Sears Israel

Sears Israel Sears Israel (ex. Delver) |

Sears Israel is fully owned subsidiary of Sears Holdings Corporation (NASDAQ: SHLD) which is the fourth largest board-line retailer in the United State with over 4,000 full-line and specialty stores (

 , it was a pleasure!

, it was a pleasure!

Our   contest is over! thank you guys for your participation.All of the photos were amazing and very creative! One more ...

Our contest is over! thank you guys for your participation.
All of the photos were amazing and very creative!
One more like for our first and second place winners Eyal Elimelech & Liran Shaked 馃槈

Last week, Shani Raba,our former VP of R&D, spoke at 注讜砖讬诐 转讜讻谞讛 - 驻讜讚拽讗住讟 诇诪驻转讞讬诐 about CI/CD.Shani Raba, it was truly ...

Last week, Shani Raba,our former VP of R&D, spoke at 注讜砖讬诐 转讜讻谞讛 - 驻讜讚拽讗住讟 诇诪驻转讞讬诐 about CI/CD.

Shani Raba, it was truly awesome! Thanks!

讞谉 讜注诪讬转 诪砖讜讞讞讬诐 注诐 砖谞讬 专讘讛 注诇 讛讬转专讜谞讜转 讛专讘讬诐 砖诇 转讛诇讬讻讬 CI/CD, 诪转讬 讻讚讗讬 诇讛讟诪讬注? 讗讬讱 注讜砖讬诐 讗转 讝讛? 讜讙诐... 讗讬讱 讝讛 拽砖讜专 诇Black Friday?

  is still going strong!We love seeing our hat in so many creative pictures in Israel and around the world! To help the ...

is still going strong!
We love seeing our hat in so many creative pictures in Israel and around the world!

To help the contestants win click on their profile page and give their photo a like!

It鈥檚 that time again! The end of summer is here and you know what that means, everyone is out and about. While we're tra...

It鈥檚 that time again! The end of summer is here and you know what that means, everyone is out and about.
While we're traveling both in Israel and abroad, we decided to make sure to stay in touch!
What better way to do so then a little healthy photo competition 馃槈
Keep up with our next posts to find out more details!

Our own Eric Rabinovich was a guest speaker at the 诪驻转讞讬诐 讞住专讬 转专讘讜转 podcast. He talked about ownership and how we imple...

Our own Eric Rabinovich was a guest speaker at the 诪驻转讞讬诐 讞住专讬 转专讘讜转 podcast.
He talked about ownership and how we implement the feature owner role here at Sears Israel.
Happy listening!

讛转讗专讞谞讜 讘住讬专住 讬砖专讗诇 讜讚讬讘专谞讜 注诐 讗专讬拽 专讘讬谞讜讘讬抓 注诇 Feature Owners 讜注诇 讛诪讬诪讜砖 砖诇讛诐 讘住讬专住 讬砖专讗诇. 诪讛 讝讛 讘讻诇诇? 诇诪讛 讝讛 讻讚讗讬 讜讗讜诇讬 讝讛 诇讗? 注谞讬谞讜 注诇 砖讗诇讜转 诪讛拽讛诇 砖讛转驻转讞讜 诇讚讬讜谞讬诐 住讜注专讬诐 ....

It鈥檚 so much easier to get work done when your meeting room is wonderland themed 馃槉Omri Fima

It鈥檚 so much easier to get work done when your meeting room is wonderland themed 馃槉
Omri Fima


9 Hamenofim


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