The 5th Quarter I הרובע החמישי I الربع الخامس

The 5th Quarter I הרובע החמישי I الربع الخامس The 5th Quarter is a unique historical place in the Old City of Jerusalem. Ariel De Lion's team adop

Ariel De Lion's team adopted the site for a limited period to air interviews on DEFI, Timeline of Prophecies, and Paranormal phenomena. Jerusalem's Old City is full of unexplained mysteries, what we've done so far is to touch the tip of it, subscribe to our Channel to follow our progress ►►SUBSCRIBE:

Start by watching these two:

When the Narrative Meets the Objective

I Jordan Peterson -

Bones of a Giant Race | Jerusalem's Ancient Cemetery -

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Ariel De Lion and The 5th Quarter

He was born Muslim, grew up christen in L.A., studied at the Kabbalah center, converted to Judaism and five years ago ma...

He was born Muslim, grew up christen in L.A., studied at the Kabbalah center, converted to Judaism and five years ago made “Alia,” and now he is on the path to becoming a Rabbi.

Mordechai Ben Avraham is a writer, speaker, and Rabbinical student at Or Sameh. He was born Muslim, grew up christen in L.A., studied at the Kabbalah center,...

Yo, check it – you can back the Palestinians, you can roll with the Israelis, but if you're down with what went down on ...

Yo, check it – you can back the Palestinians, you can roll with the Israelis, but if you're down with what went down on October 7th? I’ll judge you to the curb. And when you’ll be straight-up canceled, I’ll keep judging you to the curb. And when Humanity will ghost you and history's gonna kick you, I will still judge you to the curb. Peace out if you still don’t condemn October 7th. ✌️ Go ahead and hit that unfriend if you need to.


To the Future Leaders of Israel, Palestine-Jordan, Iran, Lebanon, Ukraine, Russia, and Syria:

Tune in.

This conflict? It's drier than a desert mirage. No God, no holy hymns, just a barren wasteland birthed from an era of stifling monotony and a painful shortage of that wild spark we call creativity. When the core human corpus of compassion, empathy, and sympathy bites the dust, what you're left with are shadows that don't need the night to creep in.

There's this sinister force, an uncaring monstrosity, thriving without a moral compass, causing chaos just because, well, it bloody can. And as I peer into this global crystal ball, here's the sight: You, the leaders of tomorrow, looking these Ego-Primed specters dead in the eyes, announcing with a snarl:

"We've got your number. There's no place dark enough for you to hide. Make your exit or prepare for the storm we're brewing.”

Now, in this whirlwind of chaos, tread carefully. Watch your tongue. Slapping labels on nations, races, religions? That's the fast lane to Armageddon. And believe me, that's the twisted dream of they. So, don't load their guns for them.

Jump into this mission, revamp these lands with every ounce of purpose, donations and love. Block the advance of these swaggering brutes who dare to parade their vile stunts on the world stage. It's like that freaky poison dart frog: looks sharp, but touch it and you're history. Mother Nature doesn't pal around with them, and neither should we.

Upcoming sovereigns of these ancient territories! Grab this call, fuelled by millennia of our land's raw spirit. Stand tall, form that unbreakable front against these lurking nightmares, for the souls of our ancestors and the promise of tomorrow.

The time for "Never Again" is right bloody now.

Friends and family from many places have asked how I feel about this war. I took a few days to digest and remove the ang...

Friends and family from many places have asked how I feel about this war. I took a few days to digest and remove the anger and mourning of my friends who got massacred while dancing in nature.

I’ll start soft, and you can leave anytime. We live in a proxy society, where the meat we eat, is in packages and we are removed from the act of hunting, if we need to hunt it and package it, most of us won’t do it. This is a proxy war, as much as our food is packaged most of us participate in this war while sitting at our homes watching and reading the news. It doesn’t seem real.

Now let’s dive deeper, while we like to label nations with a name and place, this is not the case in a narrative-based war run by proxies like the Wagner group or ISIS or Hamas, who get paid to play. So keep racism at bay, this is not a race-based war. This is a cultural war.

Targeting a gathering where people are dancing, mingling, and some may be under the influence, directly challenges our core values and our freedom of expression. It's an assault on our sacred spaces. It's a blatant strike against our joy.

As a person who served, and been tackled by this type of militia, it took me decades to forget their eyes, their eyes were of a wild tiger with nothing empathic in there for you, and add to it m**h or other kind of war drugs and brainwash, and there you have terminators for hire.

The narrative of those mercenaries and their funders points to the third temple in Jerusalem as their last hope for joy, for salvation. But as reality works, no temple can stand with these dark entities lurking around. It will rise amidst such tumult chaos that its architects will remain unknown. But post chaos, whether it will stand physically or within, the very land will swallow their heartless blood. This war, expected to span a few decades, beckons us to harness their spirit, to meditate their spirit, channeling them until these Amalek(heartlessness) spirits eradicates.

Such is the profound sentiment I carry. This is what I see. That’s my feeling.

What do you feel about this war?

This is the incredible story of Ibrahim, one of the best-known people in the Old City, who reveals that he has seen bone...

This is the incredible story of Ibrahim, one of the best-known people in the Old City, who reveals that he has seen bones of a giant race during his work in the cemetery.

Ibrahim's family lives in Jerusalem's Mount of Olives for over 1,400 years. An ancient graveyard and a holy mountain. His dad's stories passed by word of mouth in their family confesses about a race of Giants with extraordinary power who helped build Mosques and temples.

Ibrahim’s passion and sickness are to host travelers, pilgrims, and sometimes folks with heavy Jerusalem Syndrome in their family’s ancient guesthouse.
One time the distress was accompanied by such stress that put him into a Coma for eight days, during which he realized that God has not yet welcomed him.

Please follow and share.

Much love to come...

Ibrahim, one of the best-known people in the Old City, who came across chiefs such as Trump, Teddy Kollek, and Moshe Leon, reveals that during his work in th...

Will The Old City Be a Healing Center?Yair Weiss was born and raised in the Old City.  His family is one of the first se...

Will The Old City Be a Healing Center?

Yair Weiss was born and raised in the Old City. His family is one of the first settlers in the Jewish Quarter after the 1967 war. In his recollections — in the late ‘70s — kids would play like kids, no matter their religion or race. Since then, lots have changed, and Weiss, a Naturopath, illustrates the change in his therapeutic language.

Yair Weiss was born and raised in the Old City. His family is one of the first settlers in the Jewish Quarter after the 1967 war. In his recollections — in ...

The 5th Quarter  #008 - Why Israelis Don’t Go To The Old City?Jerusalemite Shalom Boguslavsky, who lost his Tour Guide l...

The 5th Quarter #008 - Why Israelis Don’t Go To The Old City?
Jerusalemite Shalom Boguslavsky, who lost his Tour Guide livelihood since COVID, explains why most Israelis are not interested much in Jerusalem. Activist Ita Skoblinsky view the multicultural aspects of the phenomena. Regardless of the podcast, the Old City is sadly empty and whatever is done to bring some local tourism here will be blessed.

Jerusalemite Shalom Boguslavsky, who lost his Tour Guide livelihood since COVID, explains why most Israelis are not interested much in Jerusalem. Activist It...

Having grown up in a different background with a completely different life story, soul sisters Lisa and Shunyata now sha...

Having grown up in a different background with a completely different life story, soul sisters Lisa and Shunyata now share the same spiritual guides. Lisa was a field journalist for terrorist attacks while Shunyata lived in Tibet. We talked about their journey and the magnetic moment that opened for them the door to the unknown.

לאחר שגדלו במדינות אחרות וחוו סיפור חיים שונה לחלוטין, אחיות הנפש ליסה ושוניאטה חולקות כעת את אותם מדריכים רוחניים. ליסה הייתה עיתונאית שטח לפיגועי טרור בזמן ששוניאטה התגוררה בטיבט. דיברנו על המסע הרוחני שלהם והרגע המגנטי שפתח להם את הדלת אל הלא נודע.

5th Quarter #007 - Shunyata & Lisa Talesnick - Doors To The Unkown.

July, 2021. The Fifth Quarter. Old City. Jerusalem.

July, 2021. The Fifth Quarter. Old City. Jerusalem.

Gravitating Jeffrey Goldstein, grew up in Massapequa, Long Island, New York and since 1993 lives in Jerusalem, Israel. H...

Gravitating Jeffrey Goldstein, grew up in Massapequa, Long Island, New York and since 1993 lives in Jerusalem, Israel. He is an Alternative Trauma Therapist, Spiritual Guide and a Healing Assistant, using the m**hods of Attunement, Somatic Experiencing®, and Spiritual Guidance. He is a leader in the Spiritual Peace Movement, where he developed the Energy Ball for Peace Ceremony.

Gravitating Jeffrey Goldstein, grew up in Massapequa, Long Island, New York and since 1993 lives in Jerusalem, Israel. He is an Alternative Trauma Therapist,...

הוירטואולוז הנודע, ערן הדס, הוא משורר ישראלי נושא פרסים, אמן רשת ומרצה. איטה סקובלינסקי היא אקטיביסטית ויוצרת דיגיטלית. ...

הוירטואולוז הנודע, ערן הדס, הוא משורר ישראלי נושא פרסים, אמן רשת ומרצה. איטה סקובלינסקי היא אקטיביסטית ויוצרת דיגיטלית. הכרנו לפני עשרות שנים צעירים ופוחזים ברחובות תל אביב. כיום, איטה אמא לשני ילדים במונטראול, וערן גילה לתדהמתו שלא כולם אוהבים אבוקדו. הזמנו את ערן ואיטה לרובע החמישי, לשוחח על אינטליגנציה מלאכותית ורעיונות וירטואליים מהזן החמישי.

הוירטואולוז הנודע, ערן הדס, הוא משורר ישראלי נושא פרסים, אמן רשת ומרצה. איטה סקובלינסקי היא אקטיביסטית ויוצרת דיגיטלית. הכרנו לפני עשרות שנים צעירים ופוחזים ...


Where is the 5th Quarter? Where everybody meets. The long-forgotten residents of your favorite holy town. A series of interviews with people from the Old City: Sufíes, Rabbis, Priests, Skeptic people, unemployed Tour guides, Jerusalem Syndromes, Journalists, Market Merchants, and other kinds of Giants.

The person with the hat, Ariel De Lion.

All in English.

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Mordechai Ben Avraham is a writer, speaker, and Rabbinical student at Or Sameh. He was born Muslim, grew up christen in ...

Mordechai Ben Avraham is a writer, speaker, and Rabbinical student at Or Sameh. He was born Muslim, grew up christen in L.A., studied at the Kabbalah center, converted to Judaism and five years ago made “Alia,” and now he is on the path to becoming a Rabbi. Ben Avraham “Mind of the Black Jew” communicating his process is soon to be published. He came with his wife, Tzipporah Devora Hazan, who works at the J.I.C. In Jerusalem. We talked about their process, experiences of the fifth kind, being a black Jew, crypto currency and even UFOs.

The man with the hat, Ariel De Lion.

Fifth quarter. A space for expression, dialogue, and recognition in the Old City of Jerusalem. An Interfaith Spiritual Exploration Channel.

הרובע החמישי 🖐
מרחב לביטוי, דיאלוג והכרה. בעיר העתיקה בירושלים.

مرحبًا بك للتعرف على: الربع الخامس
مساحة للتعبير والحوار والاعتراف. في البلدة القديمة في القدس

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Mordechai Ben Avraham is a writer, speaker, and Rabbinical student at Or Sameh. He was born Muslim, grew up christen in L.A., studied at the Kabbalah center,...

שיחות מהרובע החמישי: אריאל די ליאון מארח את רב קבר דוד יעקוב שפרד עם אוסיף, קרן, זוהר וגליה.This conversation is in Hebr...

שיחות מהרובע החמישי: אריאל די ליאון מארח את רב קבר דוד יעקוב שפרד עם אוסיף, קרן, זוהר וגליה.

This conversation is in Hebrew. Try using the translator. Next one, with Rabi Shepherd will be held in English😉

הרגע להכיר את הרובע החמישי 🖐מרחב לביטוי, דיאלוג והכרה. בעיר העתיקה בירושלים.مرحبًا بك للتعرف على:  الربع الخامسمساحة للت...

הרגע להכיר את הרובע החמישי 🖐
מרחב לביטוי, דיאלוג והכרה. בעיר העתיקה בירושלים.

مرحبًا بك للتعرف على: الربع الخامس
مساحة للتعبير والحوار والاعتراف. في البلدة القديمة في القدس

You are invited to get to know the Fifth quarter. A space for expression, dialogue, and recognition in the Old City of Jerusalem. An Interfaith Retreat and Spiritual Center.

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