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Around 1 AM Israel time, guided by IDF and ISA intelligence, the Israeli Air Force launched a precise strike targeting key Hamas terrorists operating from a command and control center located within a designated humanitarian area in Khan Yunis. These terrorists had been involved in planning and executing attacks against both IDF forces and the State of Israel.

Before the strike, extensive precautions were taken to minimize civilian harm. These included the use of precision-guided munitions, aerial surveillance, and other measures to ensure accuracy.

Hamas and other terrorist organizations in Gaza continue to exploit civilian and humanitarian infrastructure, such as the designated humanitarian areas, to further their attacks against Israel and its military forces.

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🟠 Monday evening - events from Israel

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▪️TERRORISTS USE THE POLIO EFFORT.. A short time ago, a report was received of Hamas terrorists being inside a UN vehicle, which was traveling with a coordinated humanitarian convoy to the north of the Gaza Strip carrying polio vaccines. After the vaccination campaigns in the central and southern Gaza Strip, a similar campaign will begin tomorrow in the last remaining area: the northern Gaza Strip.

▪️ARMS SMUGGLING.. Police spokeswoman: yesterday a vehicle was seized at the Rabin crossing (Jordan to Eilat) with 74 guns inside.

▪️US RELIGIOUS INTERFERENCE? The US ambassador met with Rabbi Lando, and on behalf of the Biden administration, to strengthen opposition to ascent to the Temple Mount among ultra-orthodox Jews - because of the prevalent assumption that Jews visiting Har HaBayit (the Temple Mount - Al Aqsa area) will cause major religious upset to world Islam.

▪️JORDAN BORDER CROSSINGS.. to return to operation tomorrow, including the truck terminals with security upgrades, which includes accepting Jordanian sourced humanitarian aid trucks for Gaza.

🔹WHY ARE BRITISH RAF EUROFIGHTER TYPHOON.. aircraft inbound to Israel? We don’t know, but they are on public radar.

🔹LEBANON PREPARES.. Lebanon is preparing for an Israeli attack. Councils are preparing to take in over 150,000 displaced people from the south and Beirut, and Syria has announced that it is ready to take in refugees from Lebanon.

🔹HEZBOLLAH THREATENS.. Nasrallah's deputy threatens: "A war to return the displaced to their homes? Their number will only increase.”

🔸DEAL NEWS.. Shocking words from a senior international official involved in the hostage deal at the MEAD conference:

Hamas is responsible. I talked about it with Netanyahu several times, but the focus is on Hamas. If they agree to release hostages according to the outline there will be an agreement.

We were never in the position that Hamas said yes and Israel had to be pressured. We were never in a position where Hamas said "if you do this there will be a deal”. There were times when perhaps Israel could have done a little more, but the pressure is on Hamas and should be on it.

Hamas wants the pressure to be on Israel. Hamas only needs to release hostages. If Hamas gets the power in Gaza it will not work.

I understand the argument that if we take weapons from Israel there will be a deal and I tell you that if we do that there will never be a deal.

Israel introduced conditions that Hamas wanted. It is not that Israel sat on its hands in the face of Hamas demands.

▪️PROTEST - PRO-DEAL.. Jerusalem: Demonstration in front of the house of Shas MK Aryeh Deri, calling for him to work for the return of the hostages. ( MK Deri is very influential with PM Netanyahu, but is barred from being a minister due to past legal issues. )

⭕SU***DE DRONE BARRAGE, 12 rounds, this morning from HEZBOLLAH at northern towns and cities.

⭕5 rounds of ROCKET ATTACKS from HEZBOLLAH at northern towns today.

✡️A brief daily word of Torah: Such is the way of creation, first comes darkness, then light. Talmud Shabbat 77b

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🟣 Quick Afternoon Updates - Monday - events from Israel

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▪️FOLLOW UP ON POSSIBLE TERROR INCIDENT - HIGHWAY 6.. The police detained 13 suspects, conflicting reports of whether weapons were found in the vehicle - latest report says no. Some of the passengers in the country illegally. A security source estimates that an attack was prevented.

⭕The Sunni terrorist organization Al-Jama’a al-Islamiyya in Lebanon claimed responsibility for the rocket barrage fired at Kiryat Shmona today.

⭕Two anti-tank missiles were fired without warning at an IDF outpost in the Shlomi area, causing a wildfire.

♦️Following yesterday's HAMAS ROCKET shooting at Ashkelon, the IDF orders the Gazan population from Beit Lahiya to move south in anticipation of IDF activity in the area.

▪️WHATSAPP HACK ATTACK.. if you get a message “WhatsApp Registration Code Requested” and are not moving between phones, this is an attempt to TAKE OVER your WhatsApp. I personally received this attack this morning. It follows up with messages from unknown contacts saying something about having lost their code and needing it by sending it to you. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO STEAL YOUR WHATSAPP - do not respond, block the requestor, ignore the CODE you received.

▪️ECONOMY - FINANCE.. The deficit in the state budget climbed to 8.3% in August, which is about NIS 161.5 billion. Government spending has increased since the beginning of the year by about 32%, compared to the same period last year.

▪️POLITICS - BUDGET.. The budget amendment for 2024 was approved by the Knesset plenum in the first reading. This is the first step of a long many step process of preparing the 2025 budget.

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🔵 Monday - events from Israel

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▪️FOLLOW UP ON YESTERDAY’S ALLENBY CROSSING ATTACK.. All the Jordanian drivers who were investigated after the accident were released. More than 100 (aid) trucks were turned around and returned to Jordan.

▪️(unpleasant, avoid this item if sensitive) FOLLOW UP ON THE MURDERED HOSTAGES.. (unpleasant, avoid reading if sensitive) The pathologists: The forensic findings reveal: according to the angle of the bullets, the six abductees who were murdered in captivity tried to defend themselves, protect each other and fight the terrorists. The findings also show that the men protected the women. They were held in a small tunnel, difficult to breathe within, and were starved.

▪️ATTEMPTED TERROR - RAMMING - HaRasa.. (southern Judea, Hebron area, Arab town) attempt to run over an IDF force operating in the area, the force opened fire at the suspects in the vehicle. The suspects were hit and arrested, there are no casualties to our forces.

▪️SCHOOL STRIKE OVER? Multiple reports of high school classes resuming “tomorrow” overnight. I’m unclear if that is this morning, or tomorrow.
. Teachers Union president: "Out of consideration for the current situation in the country and the education system and out of responsibility for it and the students and teachers, we announce a suspension of the strike. The sanctions continue. We will not give out grades, we will not go to any activity outside the walls of the school except for preparing for trips to Poland.”

▪️WAR OBJECTIVE.. (( one wonders if these are real leaks or propaganda and pressure on the enemy - or both )) TheIDF Chief of Staff defined the return of security to the north as the IDF's (new main) war objective. While the political-security cabinet is delaying making a decision to include the north as part of the war's objectives, Chief of Staff Major General Herzi Halevi defined the return of security that would allow the return of residents to their homes on the northern border as the IDF's war objective.
. RELATED: Security “leader”, "We are before a decision regarding the North in a matter of days”.

▪️UN - VOTE DEMANDED.. The Palestinians will demand a vote in the UN on a timetable for the "end of the occupation" by the 20th of the month.
. The leaders' conference at the UN General Assembly will be held in two weeks • Drafts dealing with a final text are already being passed between the representatives in the UN in preparation for putting the proposal to a vote. The greatest concern in Israel: establishing a connection between the massacre and steps to establish a Palestinian state will give terror a boost.

▪️OPPOSITION MK GANTZ SAYS.. (leader of National Unity) Gantz in his meeting with the US Sec State Blinken in Washington: "The world is expected to back Israel to increase civil and military pressure in Gaza.” (( What is a leader to do when reality is so out of alignment with their expectations? ))

▪️NAT. MENTAL HEALTH CENTER.. Ministry of Defense: A national mental health center for IDF soldiers will be established in Netanya at a cost of approximately NIS 150 million.

🔸DEAL NEWS.. For the first time in public, Brigadier General Gal Hirsch mentioned a free pass option for Hamas: in exchange for the return of all the hostages, demobilization, etc, they would be allowed to leave (alive).
. Arab Alakh’ba’ar Newspaper - The American attempts to keep the negotiations for a deal going are coming to an end, and as a result will come the announcement of failure and regional escalation.

⭕ TWO HAMAS ROCKETS fired at ASHKELON last night, and one at Netiv Ha’asara. First medium range rockets in a while.

⭕6 rounds of ROCKETS from HEZBOLLAH at northern towns overnight.

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⚫Sunday night - events from Israel

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⚠️ WAR THREATS.. this time coming from Israel. While in past weeks Israel was sweating a possible mass attack by Hezbollah, and a possible multi-front attack from Iran, Hezbollah and the Houthis/Yemen, the situation is now reversed.

The IDF lead general yesterday, the Prime Minister today, both making statements about nearing plans to attack Hezbollah. Hezbollah civilians evacuating Hezbollah areas of Lebanon and Beirut. Israeli propaganda and pressure, or actual moves? We don’t know.

▪️3 CIVILIANS HAVE FALLEN TO TERROR in today’s Allenby bridge terror attack:

Yochanan Shohori, 61, from Ma’ale Ephraim
Yuri Birnbaum, 65, from Na’ama
Adrian Marcelo Podmesser, from Ariel

May their families be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem, and may G-d avenge their blood!

▪️HIGH COURT RULES.. the Justice Minister must convene the judge selection committee to confirm new High Court judges and High Court presiding judge with 14 days. Amit Segal writes in reality it won’t occur until November, after the Jewish holidays.
. The Justice Minister responds: The order, which is contrary to an express law, and was issued in the face of a serious conflict of interest, constitutes a forceful takeover of the committee for the selection of judges and the usurpation of the minister's powers in violation of the law (by the court)…

With the outbreak of the war, I decided to stop the legislation (dealing with justice conflicts) and deal at this time with issues on which there is a broad consensus. But instead of embracing this decision, it was used by the judges in a cynical way, to invalidate a fundamental law, and to intervene in security issues while showing extreme concern for the conditions of the terrorists.

The fair compromise I proposed for making appointments to the High Court was contemptuously rejected by the heads of the judiciary minutes after it was proposed. Because for them, why compromise when you can take control of the appointment process by force, even at the cost of creating a constitutional crisis? …

I will not be able to work with a president who was illegally appointed by his friends, and who is illegitimate in the eyes of a vast public. The irresponsible order tramples on democracy and the road to agreements that was paved in recent months, and sets Israel back.

🔸DEAL NEWS.. Axios, according to sources: Biden wants to continue the pressure to reach an agreement, but his advisers believe that the new proposal will lead to nothing.

▪️BOY OFFERING TO PUT ON TEFILLIN.. near a school in Tel Aviv attacked and blocked, several times, by local elderly adults. Police arrested the attacker today.

♦️IDF forces continue fighting in the south and center of the Gaza Strip; the commander of the rocket unit in east Khan Yunis Brigade of Hamas was eliminated.

♦️Amit Segal notes with the Egypt border corridor (Philadelphi), center separation corridor (Netzer), and 1 km security corridor on the 2 Israel sides, the IDF is now controlling 1/3 of the land of the Gaza Strip.

♦️Arab sources report that electricity and communications throughout Gaza have been completely cut off. (( Here’s how to know this is propaganda: (a) how are they communicating this if there are no communications? (b) Gaza has never had a full electric infrastructure - many were and are still operating off solar and generators. I can personally confirmed some lights can be seen in Gaza right now. ))

⭕6 rounds of ROCKET and SU***DE DRONES from HEZBOLLAH at northern towns since mid-morning.

✡️A brief daily word of Torah: “We have a tradition from the Baal Shem Tov: by celebrating that G‑d will come to your rescue, you have already provided the remedy.” Keter Shem Tov 234.

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🙏 Blessings for peace, safety, and health. May our soldiers be secure, effective, and return home safely. We pray for the complete downfall of our enemies and the swift, healthy return of all our remaining captives. 🎗️ May Hashem avenge our fallen! 🙏



◾Israel's Security Cabinet is scheduled to meet this evening as tensions with Hezbollah escalate. According to a senior defense source, Israel is edging closer to a military campaign in Lebanon, although the exact date has not been determined. If a ceasefire agreement is not reached soon, war with Hezbollah is expected to erupt quickly. The IDF are finalizing their preparations for war, including plans for extensive ground maneuvers. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu informed the government that the current situation on the Lebanon front is unsustainable.

◾Following a recent deadly attack, Netanyahu stated, "We are surrounded by a murderous ideology, led by Iran's axis of evil." Reports from Channel 12 News indicate that Israel's security services are currently dealing with over 40 serious terror threats in Judea and Samaria. Iran and Hezbollah are believed to be fueling violence in these regions in an attempt to open another major front against Israel, aiming to split the IDF’s focus.

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🩸Sunday afternoon - events from Israel

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▪️MORE ON THE TERROR - SHOOTING - ALLENBY CROSSING.. 3 civilians murdered, workers of the border crossing. Terrorist eliminated by border security guards. Terrorist was a truck driver delivering AID from Jordan to Gaza, who hid a weapon in the truck cab.
. ALL land borders from Israel to Jordan have been SHUT.
. All trucks at the crossing, and all truck drivers, carefully examined for weapons and bombs.
. (Enemy report) The city of Jericho is surrounded by IDF forces.
. This WAS a “humanitarian delivery” via Jordan towards Gaza.
. The Regavim movement is demanding the government "to stop all humanitarian aid convoys from Jordan to Hamas”.
. Jordanians handing out sweets at corners in celebration of the attack. (Kaan)
. 48 hours ago military police interrogated a soldier who insisted on getting an Arab truck driver out of the cab to inspect. The driver refused, the soldier shot the truck's tire so he could not run away. That soldier is currently in detention.
. PRIME MINISTER SAYS.. "It's a hard day. A despicable terrorist murdered three of our citizens in cold blood at the Allenby Bridge. On behalf of the government, I send my condolences to the families of the murdered.

We are surrounded by a murderous ideology led by Iran's axis of evil. In recent days, despicable terrorists have murdered six of our abductees in cold blood and three Israeli police officers. The killers do not distinguish between us, they want to murder us all, until the last one; Right and left, secular and religious, Jews and non-Jews.

What prevents the destruction of our people as in the past is the strength of the State of Israel and the strength of the Israel Defense Forces. The heroic spirit of the soldiers, the policemen, the men and women of our security forces, the supreme sacrifice of our fallen heroes and the resilience of our people - that's all the difference. When we stand together - our enemies cannot, so their main goal is to divide us, to sow division within us.

Last weekend, the German newspaper Bild published an official Hamas document that reveals its plan of action: to sow division within us, to wage psychological warfare on the families of the hostages, to exert internal and external political pressure on the Israeli government, to tear us apart from the inside, and to continue the war until the defeat of Israel.

The vast majority of Israeli citizens do not fall into this trap of Hamas. They know that we are committed with all our might to achieve the goals of the war - to eliminate Hamas, to return all our hostages, to ensure that Gaza will no longer pose a threat to Israel and to safely return our residents in the north and south to their homes.

We will stand together, we will hold on to David's rope together, and with God's help we will win.

And one more word: Some ask - 'Will you forever hold a sword?' - In the Middle East without a sword there is no eternity”.

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The IDF are methodically targeting Hezbollah's rocket launchers in Lebanon, according to military journalist Ron Ben-Yishai via Ynet. This air campaign aims to reduce the threat posed to Israel's home front. Additionally, the IDF has improved its interception rate of Hezbollah drones, further enhancing its defense capabilities.

Israeli officials believe a major military operation in Lebanon is very near due to Hezbollah's refusal to withdraw from the border area. This assault is expected to involve coordinated efforts from the Israeli Air Force, Navy, and infantry forces operating within Lebanon.

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According to Army Radio, the attacker was a Jordanian national and a truck driver who concealed a weapon in his vehicle. He crossed the border into Israel and opened fire.

Medics reported that three Israeli men in their 50s were shot by the terrorist at the Allenby Bridge crossing between Jordan and the West Bank. Despite receiving treatment at the scene from Magen David Adom ambulance service, the men were later declared dead.

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🔘Sunday - events from Israel

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▪️TERROR - SHOOTING - ALLENBY CROSSING.. 2 or 3 (reports differ) shot near the Allenby crossing (to Jordon) on Route 90. 3 in critical condition (per MDA), terrorist neutralized, terrorist(s) set their car on fire?

▪️ON U.S. AIRCRAFT CARRIER EISENHOWER.. that was stationed in the Gulf of Aden (near Yemen), from a usually very reliable source: Evidence increases that carrier Eisenhower was hit or nearly hit by a Houthi attack which apparently caused the dramatic step to take her out of the area. Additional reports of the air cap battling to take down anti-ship ballistic missiles.
. On a related note: US ships in the Middle East have switched from public reporting of location to general area.

⭕ HEZBOLLAH ROCKET BARRAGE overnight, 50 launches in 3 volleys.

▪️FOREIGN MINISTER KATZ ON TURKEY.. "Erdoğan continues to throw the Turkish people into the fire of hatred and violence for his friends from Hamas… Israel defends its borders and its citizens against the murderers of Hamas and the Shiite axis of evil led by Iran. Erdogan and the Muslim Brotherhood have been working together with Iran for years to stamp out the moderate Arab regimes in the Middle East.”

▪️ARMY SUPPORT OOPSIE.. Israelis and Jews around the world continue to send support to our soldiers fighting for our survival. In a bizarre incident, a donation of boxes of cookies to an IDF base accidentally included a box of “edibles” (drug cookies) and was eaten. Police investigating.

▪️ON THE HAMAS NEGOTIATION STRATEGY REPORT.. published in German online magazine BILD: (Yaron Avraham) The document detailing Hamas' negotiation strategy, which was published yesterday in the German "Bild" newspaper, was actually in the hands of the IDF already in mid-April, but was not brought to the attention of senior officials in the IDF and the government. (( If this is true, those involved need to be fired and prosecuted. ))

▪️PROTEST NEWS - MERGER.. the pro-deal hostage families last night officially merged their protest with the anti-government Kaplan protest. Police estimated 25,000 protestors.
. Late night protesters blocked the Ayalon south highway, again.

▪️UKRAINE THREATENS IRAN.. following the transfer of Iranian missiles to Russia, “if civilians are harmed”.

▪️CNN SAYS.. CNN report: Concerns are growing in the White House that it will not be possible to reach a deal before the end of Biden's term.

▪️BBC BIAS.. BBC shows extreme bias against Israel, violating their own rules 1,500 times. New report details the bias:

🔹THREAT, PROPAGANDA, OR LIES? (this is from an enemy source - so it could be ‘internal to them’ propaganda) The terrorist fighters of the Radwan invasion force of Hezbollah in southern Lebanon today began deployment of forces, a stage before an invasion in case the deal talks falls through.

⭕6 rounds of HEZBOLLAH ROCKETS at northern towns overnight.

⭕HAMAS ROCKET at Kerem Shalom aid entry station this morning.

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🇮🇱AFTER Shabbat - Saturday night - events from Israel

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⚠️Kiryat Shmona and the Upper Galilee: residents are asked to be near protected areas, including in non-evacuated towns. (19:32)

❗️ISIS SUPPORTER - PAKISTANI CANADIAN - PLANNED MASS ATTACK ON CHABAD 770.. arrested when he tried to cross the border into the United States - where he planned to carry out a shooting attack on Chabad HQ and synagogue 770 in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY. He was arrested after he shared with undercover agents his intentions: "to take advantage of Israeli gatherings on Oct. 7 memorials for the Hamas massacre, and to carry out the largest attack against Jews outside of Israel ever - and the largest in the US since Sept. 11”.

Planned mass shooting with automatic weapons in New York because "there is the largest population of Jews in America."


▪️ON THE AMERICAN-TURKISH ACTIVIST SHOT NEAR SHECHEM.. The White House: We contacted Israel demanding information and asked for an investigation into the shooting of the American citizen near Shechem.
. IDF spokesperson: During the security forces' activity near Beta today (Friday), the force responded by firing at a central instigator who threw stones at the forces, and posed a threat to our forces.
. The Turkish-American anarchist who was killed today by IDF gunfire in Kfar Beta in Samaria is an activist of ISM - the "International Solidarity Organization" - a pro-Hamas and Hezbollah "resistance" organization that has been working against Israel for years through provocations, boycotts, defamations and confrontations. Its operatives even helped transport a terrorist to an attack in Tel Aviv in the past. The founder of the organization, Paul Larudi, even praised the massacre committed by Hamas in Israel.


▪️ISRAEL MAINSTREAM MEDIA CREATES POLLS.. to prove Israelis support a deal - - by phrasing questions in such a way as to remove negatives. For example: “do you support a complete withdrawal from Gaza in a deal to free the hostages?”, 52% say yes. I say yes! (( Oh did you forget to mention being bombarded with rockets again within a year and increased terror attacks and Israeli deaths? Yes, yes you did. )) (i24)
. “Majority does not accept the PM’s position and thinks a deal is more important than remaining in control of the border - 60%”. (Mako). (( Does the poll mention releasing 5,000 mass murderers, many who will murder again? No, no it does not. ))


▪️TERROR ATTEMPT - RAMMING ATTACK - ELI.. gas station. They rammed a police car! Terrorist captured, no casualties.

▪️TURKISH PRESIDENT ERDOGAN CALLS.. on the Muslim world to unite against Israel: it will want to conquer Turkey as well.

🔸DEAL NEWS.. New York Times: Hamas added additional demands regarding the release of Palestinian prisoners as part of the first phase of the deal. (( The more Israeli’s protest demanding a deal, the more Hamas demands. ))
. The head of the CIA: "We hope that a hostage deal will be signed in the coming days - it's a matter of political will"
. Assessment in Israel: There is no chance of a deal.

⭕ 16 rounds of ROCKETS and mostly SU***DE DRONE attacks over Shabbat at northern Israeli towns and cities, including Rosh HaNikra and Safed.
. 2 drones hit Ayelet HaShachar. No casualties.

♦️The IDF eliminated senior Hezbollah leaders in Lebanon and Deir al-Balah.

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🔅Before Shabbat - FRIDAY - events from Israel

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✡️Erev Shabbat - Parshat (Torah portion) Shoftim - Deuteronomy 16:18 - Moses instructs the people of Israel to appoint judges and law enforcement officers in every city. “Justice, justice shall you pursue,” he commands them, and you must administer it without corruption or favoritism.


▪️HAMAS NEGOTIATION GUIDELINES SOURCE.. several readers asked for the source article on the Hamas Negotiation Guidelines. Thank you to a kind reader who hunted it down, here it is, in the original German:

▪️IDF JENIN SUMMARY.. So far, 14 terrorists have been killed in Jenin, over 30 suspects have been arrested, about 30 explosives planted in roads have been destroyed, and four airstrikes have been carried out in the area. Many terrorist infrastructures were destroyed, including an underground weapons stockpile located under the mosque and a laboratory for the production of explosives. The commander of of Hamas in Jenin, the terrorist Vasam Hazem, who directed shooting and explosive attacks in the Jenin area and was responsible for promoting terrorist activities in Judea and Samaria, was eliminated.

▪️PROTESTOR ATTACKS (in an annoying way) MINISTER BEN GVIR AT THE BEACH.. along with his children. The police arrested a woman who demonstrated and threw sand at Minister Ben Gvir who arrived at Geula beach in Tel Aviv with his family.

▪️AMERICAN-TURKISH ACTIVIST KILLED IN SAMARIA.. “Palestinian” sources say an American activist of Turkish origin died as a result of a bullet wound in the clashes near Jebel Zvih in Bita, south Shechem - Samaria. ( Political kerfuffle expected. )

▪️BUDGET UPDATE - AFFECTS ALL.. Finance Min. Smotrich presented his economic policy for the coming year: "In 2025 child allowances and other allowances will be FROZEN (no increases), but we will not raise taxes.”

▪️FACEBOOK SAYS FROM THE RIVER.. to the sea is ok. Meta's supervisory board decided: the phrase "from the river to the sea" is legitimate. The explanation - "The phrase can be understood as a call encouraging anti-Semitism and the violent elimination of Israel, BUT it is also used as a political call for the self-determination of the Palestinian people, and the end of the war in Gaza." (( Got that? Anti-semitism is ok if for someone else it is for self determination. At least when it is against Jews. ))

▪️BIT.. the money transfer app: From November: it will be possible to accumulate financial balances in the Bit application like one can in Paybox, which will actually become a digital wallet. But the balances in Bit will not bear interest, in contrast to Paybox which gives 3% interest on balances.

▪️PLEASE BE SAFE WHILE STEALING! A 50-year-old resident of Haifa is accused of stealing eight electrical cables worth thousands of shekels from the municipal pool of Krayot. He was arrested after he was electrocuted during another attempted theft of electrical cables and copper. He was arrested with a series of saws-all and other heavy cutting tools. (( I haven’t previously hear of such copper-scavenger thefts in Israel. Please practice safe thievery! ))

⭕ ANTI-TANK MISSILES from HEZBOLLAH.. A number of anti-tank missiles were launched at Metula - damage was caused to the building, no casualties .

⭕ SU***DE DRONES from HEZBOLLAH at Abirim, Alkosh, Netua, Fassuta this afternoon.

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Neria Hanavi 4
Bet Shemesh





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