To the Future Leaders of Israel, Palestine-Jordan, Iran, Lebanon, Ukraine, Russia, and Syria:
Tune in.
This conflict? It's drier than a desert mirage. No God, no holy hymns, just a barren wasteland birthed from an era of stifling monotony and a painful shortage of that wild spark we call creativity. When the core human corpus of compassion, empathy, and sympathy bites the dust, what you're left with are shadows that don't need the night to creep in.
There's this sinister force, an uncaring monstrosity, thriving without a moral compass, causing chaos just because, well, it bloody can. And as I peer into this global crystal ball, here's the sight: You, the leaders of tomorrow, looking these Ego-Primed specters dead in the eyes, announcing with a snarl:
"We've got your number. There's no place dark enough for you to hide. Make your exit or prepare for the storm we're brewing.”
Now, in this whirlwind of chaos, tread carefully. Watch your tongue. Slapping labels on nations, races, religions? That's the fast lane to Armageddon. And believe me, that's the twisted dream of they. So, don't load their guns for them.
Jump into this mission, revamp these lands with every ounce of purpose, donations and love. Block the advance of these swaggering brutes who dare to parade their vile stunts on the world stage. It's like that freaky poison dart frog: looks sharp, but touch it and you're history. Mother Nature doesn't pal around with them, and neither should we.
Upcoming sovereigns of these ancient territories! Grab this call, fuelled by millennia of our land's raw spirit. Stand tall, form that unbreakable front against these lurking nightmares, for the souls of our ancestors and the promise of tomorrow.
The time for "Never Again" is right bloody now.