Think you know Jewish history? Think again! 💡 Jewish & Israel Trivia is here to put your knowledge to the test with a fun-filled journey through history, culture, and all things Jewish! Packed with surprising facts, quirky questions, and those 'Aha!' moments, it’s the perfect blend of learning and laughter.
Whether you’re: 🎉 A Trivia Master looking for a challenge 🍽️ A Shabbat Pro ready to impress with cool facts 📚 A culture enthusiast diving deep into Jewish and Israeli lore ✈️ Or simply someone who loves a good trivia game on the go…
This book is your next must-have! Available at for Israel and pre-order for the rest of the world 🙌
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Chanukah Sameach 🕎
✨ Chanukah is not just a story of miracles; it's a testament to resilience, faith, and hope — values that resonate deeply today🕎
Roni Malkai , author of We Are Black Jews: Ethiopian Jewry and the Journey to Equality in Israel, reminds us that hope is the light we must keep burning, even in the face of adversity. ✨
Her powerful upcoming book shares the incredible journey of the Beta Israel community, their fight to preserve identity through centuries of exile, and their continued resilience in the Promised Land. It's a call to embrace a richer, more inclusive Jewish identity.
This Chanukah, let the flame of hope inspire us to envision a brighter, united future. 🌟
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💪 Dov Lipman shows us that the Maccabees were a testament to resilience. No matter how dark things may seem, there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. This Chanukah, we remember that even through tragedy, we rise stronger with faith.
📕In Magic in the Tragic, Dov Lipman shares inspirational stories that came out during the darkest time for our nation during these modern days
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✨ Devorah Kigel reminds us that on Chanukah, we celebrate not only the miracle of oil, but also the perseverance of our faith. The Greeks tried to prohibit our Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh (the counting of it), Brit Milah, Torah, but the Maccabees fought and won to preserve our traditions.
Each year, the candles we light symbolize emunah (faith)—and a reminder that despite challenges, we will always rise.
📕 In Marry a Mensch, Devorah offers practical advice on dating, and her 2024 book provides even more insights for women on the journey to find a mensch 💖
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Are you settling for "bread crumbs" in your relationship/situationship?🙄
If you're ready to meet Mr. Perfect-for-you, you have to realize that being in a situationship will prevent you from meeting your potential soulmate. You have to clear the way and get rid of anyone blocking the door to your bashert, so you can date with a clear head✨!
📍 Devorah talks in more detail about this in her new book "Marry a Mensch"- Available now !
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After a broken engagement and everyone telling her she was never going to find what she was looking for, Devorah went to the Western Wall and poured her heart out to G'D...
3 months later, she met her husband 🥰 💍 Sometimes it’s so hard to keep the faith, but keeping your hope alive is crucial.
📍 Devorah's life experience led her to become a dating coach who is relatable to all types of women. She just released a book called "Marry a Mensch" to help other women get clarity on their dating life 📙
Available now
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Is knowing exactly what you want (and don't want) being picky?🤔
No! It means you're being selective😌! You need to truly know what is important to you to marry your Mr. Right
How can you do that? In this video Devorah teaches us 2 important (and fundamental) steps:
#1 Getting to know yourself💪
#2 Having a deal breaker list 📃
📹 Watch this video to get some special insights on this topic
📍 Need more advice? Check Devorah's book "Marry a Mensch",self%2Ddiscovery%20and%20spiritual%20growth.a
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Past relationships and mistakes can be valuable if you learn from them!
These experiences help you recognize what truly matters in a long-term partner, guiding you as you start dating again❤️
📍 Listen to Devorah's advice here, and if you want to learn more, read her book Marry a Mensch, available now on the Gefen Publishing House website and Amazon
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We all want a relationship built on true values 💖but it starts with how we date
Dating with dignity means feeling empowered to demand better treatment from the guys you date, instead of settling for less 💫—and it’s a key lesson in Devorah Kigel’s new book Marry a Mensch. Ready to level up your love life? 💍
📍 Learn more about dating with dignity in Devorah Kigel new book Marry a Mensch 📚 at Gefen Publishing House website and Amazon
#DateWithDignity #MarryAMensch #TrueValues #HealthyRelationships #SelfRespect #GefenBooks
When a guy is marriage-minded and interested in you for the right reasons, you won’t need to ask yourself: “Does he seem serious? Why didn’t he call? Is he dating someone else?” 💭 His actions will leave no room for doubt, and you’ll feel secure in the relationship. 💍 No mixed signals, just clarity and commitment.
📍 Learn more about finding that kind of love in Devorah Kigel’s new book Marry a Mensch 📚 available on Gefen Publishing House website and Amazon
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✨ Simchat Torah joy meets the pages of Torah Comics! 🎉
Celebrate the beauty of Torah in a whole new way with Andrew Galitzer’s Torah Comics! 📖✡️
Each parasha is brilliantly summarized in a fun, one-page comic 💬 ✡️ Perfect for kids and families, these engaging illustrations bring Torah to life, making it easy to connect with the stories and lessons. Whether you're at home, school, or shul, Torah Comics adds a burst of excitement to Torah study!
📍 "Torah Comics" by Andrew Galitzer
Available now 🎉
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