Kolot-Voices from Israel

Kolot-Voices from Israel Our voices must be heard. Please share our stories...

  post סטטוסים מצייצים -Orian Chaplin #The accounts of 84 year old Tami, who’s lived in Nahal Oz in the Gaza strip since...

post סטטוסים מצייצים -Orian Chaplin #

The accounts of 84 year old Tami, who’s lived in Nahal Oz in the Gaza strip since she was 19. She’s a mother of 5, all of whom she raised in the kibbutz:

“Since 7 AM I was home alone in an unlocked Mamad (a sort of indoor safety room meant to defend against rocket and missile fire). I didn’t manage to lock the door. I sat in the dark, not making a sound. Outside I could hear gunfire and voices in Arabic. In the community Whatsapp group the picture slowly became clear. There are terrorists in the kibbutz, people have been killed, and the terrorists started taking captives into Gaza.

I keep getting constant messages from my family members. I have 5 kids and grandchildren, none of which live in the kibbutz.

In an amazing and incomprehensible twist of fate, symbolically we had a final rehearsal for the kibbutz holiday. On Saturday, that same cursed Satursay, we were supposed to celebrate the 70th anniversary to the establishment of Nahal Oz.

In the main show, and you wouldn’t believe this but I’m not making this up:

Military observers that watch the borders sitting in front of screens. The screens begin showing a distorted image, and suddenly on the screen there are images of kibbutz Nahal Oz from 70 years ago!

What a nice, happy plan we were set to have. I hope someone filmed that rehearsal.

The members of the kibbutz cooked delicious foods for the holiday, and I made two pots of stuffed pepper that were in my fridge.

Friday night I went to bed excited for the holiday.

I woke up from noises and then the red alert. I closed the blinds in the whole house and went into the Mamad, like I do every time there’s a red alert. When it became clear that there are terrorists, I understood I’m alone in a locked house, but if the terrorists come in the Mamad will open easily for them.

I sat alone in the dark for all those hours and texted my kids every fifteen minutes. They begged me to give them a signal I’m alive.

The neighbor in the house next door passed away two months ago and her house stood empty. I think this may have saved my life. Maybe they peeked in and saw the house was empty of people and belongings and thought that maybe mine was too, so there’s no reason to waste their time there.

I kept hearing gunfire, hearing voice in Arabic, and I understood the situation was awful.

I live in a row of houses we jokingly call “Widow Row”, veterans of the kibbutz that live alone.

Two homes from mine lives a kibbutz member my age, 84, a widow named Haya.

She wasn’t answering messages, not even from her terrified and worried kids.

At some point my kids texted me asking if I know anything about Haya, but I didn’t know a thing. I gathered that there are families that have been taken hostage and that some people in the kibbutz were killed.

Looking back, we know that in the early morning those Hamas monsters went into the house of a family with three kids. The terrorists streamed the takeover of the house on live stream. A moment before they took the family as hostages into Gaza, they took one of the young sons with them and with a gun to his head demanded he knock on doors and ask, in his voice, that they open.

This is how they tricked innocent families that just wanted to help.

In the afternoon we started getting messages about incoming rescue, there were still explosions and gunfire around us all the time.

I didn’t know what was going on with Haya, my neighbor. Her kids were going mad with worry.

As we neared the evening, I received word the rescue team was coming for me, that I shouldn’t open even if someone says it’s the IDF since the terrorists did this in a few homes. They told me I should open only if I hear the name “Eitan.”

It was dark out, and I don’t know what I was thinking it but suddenly I had the odd thought that I have two pots full of food in the fridge and it’s a shame if they go to waste… I can’t explain what was going through my mind but factually, I made my way in the dark to my kitchen, took out the pots and plastic containers and silently, in the dark, I started moving the food into the containers with my fingers, and then putting the containers in the freezer.

What kind of idea was this? Maybe the mind wanted to believe all of this will be over soon, that the party will happen still and I need to keep the food I made fresh.

The ways of the human soul are hidden.

A few times during those hours I went to the bathroom quietly, without flushing.

When I understood that some people are being taken hostage, I decided that no matter what, I would rather die than be taken. I told myself I won’t leave, I’ll fight with all my might and hope they kill me, as long as I don’t get kidnapped!

Only at midnight the knock came. “IDF, IDF, it’s Eitan.”

Finally. Finally, they were here.

I opened the door and in front of me stood 8 Maglan combatants (Maglan – commando unit in the IDF). I can’t describe this moment.

I immediately said come drink, eat something.

They immediately said I have a minute to pack and we will run under fire to the evacuation car.

I asked what about Haya, my neighbor. They said there’s no answer at her door.

I insisted we go together, we went under fire and we knocked on her door. Haya didn’t open.

The soldiers said I have to run to the evacuation vehicle with them.

We ran, I won’t describe what I saw on the way.

When we got to the vehicle, I let my children know I’ve been rescued.

I insisted they go back and check on Haya, I explained to them how to move the blinds – Haya and I have the same house.

In those last moments they went back to Haya’s house. No matter what they tried, she wouldn’t open the door. Finally, they broke in, risking their lives.

They found her alone in the dark, terrified to death.

They rescued her, too.

Grandma Haya (Haya means alive in Hebrew) is Alive!

The people of Nahal Oz were evacuated to kibbutz Mishmar HaEmek that welcomed us like good angels. I’m with my daughter now. I want to be surrounded with family.

Like I stood up then to move food to containers, I keep asking my daughter:

Give me something to do, I just want to be doing things and not sinking into thoughts about everything that has happened, is still happening, and will happen in the future.

I’m alive, but many others are not, and we have hostages of all ages. The mind can’t comprehend the scope of this horror.

We need to be doing.

We have wonderful people.

It’s too soon for me yet to grasp what was and what will be.

  post Bring Hersh home-written by Karin Brown #

post Bring Hersh home-written by Karin Brown #

John and Rachel Goldberg-Polin came to Israel from America in 2008 with their three children, making Aliyah out of zionism. Their son, 23 year old Hersh, is currently being held captive in the hands of Hamas after he was taken hostage during the terrorist attack on Nova festival. Hersh is badly wounded, and needs urgent medical attention. Here’s their story so far:

Hersh went to the music festival near Reim with his good friend, Aner Shapira, who is also missing. Saturday morning, Hersh's mother Rachel woke up to two texts from her son that read: I love you guys, I'm sorry. Rachel says she immediately suspected there was something wrong, and she got the feeling Hersh felt bad for what was coming for him and for his family.

That same morning his friends and family set up a make-shift operations room and started trying to piece together the whole picture, mainly using social media and later on using the help of other survivors from the party. The family says the moment they learned about Hersh's situation, they decided they’re not waiting for anyone's help, not the police nor the military. “We have to do anything we can to find our son, and so we've set up an operations room in our home.” Said Hersh’s father John. “We've received so much support, and there's people constantly coming here to help, some people sleep here. If it weren't for this support, I wouldn't be able to function. I'm barely functioning." Said mother Rachel.

The family started posting pictures of the two friends online, looking for known sightings of them. Only at midnight on Saturday did they receive an image of Hersh and Aner hiding in a "Migunit" - a sort of outdoor safety room in the area of the festival. The family learned that there was a gunfight in the vicinity of the Migunit, after which the terrorists came to the doorway and started throwing grenades into the Migunit. Everyone said Aner Shapira, Hersh’s friend, was a complete hero - he was picking up the grenades and throwing them back at the terrorists. Witnesses told the family Hersh's arm, from the elbow down, had been blown off. They also said Hersh stayed very calm and made a tourniquet. Then the terrorists came in and said anyone that is able to walk needs to stand up and get out, after which 5 people walked out, including Hersh. The terrorists loaded Hersh and his friends up into their truck and drove away, and that's the last time the survivors from the Migunit saw them.

post Bring Hersch home-written by Karin Brown #

The calls to the operations room keep coming in, among them a call from the mother of Eliya Cohen - one of the only people who have been identified in Hamas videos as a captive. Eliya was hiding in the same Migunit with his girlfriend, who survived by staying buried beneath dead bodies for hours. Eliya was forcefully separated from her, and taken into the Gaza strip in the same truck as Hersh. Unlike Hersh, there's proof of Eliya being on that truck. The last ping from Hersh's phone was right near the Gaza border.

The family and friends put together this whole picture on their own.

"He's our son, and we want to get him back home immediately, of course. But on top of that, we're talking about someone who needs immediate medical attention. We hope he's still alive and he's getting the treatment he needs." Says Hersh's father, John.

"If you don't get any antibiotics, you could die. That's what keeps us up at night." Says Rachel. "Knowing that, hoping he's alive, and if he's alive… As any parent, to picture your child in pain in a scary place is every parent's worst nightmare."

John and Rachel Goldberg-Polin came to Israel from America in 2008 with their three children, making Aliyah out of zioni...

John and Rachel Goldberg-Polin came to Israel from America in 2008 with their three children, making Aliyah out of zionism. Their son, 23 year old Hersh, is currently being held captive in the hands of Hamas after he was taken hostage during the terrorist attack on Nova festival. Hersh is badly wounded, and needs urgent medical attention. Here’s their story so far:

Hersh went to the music festival near Reim with his good friend, Aner Shapira, who is also missing. Saturday morning, Hersh's mother Rachel woke up to two texts from her son that read: I love you guys, I'm sorry. Rachel says she immediately suspected there was something wrong, and she got the feeling Hersh felt bad for what was coming for him and for his family.

That same morning his friends and family set up a make-shift operations room and started trying to piece together the whole picture, mainly using social media and later on using the help of other survivors from the party. The family says the moment they learned about Hersh's situation, they decided they’re not waiting for anyone's help, not the police nor the military. “We have to do anything we can to find our son, and so we've set up an operations room in our home.” Said Hersh’s father John. “We've received so much support, and there's people constantly coming here to help, some people sleep here. If it weren't for this support, I wouldn't be able to function. I'm barely functioning." Said mother Rachel.

The family started posting pictures of the two friends online, looking for known sightings of them. Only at midnight on Saturday did they receive an image of Hersh and Aner hiding in a "Migunit" - a sort of outdoor safety room in the area of the festival. The family learned that there was a gunfight in the vicinity of the Migunit, after which the terrorists came to the doorway and started throwing grenades into the Migunit. Everyone said Aner Shapira, Hersh’s friend, was a complete hero - he was picking up the grenades and throwing them back at the terrorists. Witnesses told the family Hersh's arm, from the elbow down, had been blown off. They also said Hersh stayed very calm and made a tourniquet. Then the terrorists came in and said anyone that is able to walk needs to stand up and get out, after which 5 people walked out, including Hersh. The terrorists loaded Hersh and his friends up into their truck and drove away, and that's the last time the survivors from the Migunit saw them.

post Bring Hersch home-written by Karin Brown #

The calls to the operations room keep coming in, among them a call from the mother of Eliya Cohen - one of the only people who have been identified in Hamas videos as a captive. Eliya was hiding in the same Migunit with his girlfriend, who survived by staying buried beneath dead bodies for hours. Eliya was forcefully separated from her, and taken into the Gaza strip in the same truck as Hersh. Unlike Hersh, there's proof of Eliya being on that truck. The last ping from Hersh's phone was right near the Gaza border.

The family and friends put together this whole picture on their own.

"He's our son, and we want to get him back home immediately, of course. But on top of that, we're talking about someone who needs immediate medical attention. We hope he's still alive and he's getting the treatment he needs." Says Hersh's father, John.

"If you don't get any antibiotics, you could die. That's what keeps us up at night." Says Rachel. "Knowing that, hoping he's alive, and if he's alive… As any parent, to picture your child in pain in a scary place is every parent's worst nightmare."

  post Sharon Idan #Sharon Idan, a journalist in the national Israeli news and TV station Kan11 writes about the news st...

post Sharon Idan #

Sharon Idan, a journalist in the national Israeli news and TV station Kan11 writes about the news station's personal loss - the young editor Ayelet Arnin:

Facebook is flooded with names and faces.
Children, families. I want to write about Ayelet.
I've been in this profession for thirty years and I haven't seen a prodigy like her. A young woman that came to our station with amazing capabilities.
Shy, charming, quiet, beautiful and smart. She had it all.

Ayelet was an editor in Kan News. From the moment she arrived we all fought over who gets to work with her. Her amazing qualities, the pleasantness and stillness - are such a rare thing to find in our field these days.

On Saturday I was called in to live stream from the field at six thirty a.m. During the day I found out Ayelet was at the music festival. Pictures started coming in. Beautiful and still she stood there too inside the outdoor safety room, clutching a large water bottle. Always responsible, as we've said.
Pensive, afraid.

That image of her I showed to any soldier and rescue team that's gone by me on the way in. The young people extracted from the horrors. To anyone I possibly could.

I try to think about what was going through her head in those moments. Such a brilliant young woman, she must have been running through all the possible scenarios in her mind. We prayed that maybe she was in captivity and there will be a miracle, but she was brutally murdered in the pogroms the likes of which we've only seen in the diaspora.

The last article we worked on together was on Wednesday. She wrote about a disabled woman in a wheelchair that was taken off a flight and abandoned in Berlin.
Ayelet was distraught. She was so sad for that woman. She told me "I have to try harder to bring her story forward. How did they hurt her like this? How?"

And so, I want to bring your story forward too, and ask, how? How did they hurt you like this, how?

We will never forget you.
Nothing can console us.

  post - Rachel Elieor # Aviv Kutz, my beloved cousin from Kibbutz Kfar Aza (25km from Gaza), his wife, Livnat, and thei...

post - Rachel Elieor #

Aviv Kutz, my beloved cousin from Kibbutz Kfar Aza (25km from Gaza), his wife, Livnat, and their three children, Rotem, Yonatan and Yiftach, were murdered by Hamas terrorists in their home in Kfar Aza. No words can describe the deep pain over the loss of an entire family alongside a thousand additional victims from the Kibbutim of the Gaza envelope.

Talia Kutz-Shamir, Aviv's sister, wrote:
"Aviv, my sweet beloved brother, with the golden hands, hearty laughter and kind heart.
Livnat, my charming and beloved sister-in-law, the woman who was an inspiration for initiative, creativity and significant charity work.
The so sweet Rotem, Yonatan and Yiftach.
Endless pain and a heart that cannot be comforted, over five beautiful worlds that were cut short. An entire beautiful family that will remain in our memories only".

  post - Hanoch Daum  # A picture taken on Saturday in Nahal Oz (4km from Gaza). A Givati commando after rescuing a chil...

post - Hanoch Daum #

A picture taken on Saturday in Nahal Oz (4km from Gaza). A Givati commando after rescuing a child under fire.
Alongside the diaster, there are exceptional stories of heroism that will eventually be told🇮🇱

  post by Hanoch Daum # These girls are in the hands of Hamas in Gaza. Look at them. They were dragged from their home b...

post by Hanoch Daum #

These girls are in the hands of Hamas in Gaza. Look at them. They were dragged from their home by terrorists and held in a terrorist tunnel, without mother and father. An organization that kidnaps little girls is no longer a terrorist organization. It's ISIS.

ייתכן שזו תמונה של ‏‏‏‏2‏ אנשים‏, ‏תינוק‏‏ ו‏טקסט‏‏


post Ben Artzi #


Hi, my name is Yoni Asher, 37 years old. I live in Ginot Hadar in the Sharon (center of Israel).

My two daughters, Raz 4.5 years old and Aviv 2.5 years old, my wife Doron and my mother-in-law Efrat Katz, were taken hostage alive by Hamas terrorists.

They were abducted on 7.10.23, Saturday morning, from Kibbutz Nir Oz (20km from Gaza).

After pinging my wife's phone location, I discovered to my horror that her phone was in Khan Yunis (the second largest town of the Gaza Strip).

My fear that they were taken into Gaza was confirmed by a video clip.

I saw them being taken on a cart to Gaza alongside dozens of other captives to the sound of "Allāhu ʾakbar" screams.

Dear people

I beg you to share this for the world to see,

So my daughters will come back alive!

At the father's request, please share.


post הצינור #

Written by Maor Barda – resident of Sderot, 4km from Gaza

My Kucho saved me from certain death!!

I want to share my story with you. I live in Sderot. Today, at 06:20 sirens were heard. Kucho ran away and I ran after him, practically chasing him.

Suddenly, he stopped, something made him stop! I grabbed him, dozens of missiles being fired above us. Then I saw them: vans with dozens of terrorists on the road before me. I turned around and fled back home hearing the screams of the 12 people who lost their lives right in front of me. We locked ourselves in our house with the terrorists surrounding us for over 24 hours, a six-month-old baby crying and Kucho? Under the bed, whimpering and vomiting with me hugging him fiercely and saying: "thank you! You saved my life just as I saved yours four years ago when I found you on the street".

I do not want to imagine what would have become of us if he had kept on running with me after him…


post Hanoch Daum #

Look at them: Tamar, Yonatan, their six-year-old daughters, Shachar and Arbel, and their two-year-old son, Omer.

They were all murdered in Kibbutz Nir Oz (20km from Gaza). Yonatan's mother was murdered with them. There was a family and now it is gone.

Soon, when the world demands that we stop, think about this beautiful family. The terrorists did not spare them. We must not spare the terrorists.


An unbelievable story!

Rachel was captured by terrorists armed with rifles and grenades. Ingeniously, she invited them to sit down and have some coffee and cookies, offering them food to calm them down: "You're pale; eat something sweet to make you feel better". She distracted them to allow the Israeli forces to take them out, saving her and her husband's lives.


post Eliran Ohayon #

Eliran Ohayon, married to Yuval, father to Maayan-Haim, Hadar and Alma. Eliran is an educator
who currently lives in the rehabilitation village “ADI Negev” that is 30km from the Gaza border,
and is an active member of the IDF reserve forces.
I’ve received many calls and messages and I won’t be able to reply to all of them, so I will do my
best to put together in writing everything that we’ve been through today, and I ask that you
read this post to feel for us and with us. Especially if you are not residents of the western Negev
– we need you. Share with us in our troubles.
First of all, we’re physically fine. Me, my family, the community and the rest of the patients in
the rehabilitation village Adi Negev, the place in which I live, around which countless shooting
instances took place during this damned day.

1. In the morning we were woken by the red alert, which we’ve grown used to – the kids
never do. This time as parent of three: the oldest is five, the youngest is three months
old. There’s no way to describe these moments, especially when the period of time
between the alert and the hit is so short. It has never, ever, taken this long – for close to
an hour we were like sitting ducks.
2. I knew, as did my neighbors, that we must get out and help with moving our patients to
safe spaces, and we ran out to them during the alerts; in the hospital everyone
wheelchair bound following difficult accidents, in the homes reside people with special
needs – we crammed all of them into the spaces in which they are huddled together
still. What tore my heart more than anything was when we moved patients on oxygen
from the most complex nursing department to one single space in which anyone who is
not on oxygen is having trouble finding any. The terrorists from Gaza, supported by the
Palestinian people and the Ayatolla regime want to hurt this sort of helpless people.
That is who they are.
3. As things were unfolding I felt like I was in a warzone – we heard gunfire from all
directions, which made us realize we were in the middle of an unprecedented event. I
ran into my house to make sure my wife and kids were okay and I asked them to lock
themselves in. Now we needed to run back to the departments and lock all of them.
4. At this point all the men were violating the Shabbat, phones, weapons, sharp objects
and going out on patrol. The “Simchat Torah” rounds were replaced by a different sort
of rounds. The gunfire around us was still going, and not only that – real columns of
smoke from every direction. I have no way to describe the moments in which the sun is
colored in gray and the weather changes under the guise of war. And how to describe
the realization they could infiltrate into our homes at any moment. Into where my
sweet little ones are? These are surreal moments.
5. With my luck, I was standing at the entrance gate into our village during two especially
petrifying moments: at first a car screeched to a stop and someone came out of it
screaming that there is a dead man outside, trying to understand if he’s one of ours
while shoving a picture of a man whose brains are spilling out into my face. What a sight
I’ve had to see to today.

A few minutes later a group of young women came running towards me, covered in
dust, and one of them started feeling me up while asking “Are you one of ours? Are you
one of ours?” The rest were shouting “We’ve been shot at! We’ve been shot at!”
another one kept silently repeating, over and over again “My friend, my friend”.
While this was going on there was another red alert, we ran together to the shelter, and
they sat there shaking. Only then did I start to realize the full dimension of the event in
the nature party that took place not far from us.
6. Yoram Tahar Lev said that he wrote “Shadow and Well Water” after the events of Black
Shabbat, “Those who are hungry will find a mouthful of bread with us, those who found
will find shade and well water here”. I heard him say once that it was a formative
national experience for him – the deep sense that we are all the members of one family.
His song played on repeat in my head as the girls entered our homes, like sisters that
were saved from fires of hell. Some of them didn’t know what came of the people who
were there with them, some of them don’t know what came of their still. They shook for
hours, refusing to eat, shower or change until nighttime. The looks in their eyes I won’t
be able to put to words, I’ve never seen looks like these up-close.
7. By noon I tried to find a little time to pray, and I made my way up to the synagogue that
remained orphaned in the day that was supposed to be the happiest day in the year. I
couldn’t because pretty quickly an exchange of fire began which I saw from the window.
After it was over, I tried to come back to pray and I couldn’t – I choked on tears which I
wiped with the Parochet.
8. It’s time to distribute food to everyone – the soldiers gathered here, the policemen that
deployed a barrier outside our fence, the guard in the entrance to the hospital and the
command room workers. We emptied everything we had in the fridge and in our
closets. We didn’t think about it too much. Distributing food to our volunteers, and
again we were exposed to the helplessness of our Special Needs residents. More than
one of them burst into tears upon seeing us. What is going on here?
9. They call me in to the army as a reservist, I tell them I’m currently needed in the place
where I live and that I will be there by evening. By evening, nearly all of my neighbors
have been called into service, as was I. The images remind us of Yom Kippur.
10. I arrive to my command after a distressed and sad farewell from my wife and kids, and I
receive horrible news – a woman that served with us, a young reserve officer whom I
met not long ago was murdered this morning in Orim.
The gunfire that killed her I heard from up-close – I can see Orim base from the window
of my house. My neighbor, who is a doctor, was taken to the scene of the incident and
told of sights he couldn’t even possibly imagine, among them a young woman who died
in his hands. It was probably her.
11. As I take up my position as a reservist, I begin to understand the gravity of this event –
it’s part of my job, and up until now I was busy guarding my home and giving all the help
I can to the place where I live. It’s a place that needs help even on regular days, so
imagine this day.
Anyway, reserve duty – we understand this is going to take time. We need to get
ourselves together and win, suddenly everything seems insignificant. Suddenly
everything is also more significant – this people is everything for me, and I got the

feeling from this day that it is also dear to everyone around me and there’s no doubt we
will win.
12. We’ll need the people united, sure of the rightness of the road we are embarking on
which is expected to be long – the people of forever are not afraid of a long road. We
need a strong push to achieve victory. Nothing short of a deep sense that the peace in
the south is guaranteed will not suffice for us – it can’t be anything like any other
operation, it can’t be like anything our country has ever known. If we don’t hit hard it’s
over for us – as a country at all, as residents in the south in particular. We won’t forgive
anything less than demolition. It’s time to put aside the insane morality that we’ve been
guided by in the last years and to stop the practice of roof knocking and alerting – the
ground needs to open and swallow their memories from under the skies. A country that
wants to live can no longer allow itself to be soft-handed in the face of this sort of evil
and I expect that any supporter of terrorism – in the west bank or in Gaza, even if it’s a
citizen giving away candy or participating in the funerals of Shahids will know that his
blood will be on his own head. Our humanitarianism is not moral in any way. Someone
who hasn’t experienced what we have been through today can never understand the
force of this rage.
13. This rage also erupts when the countries of the world “Recognize our right to defend
ourselves” – we are not a battered woman. We don’t need anyone to grant us the right
to defend ourselves, but the obligation to guarantee the routine of our lives.
After this day, while I write all of this as I wear my military uniform I also promise myself
I will not rest until our lax leadership pays the price – if they don’t react with the might
the people of the south expect of them, which doesn’t seem like the case today – I will
make it into my life’s mission to replace it and the paradigms that made our lives a living
14. Right now our life’s mission is to guard our lives and the lives of those who were
kidnapped into there – people, women and babies. Unimaginable numbers.
And it’s not enough – we’ll have to guarantee our existence. At any cost. Any cost.
There is no war that is more just than ours – everything is allowed.
15. To happier times!


post Nas Daily #

Personal Thoughts:
(Not suitable for everyone, feel free to skip)
For a long time I've been struggling with my identity.
A Palestinian child, born inside the israel Like WTF...
Most of my friends to this day refuse to say the word israel and call themselves "Palestinians".
But since I was 12, it didn't make sense to me.
So I decided to mix the two and call myself a "Palestinian-Israeli".
I thought this expression reflected who I am. First of all a Palestinian. And then an Israeli.
But after the recent events, you decided to think.
and to think.
and to think.
And then my thoughts went to anger.
I understood that if they invade Israel like this again, we will all be in danger. For a terrorist invading Israel, every citizen or woman is a target.
900 Israelis have been killed so far, over 40 are Arabs. Arabs who were murdered by other Arabs. In addition to 2 foreign workers from Thailand and 10 students from Nepal.
It's important for me to make it clear that I don't want to live under a Palestinian rule.
This means, although I am not Jewish, I have only one home:
That's where all my family members live. That's where I grew up. This is the country I want to continue to exist, so I can exist.
Palestine should also exist as an independent state. And I hope this country flourishes and becomes a moderate and successful place. I love Palestine, and invest in Palestine.
But she ain't my home tho.
So, from this day forward,
I see myself as an Israeli-Palestinian.
First an Israeli.
And then a Palestinian.
Sometimes you need a real market like we have now, in order to see things clearly.
Picture: Twitter





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