי וביחד ננצח!

In a recent branding shoot, we had a really fun portrait and location portrait session.  There was also a really sweet r...

In a recent branding shoot, we had a really fun portrait and location portrait session. There was also a really sweet reception for the Salon of miki & noga clinic where people were able to hear a lecture by -print of Shmulik Visky, enjoy some food and wine, and make the coolest (or warmest) water bottles with our own decorations by my friend and colleague levi.

The beauty of the event was manifold - we were able to celebrate the success of 2 young women entrepreneurs Miki Gorodetzer and Noga Tzachor; as well as celebrate a small business growing despite all the difficulties in this period. Michelle Mannasse Gorodetzer

Let's support our local businesses - and I am happy to help you do that with quality photography to help everyone see who you are and how great you are.

Really beautiful mezuzot that are for sale.  Yisrael, a young, married father of 1, is selling these beautiful works of ...

Really beautiful mezuzot that are for sale. Yisrael, a young, married father of 1, is selling these beautiful works of art. Contact him by WhatsApp for more info and/or to order:

If you are spontaneous AND love taking pictures, join a small group with me and my students at a sort of last-minute wor...

If you are spontaneous AND love taking pictures, join a small group with me and my students at a sort of last-minute workshop in the shuk TONIGHT. PM/DM to sign up. It's gonna be really cool.

Last night, there was a special Unity Event all over Israel.  The idea was to have 100 people at 100 intersections plead...

Last night, there was a special Unity Event all over Israel. The idea was to have 100 people at 100 intersections pleading for unity. The goal was to have people from all walks of Israeli life - bereaved families, families of the hostages, and families of chayalim - all of "US" together.

Yosef Kowalsky and I went to the Tzomet HaGush - the closest to our home.

PLEASE Gd help us - we are one family, all brothers and sisters, sons and daughters.

אבינו מלכינו חמול עלינו ועל עוללנו וטפינו
אבינו מלכנו עשה למען הרוגים על שם קדשך
אבינו מלכנו עשה למען טבוחים על יחודך
אבינו מלכנו עשה למען באי באש ובמים על קידוש שמך

Sharon Feifer Naomi Feifer-Weiser Debbie Rapps Dov Rapps

Capturing the energy of a live event was really cool.  This shot of David Harbater teaching his ideas in Torah thought, ...

Capturing the energy of a live event was really cool. This shot of David Harbater teaching his ideas in Torah thought, drew a large crowd. He recently launched his new book, link to purchase:

My aim as a photographer is all about creating impactful visuals. Strong imagery can elevate your brand and connect with your audience.

Let's chat about how professional photography can help you tell your story.

Follow David and order his amazing new book - I highly recommend his wise words and high level of expression and writing - follow him on FB and join his whatsapp group on thoughts about the parsha:


Strong visual storytelling can help your business stand out. Let's discuss how professional photography can elevate your...

Strong visual storytelling can help your business stand out. Let's discuss how professional photography can elevate your brand and connect with your audience. Interested in learning more? DM me!

Capturing the essence of Miki Gorodetzer and Noga Tzachor's 1st anniversary was very moving and empowering.


We are all thrilled with the great heroism of our anonymous fighters and all who were involved in these miraculous opera...

We are all thrilled with the great heroism of our anonymous fighters and all who were involved in these miraculous operations.

Our prayers are with all our chayalim who are out there fighting; all our people who are injured and fighting for their return to health; all our evacuee families to return to their homes, and all our hostages to BE RETURNED HOME SAFELY NOW.

Last night I had the great joy of meeting over 20 young women from South Africa and Australia who are here studying for the year. They came in the middle of a war (they arrived in February) and they are contributing in any way they can.

We did a nighttime photography workshop in Jerusalem. I was impressed with their talent AND their kindness.

A full video will follow - in the meantime feel uplifted by these young women and by our beautiful city of Jerusalem at night!

Thank you to the master tour guide and human Rivi Frankel for putting this together.

We can organize a family photography workshop, a group from your workplace, or anything that has to do with learning photography!

Be in touch if you are interested.

As you might have seen lately (and if you notice my cover photo) there are many dance shows and performances that I phot...

As you might have seen lately (and if you notice my cover photo) there are many dance shows and performances that I photograph.

One of the highlights of my career was to shoot the now director, choreographer, and pretty much everything else, Nadya Timofeyeva, of the Jerusalem Ballet Company, in HER last performance on stage several years back.

History in the making...and now new history is being made!

It is almost impossible to know when to post anything NOT about this horrible protracted war.  We all have to do anythin...

It is almost impossible to know when to post anything NOT about this horrible protracted war. We all have to do anything we can to help those who need help, to do anything to support our soldiers, our wounded, our hostages, and our evacuees. ANYTHING we can do - we have to do...

Last week, I photographed a family in honor of the 50th anniversary of the parents, where they celebrated with their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Some of the families were from Sderot; some of the families had soldiers serving so we had to leave a space for them, and ALL of us were praying for better times where celebrations can be full celebrations.

The later afternoon hours along the Ashkelon coast provided the perfect backdrop for this family portrait session, despite the intense heat and sunlight. Capturing these moments in the bright sunlight was a rewarding experience after Yosef Kowalsky and I practically set up a full studio along the seashore!

A few of the family members, who weren't wiped by the heat stuck around for some individual shots as well!

The genuine connection and love shared within this family was palpable.

Let me help you create your own cherished family portraits.

It's not like I haven't known the Harbater family for years.  I have photographed their family events; I have worked for...

It's not like I haven't known the Harbater family for years. I have photographed their family events; I have worked for the kind and wonderful Alissa Fried Harbater teaching photography workshops to new Olim; and some other projects.

When David Harbater approached me to do some headshots for his new book, I was excited. Because I love this family and I love what I do.

BUT: I hadn't really known Rabbi Dr. David Harbater until I heard him speak at the book launch of his new book (sefer) "In the Beginnings," and until I read his book.

WOW. Not only does R'David have unique Torah ideas, that are written VERY well, his passion is powerful and infectious.

I urge you to do the following if new and creative Torah ideas are up your alley: hear R' David at the Yemei Iyun of Herzog College - the photo with info is posted here;

Purchase his newest book: https://www.amazon.com/Beginnings-Discovering-Worldviews-Hidden-Genesis/dp/9657801206

Join his WhatsApp chat: Thoughts on Torah, Judaism, and Jewish Education: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DQbucbRPtX5EseesZgymzo

And, follow R' David on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Rabbi.Dr.David.Harbater

And, if you are writing a book or need headshots for anything, call me! (0545932049).

Have a safe and quiet day.

I went to the Shuk (Machane Yehuda) last week, at night.  The activity was riveting, the characters walking everywhere, ...

I went to the Shuk (Machane Yehuda) last week, at night. The activity was riveting, the characters walking everywhere, and the light was intriguing. Thankfully, I had my camera with me. I was meeting someone, so I could not really focus on my street photography - but I was itching to do so.

That's when I decided that our next street photography workshop would be under those same conditions.

JOIN US - especially if you enjoy photography and want to learn more and get some really cool images.

I wanted to post about our next photography workshop, and I just read about another hero who fell - I just can't.  Later...

I wanted to post about our next photography workshop, and I just read about another hero who fell - I just can't. Later or tomorrow. WHEN WILL IT END?

הצבי ישראל על במותיך חלל.

בית נוף אילון מודיע בצער רב על נפילתו של סרן מרדכי קדמון הי"ד, בנם של הרב יצחק ומיכל ונכדם של ר' צבי ומרים סמואל.
נפל בעזה.
תהא נשמתו צרורה בצרור החיים.

תודה ששמרת עלינו גיבור. תודה וסליחה💔

Ugh! Ever get that perfect scene lined up, but the sun is just too harsh, washing out all your details?That's where thes...

Ugh! Ever get that perfect scene lined up, but the sun is just too harsh, washing out all your details?

That's where these little lifesavers come in – Neutral Density (ND) filters!

ND filters are like sunglasses for your camera lens. They block out extra light, allowing you to use slower shutter speeds for creative effects like silky smooth water or blurred motion. Or just to get the right exposure for your video footage.

Don't forget to subscribe, like, and share this video to spread the message of hope, unity, and resilience. Together, we are stronger.

Visit www.imagesthroughtime.com
To get your special Land of Israel coffee table book and so much more click here http://www.imagesthroughtime.com/Judaica_publications.html


Ugh! Ever get that perfect scene lined up, but the sun is just too harsh, washing out all your details?That's where these little lifesavers come in – Neutral...

Desert: From Ben-Gurion's Legacy to Wild Ibex Encounters This past weekend, our journey south to Mitzpe Ramon took a bea...

Desert: From Ben-Gurion's Legacy to Wild Ibex Encounters
This past weekend, our journey south to Mitzpe Ramon took a beautiful detour – a visit to David and Paula Ben-Gurion's gravesite.

The serenity of the desert landscape surrounding their final resting place was truly powerful.

And then there was the Ibex! Let's say I never considered myself a wildlife photographer, but encountering these majestic creatures roaming freely was an unforgettable experience.

But Mitzpe Ramon itself captured a part of my soul. The vast emptiness of the desert, with its dramatic craters and rugged beauty, is unlike anything else in Israel. It's a place that inspires awe and introspection.

While water features are a constant draw for me – the sea, rivers, lakes – the desert's stark beauty captivated me completely. The tranquility and simplicity of the landscape had a profound effect.

These are just a few glimpses of the magic we discovered on our trip. It reminded me of the incredible diversity of landscapes Israel has to offer, and the power they have to move us.

Thinking of bringing a piece of that magic into your own home? I offer high-quality prints of my landscapes, from deserts to coastlines, mountains to cityscapes. Browse my Instagram account () or my page to see more samples; or simply PM/DM to request EXACTLY what you are looking for, and find the perfect piece to enhance your space and inspire you every day.

Capturing the Magic: Years of Growth with the Jerusalem Ballet Company .I've been privileged to document the incredible ...

Capturing the Magic: Years of Growth with the Jerusalem Ballet Company .

I've been privileged to document the incredible journey of the Jerusalem Ballet Company dancers for years. Witnessing their dedication, prowess, and talent has been an inspiring experience.

As always, this year's end of the season's gala performance was a culmination of months of hard work and artistic expression. Watching these dancers of a very wide range of ages, take the stage with such confidence and artistry is a testament to the exceptional training they receive. Nadya Timofeyeva Martin Schonberg Oded Ronen Julia Muster. Thanks to Marina Neeman for helping to start the company and for her many years of dedicated service.

Beyond the technical skill, there's a beautiful sense of family and continuity within the Jerusalem Ballet Company. Senior dancers and younger ones, help foster a supportive environment where everyone can thrive. And, so many of the mothers and dancers I have come to be close with over the years join me in the audience all these years.

This annual gala is a celebration of this growth. Watching students grow over the years, and now shine as confident performers is incredibly rewarding. Their eyes sparkle with fulfillment, and their passion for dance is palpable.

It is an honor to capture these fleeting moments of grace, power, and pure joy. Through my lens, I hope to showcase the dedication, passion, and remarkable talent that blooms within the Jerusalem Ballet Company.

Are you interested in learning more about the Jerusalem Ballet School and its incredible dancers? Visit them here on FB Jerusalem Ballet Company!

I will continue to photograph their shows and feel submerged in beauty in motion. And, there are many many images that I want to share - stay tuned!

Each piece was deeply moving and meaningful. The opening piece, choreographed by the masterful and yet sensitive Oded Ronen was entitled: "It Could Have Been Me." The sung song, as the dancers danced, was composed by Lionel Faretein, in which we rea reminded of our hostages, name by name. Here is a link to that song: https://youtu.be/whJlGf2lH9o?si=JI94rf2ToHtGXLTF

Unfolding the Perfect Flow: Capturing Joy, Peace, and Community at the Lusha Yoga (& Pilates) Studio's Grand Opening The...

Unfolding the Perfect Flow: Capturing Joy, Peace, and Community at the Lusha Yoga (& Pilates) Studio's Grand Opening
The magic of a new beginning unfolded at Lusha Yoga's grand opening this weekend, and I was there to capture lots of beautiful moments!
More than just a fitness space, Lusha Yoga Move With Love by Ayala radiates a sense of serenity and connection. The studio itself is a haven of tranquility, bathed in warm light and adorned with tasteful design elements. Whether you're a seasoned yogi or a curious beginner, it's a space that instantly invites you to breathe deeply and find your center. Ayala Apel is a most professional and gentle teacher and will help you no matter what level you are at.

But what truly stole the show were the heartwarming interactions between families. Grandparents beamed with pride as they connected with their grandchildren. The atmosphere buzzed with a sense of shared joy and exploration, reminding us that yoga is more than just physical postures – it's about connecting with ourselves and those we love.

At ImagesThroughTime (Rebecca Kowalsky Photography), we specialize in capturing the essence of your special events. From grand openings like this to intimate family gatherings and larger celebrations, we document the moments that matter most, preserving memories that will last a lifetime.

Looking to capture the magic of your next event? We'd love to chat! Contact us today to discuss your photography needs.

To make a long story short - I have flown my original drone many times - and then I received an old new drone, far more ...

To make a long story short - I have flown my original drone many times - and then I received an old new drone, far more powerful than my original one.

A kind friend helped me deal with the complications AND he took me in his jeep to the Judean desert. I can't say I wasn't scared going up and down steep mountains of dirt and sand, BUT he got the drone to work and I got to practice flying and videoing with my "new" drone.

And, of course, I brought my Sony Middle East Alpha cameras with me and got some still shots.

Have a look at the short clip about this outing, on my Youtube channel; if you like it please subscribe!


I hope to go back when it is a bit more colorful, but there is a peace and beauty in a barren desert.

Last Thursday I led a photography workshop in the Old City of Jerusalem.  This was not our first workshop, but it was th...

Last Thursday I led a photography workshop in the Old City of Jerusalem. This was not our first workshop, but it was the first workshop where we focused (pun intended, I guess) more on the light and shadow and contrast and a bit less on compositional rules.

I give my students homework assignments so that they look at their work during the week after our workshop, and it helps them really look at their images and choose which images are their keepers...and lots more.

I received results from a number of my students.

I thought this was worth sharing with all of you.

I ask, and make it optional, that people write an essay alongside their work when they submit their images.

A few of the images taken by Ariella Bernstein and her accompanying text are presented here. I was deeply moved. I am so proud. And, I am humbled by the depth and poignancy of this:

In these dark times, find the light.

The light that follows you through the doorway.

The light that’s ahead of you.

The light that creeps through the cracks.

The light you bask in without seeking it.

The light you can reach.

The light you can’t reach.

The light you climb toward.

The light you run away from.

The light of multigenerational love.

The light at the end of the tunnel.

Yosef Kowalsky Rachel Rosenblu Susan Handelman Lisa Stepner ראובן ירון SusieTours Licensed Tour Guide Israel

PM for details about our photography workshops and the option for smaller one on one or two on one lessons.

For those who want to read about this amazing project (that I got to see firsthand when I photographed the sendoff), in ...

For those who want to read about this amazing project (that I got to see firsthand when I photographed the sendoff), in English. Here it is: https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/article-809248

Not only do I get to do what I love, but my friend, Alan Rosenbaum, a dear friend since high school, wrote the piece. So we "collaborated."

Yay World Zionist Organization - ההסתדרות הציונית העולמית and all your great staff: Roi Abecassis Rotem Aharoni Yehoshua ניצן ברזלי- זף

Emissaries will be under the auspices of the Education Department of the World Zionist Movement.

On one hand this is "story" material. BUT I gotta make this a post.  A client of mine from Florida sent me a screenshot ...

On one hand this is "story" material. BUT I gotta make this a post. A client of mine from Florida sent me a screenshot that I came up as a suggestion on her YouTube suggested videos.

I have worked hard in between all my photography work, on my video work and developing my YouTube channel. https://youtube.com/?si=xylLRpgKsDtJpfx_


Have a look at my channel. Please "Like" some of the videos. I hope you find them interesting and educational. Let me know what else you'd like to see.


The interaction among, and between the children greatly moved me about this family.  I try to learn from every experienc...

The interaction among, and between the children greatly moved me about this family. I try to learn from every experience. This was no exception. The joy of photographing emotions and connections, especially when they are portrayed so authentically is infinitely soul-filling.

Post  #3 of event  #3 from last week:Connections - that is the name of the game!!These family portraits were taken in ho...

Post #3 of event #3 from last week:

Connections - that is the name of the game!!

These family portraits were taken in honor of the "young" Gold couple, celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary.

Their 2 children and 6 grandchildren all came together to celebrate. So, of course, we had to do family portraits.

But, there is more to it!

I had done the Bat Mitzvah of one of the young women 18 (EIGHTEEN) years ago; and I have done headshots, dance performances, and family portraits for Keren Lawner Gold and her family over the years!

It was really special to work ALL together and create fun and beautiful images for the grandparents to enjoy and savor their nachat, BE"H for MANY years to come.

All the members of this family were lively, cooperative, and creative so we got good stuff and HAD A LOT OF FUN!
Rachel Gold Shaked Maudah

Post  #2 of event  #2 from last week:This is an amazing story.  I will tell you a bit of it and then I will send you to ...

Post #2 of event #2 from last week:

This is an amazing story. I will tell you a bit of it and then I will send you to some links where you can learn more about these incredible people on your own.

Gidon Lev is an 89-year-old Holocaust survivor. Julie Gray is Gidon's life partner, including writing and publishing Gidon's amazing life story.

They needed portraits and lifestyle shots for their new book and other purposes.

My loyal partner Yosef Kowalsky drove us up to Timrat - a yishuv up north and we did our thing.

Working together the 4 of us created some art. We created a bond, and a friendship.

Follow Gidon's story on YouTube (by just typing in"Gidon Lev') and on Instagram by searching for The True Adventures of Gidon & Julie.

Gidon offered to help US unload our equipment when we arrived! (remember 89 years old!); and Julie Gray made us feel totally at home, as if we knew one another for years.

Here is a sample (and notice m cover photo for an impromptu image of Gidon):

(There is already one book about Gidon's life story which I am loving. Contact them to order a copy if you are interested.)

Post  #1 of event  #1 from last week:I have photographed and gotten to know this beautiful family over the years, as the...

Post #1 of event #1 from last week:

I have photographed and gotten to know this beautiful family over the years, as the grandparents of Naomi, the Bat Mitzvah girl, have had me do family portraits several times.

THIS time Naomi was the Bat Mitzvah girl and Eva Gonsher and Yehoshua Gonsher were my people.

It was a VERY hot day. Before we began the outdoor family portraits in a park near the party venue, in the midst of all the rushing of getting dressed and ready - EVERY member of this family - parents and children, wanted to take care of me and my assistant. They insisted on bringing us water, they kept offering to help, and they sent one of the kids to guide us to the exact location.

I do not take these gestures lightly. What a privilege to work with people like this.
Mazal tov Naomi and to all the Gonshers!

Before I post 3 events that I shot last week (and they were so wonderful, and afforded me the great opportunity to conne...

Before I post 3 events that I shot last week (and they were so wonderful, and afforded me the great opportunity to connect with such quality people), I wanted to share the following:

Yesterday my husband Yosef Kowalsky, and I attended a performance in Tekoa of the 8th grade graduating class. Our eldest grandson is in that class Rachel Rosenblu. Of course, as grandparents, we go because of the nachat we receive from our grandchildren.

We walked away, after crying, laughing, and often looking at each other in wonderment, so deeply moved by these young adults. They wrote a brilliant script; they acted and performed, and played music with pride and a lack of inhibition.

We never would have imagined that our children and grandchildren would have to live in a period that included Oct. 7 and its aftermath. NEVER. But, they do.

Their grasping of the inherent difficulties in everyday life, and life's trials and tribulations exacerbated on Oct 7, was nothing less than a show of immense depth, talent, and dealing with their emotions openly and healthily. Our youth is extraordinary!

I don't think any of us would choose to go to a mesibat siyum a second time - but I wouldn't mind seeing this one again.

May we know no more losses or pain. May all the hostages come home already. May all the evacuees return safely to their homes. May all the injured soldiers be healed completely and quickly. May all the bereaved families be healed in the deepest ways possible. Please GD.

P.S. I have many photos, but I do not want to post them without the permission of the parents of the students.


HaGefen Street 20/1


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