About Israel Today Magazine
A Zionist voice of hope and truth in MidEast news media
Israel Today is a Jerusalem-based news agency providing daily local and biblical perspectives on the news in Israel and the Middle East. Way back in 1978 we began publishing a monthly Israeli news magazine in German, and were honored to attain wide circulation. Due to popular demand, in 1999 we launched the Englis
h language edition. Israel Today maintains a diverse staff of local journalists who live in the Land and report from firsthand experience offering information, interviews and inspiration on daily life in Israel - especially Jewish and New Testament perspectives. Israel Today’s mission is to be the definitive source for a truthful, balanced and inspiring biblical perspective on Israel, and to provide timely news directly from Jerusalem – the focus of world attention. This is especially important these days as we see prophetic events unfolding before our eyes. Israel Today has subscribers in more than 80 countries, bound together by a common interest in and love for Israel. Israel Today supplies an online news service updated throughout the day, with SEARCHABLE archives. Among the subjects in Israel Today’s website, are:
Biblical Analysis of Current Events,
Messianic Jews,
Christians in Israel,
Palestinians & Islam,
Travel & Tourism,
Culture & Art,
Nature & Environment and more. In addition, we offer you practical ways to ACT for Zion's sake by helping the needy, connecting with Israel and buying Israeli products. We warmly invite you to Connect with Israel, today:
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