Igor sinagof official tv

Igor sinagof official tv Hello everyone, welcome to Igor Sinagof official tv channel. and Friday from 08:00 a.m. 19:50 p.m.

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A Reuters report from six sources, including a Syrian intelligence officer and sources affiliated with Hezbollah: Israel has changed strategy since the October 7 massacre, carrying out an unprecedented scale of deadly strikes in Syria against Iranian arms shipments and air defense systems. According to several sources, "Israel has abandoned the familiar rules of the game and seems no longer afraid of inflicting heavy losses on Hezbollah." The same sources claim that in the past the IDF used to fire a warning shot before hitting the target, but now "they shoot everyone directly - shoot to kill"

(Asaf Rosenzweig)


Microsoft President Brad Smith said today (Saturday) that Russia is spreading a disinformation campaign online regarding the war in the Gaza Strip and is thus spreading false information about what is happening.

Smith, who participated in an international professional forum in Paris, said: "Microsoft and other companies are fighting the same spread of lies with the help of technological tools that identify content that has been manipulated and changed.

We are getting better and better at identifying the Russian campaign, for example when they tried to prevent people from getting the corona vaccine or today when we see their disinformation campaign in the Middle East."

According to Smith, the three options facing technology platforms that detect this kind of disinformation are to do nothing, delete it, or re-tag it and mark the content as changed. "There is no consensus on the correct method of action," he added.


In light of this, the National Security Headquarters and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs recommend that all Israelis staying abroad be vigilant, stay away from demonstrations and protests and, if necessary, update themselves with the local security forces about possible demonstrations/events of disorder in their surroundings.


Despite the IDF's efforts to keep away the process of Iranian establishment and Palestinian or Hezbollah terrorist activity in the area of ​​the Syrian Golan Heights, a shadow war against Israel is being waged in the area.

The Iranians and Hezbollah (this infrastructure is known as: "The Golan Bag") are unable to establish their own bases in the Golan Heights because of Israeli aggression, therefore they combine activity from the Syrian army outposts mainly for intelligence gathering purposes.
At the same time, they work to mobilize the people of the villages and towns in the area for diverse tasks.

Palestinian operatives from Lebanon who were stationed in Syria for terrorist activity, or fighters from the pro-Iranian Shia division 'Hussein Division', often operate in the area.


Smuggling of explosives from the Gaza Strip in a shipment of clothes was foiled. According to the assessment of the situation, the passage of goods from the Gaza Strip to Israel will be stopped.

The security inspectors of the crossings authority in the Ministry of Defense revealed today at the Kerem Shalom crossing an unusual attempt to smuggle explosives from Gaza.

During a security check for goods from the Gaza Strip that arrived at the crossing in three trucks, a high-quality explosive was discovered in the amount of several kilograms, which was disposed of in clothes of international fashion brands. The explosive material was found inside the lining of the clothes and was suspected to be intended for terrorist elements. The goods were seized and the incident was transferred to the investigation of the security forces.

Following the incident and in accordance with the assessment of the situation, the Chief of Staff, with the approval of the Minister of Defense, directed the halting of the passage of goods from the Gaza Strip to Israel in order to implement the lessons of inspection in transit. A return to normality in transit will be carried out according to the assessment of the situation.


The things that US President Joe Biden said regarding the need to stop the legislation to cancel the probable cause in its current form are a last minute attempt on the part of the American administration to curb the internal crisis in Israel and moreover to prevent an unprecedented crisis in relations between Israel and the US

Biden, more than anyone else in American politics today, sees Israel as a modern convention. More than once he said that if Israel did not exist, it would have to be invented. For him, Israel is not like all the other countries in the world. For him, the USA and Israel are a family and when there is a crisis in the family, he must intervene.

The White House is very concerned about the impact of the internal crisis in Israel on the security situation in the Middle East and the safety of the American forces in the region. If the IDF is weaker and if parties such as Iran and Hezbollah feel that they have an opportunity to resort to provocations - this could have an impact on the safety of American soldiers.

Biden's message to Israel last night was the fourth time the president has spoken on the issue in a week. It started with his phone call with Prime Minister Netanyahu last Monday, continued with his meeting with President Herzog on Tuesday, then with Tom Friedman's article in the New York Times and last night with what he said to me.

The Prime Minister is well aware of the President's position. He can ignore and move forward with the legislation but he can also listen to Biden and recalculate a course. Any decision Netanyahu makes will have a clear impact on the future of his relationship with Biden and the future of relations between Israel and the US.


The Prime Minister's son, Yair Netanyahu, is pressuring his father not to stop the legislation of the law to cancel the reason of reasonableness and not to renew the talks about the legal revolution in the President's residence.

Wow! It was learned that Netanyahu the son, who has been abroad for the past few months, spoke with his father this week and made it clear that he opposes compromises and softening of the law as well as stopping the legislation in order to return to the President's residence for talks.

The conversation took place at the beginning of the week, before the approval of the reasonableness law in the first reading, and in the background of the calls of the president of the country Yitzhak Herzog and the leaders of the opposition Yair Lapid and Benny Gantz to stop the legislation and return to the talks about the legal revolution. According to sources close to Netanyahu, his son told him "it is forbidden to give up, not to fold" and to insist on the approval of the law in the second and third reading.


The security officers of the regional councils throughout the Judea and Samaria division met today (Wednesday) with the division commander, Lt. Col. Avi Belot, at the headquarters in Beit El. During the meeting, they talked with the territorial defense officer of the division, Lt. Col. Elitzur Trabalsi, about the latest events in Judea and Samaria.

The division commander presented to the security officers the main points of the operation to counter terrorism in the Jenin refugee camp, which took place last week and whose purpose was to expand the freedom of action of the security forces. He also presented to them the motives for launching the operation and the change in the trend in countering terrorism in Judea and Samaria, the achievements of the operation, the amount of weapons that were confiscated and the number of infrastructures that were destroyed. He also expressed appreciation for their work in the operation. During the conversation, he referred to the fall of an Eggoz unit fighter, Maj. David Yehuda Yitzhak, who fell during the withdrawal of the troops from Jenin at the end of the operation and expressed his condolences to the family.

In addition, the division commander referred to the day-to-day handling of the regional divisions in terrorist incidents and popular terrorism.

At the end of the meeting, the security officers expressed great appreciation for the partnership and proposals were made to optimize the civil security elements in the area in order to better protect the residents of the sector.


The Knesset plenum is expected to approve on Monday in first reading the proposal to cancel the reason for reasonableness. According to the wording, elected officials will be immune from disqualification or discussion of their decisions on the grounds of unreasonableness. The coalition plans to advance the proposal for approval in a second and third reading at the current Knesset summer conference, that is, in the coming month.

The opposition made it clear that if the proposal is finally approved - there will be no point in returning to the talks at the President's house. Chairman of the opposition Yair Lapid said this evening in an interview on Network 13 that if the cancellation of the probable cause does pass in the second and third readings - "There is no reason to return to the talks at the president's house. I don't see how to come back from this."


In a joint operation by the IDF, the Shin Bet and the Mageb, the soldiers of the Magellan unit located an explosives laboratory in the Jenin refugee camp, containing hundreds of ready-to-use explosives, explosives and an explosives pit. The fighters also confiscated radios and military equipment. In addition, IDF soldiers located an explosives laboratory containing dozens of improvised explosive devices and an instruction manual for preparing additional explosive devices.

In addition, another laboratory was located with means for preparing explosives. The forces confiscated all weapons.

At the same time, during the arrests carried out in the city of Jenin, a Nahal patrol force encountered armed terrorists. Injuries were identified. One of the terrorists was neutralized and his weapon was confiscated. He was caught, and transferred to medical treatment.

No casualties to our forces.


Good afternoon everyone, I'm sorry now there is simply no important news, so there is no information here


Naim Kassem, the deputy leader of Hezbollah, commented today during a religious ceremony in the town of Baalbak about the latest campaign in the Gaza Strip:
"The resistance, for all factions, led by the Islamic Jihad, succeeded in the battle of "Revenge of the Freedmen" (Operation Shield and Arrow) to teach Israel a lesson about its inability to do what it wants, or realize its goals and projects. The Islamic Jihad worked patiently and in cooperation with all the Palestinian factions, especially with Hamas, and did not agree to a cease-fire except with the Israeli commitment not to attack civilians.. The rocket fire continued until the last moment and at a high rate.. The rockets fired at Israel could paralyze it for five days or more, and cause losses, And this is a deterrence that Israel cannot escape from or overcome. The resistance proved once again that with its weapons it is able to change the equation and impose its conditions on the region."


He will hold security consultations this evening, with the participation of the Minister of Defense, to assess the situation on the border with Gaza


Joint statement of the IDF, the Shin Bet, and the Border Guard

In a joint activity by the IDF, the Shin Bet, and the Anti-Terrorism Unit, the terrorists Hassan Qatanani and Moaz Al-Masry, Hamas activists, were killed this morning (4.5); the three Israeli women were killed; The mother, Leah, and her daughters, Maya Rina Day, who were killed in the terrorist operation near the town of Hamra in the Jordan Valley on April 7.

In the aftermath of the terrorist attack, intelligence and military efforts were made by the Shin Bet and the IDF to reveal the location of the house in which they hid in the Old City of Nablus.

Based on accurate intelligence, the security forces raided this morning the aforementioned house, where an exchange of fire took place, killing the killers. Ibrahim Houra, one of the main assistants of the wanted persons, was also killed.

Two M16 rifles and a Kalashnikov were found in the house.

The security forces will continue to work resolutely to thwart every terrorist threat directed against the citizens of Israel and IDF soldiers


Iran / Israel / Syria | "The Israeli attacks in Syria - an attempt to divert attention from the internal crises"

The foreign desk clerk, Shiraz Tikva, reports that the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Nasser Kanani, strongly condemned the attacks attributed to Israel in Syria, and the international community's lack of regard for these attacks.
"Unfortunately and surprisingly, the international community has not shown a deterrent response to the Zionist regime's aggressive and ongoing military attacks on Syria, including those targeting civilian airports and even residential areas."
Kanani called on the UN Security Council to show responsibility in the face of the Zionist regime's attacks, which constitute violations of Syria's sovereignty and integrity.

According to him, the leadership in Iran sees the Israeli attacks in Syria as an attempt to divert attention from the internal and political crises in Israel, and as an attempt to resolve the deep division in the political leadership. Kanani added that Israel is not satisfied with the rapprochement between Syria and Iran in recent times and therefore continues to attack Syria.


The coordinator of government operations in the territories announces civil measures for the month of Ramadan

The Coordinator of Government Operations in the Territories, Major General Rasan Aliyan, announced today (Monday) that at the end of a security situation assessment, a series of civil measures were approved for the Palestinian population on the occasion of the month of Ramadan. This is in accordance with the recommendation of the security bodies and with the aim of allowing freedom of religious worship for the Palestinian public.

As part of the measures, the entry of Palestinian worshipers to the Temple Mount for Friday prayers during the month of Ramadan was approved. The entry of women will be allowed at all ages and the entry of children up to the age of 12 will be allowed without the need for an existing permit. Entry for men aged 55 and over without an existing permit and for men aged 45 and over will be subject to an existing permit. All permits are conditional on receiving a security clearance.

In addition, on the occasion of Ramadan, family visits to Israel were approved for Palestinian residents of Judea and Samaria, as well as visits by relatives in Judea and Samaria from foreign countries. We emphasize that all permits will be issued subject to security approval.

In addition, Palestinians living in Judea and Samaria will be able to book tickets for designated flights abroad through Ramon Airport during the month of Ramadan. Also, during the month of Ramadan, the hours of operation will be extended at the various Judea and Samaria crossings.

Residents of the Gaza Strip will be allowed a limited quota for visits to Jerusalem on Sunday-Thursday, for women aged 50 and over and for men aged 55 and over.

The continuation of the civil policy will be possible according to the assessment of the situation and the security stability.

General Rasan Aliyan informed the senior officials of the Palestinian Authority and the relevant parties in the international community about the steps and gestures for the holiday, and greeted them with the blessing of "Blessed Shahr Mubarak and Ramadan Kareem".

Best regards,
Spokesperson from Tafs

In the news published on the "Al-Manar" website, a statement was also included from the organization (Galilee forces) an...

In the news published on the "Al-Manar" website, a statement was also included from the organization (Galilee forces) and it read "The Zionist terrorist attacks continue one after the other against our people... We inform Kabal with a committee about our presence as sacrificial units (meaning fighters) inside and outside Palestine , announcing a general mobilization and our readiness to carry out our tasks to dislodge the occupier and eliminate his terrorist commanders and men...we stand in line with all the organizations, battalions and fighting companies of the resistance that believe in an armed struggle for the liberation of Palestine." It was also written that the group emphasized that it would return to the actions of explosive devices and the use of explosive belts.

Here is 11

The Secretary General of Hezbollah and the Secretary General of Islamic Jihad met in Lebanon: At the meeting, they discu...

The Secretary General of Hezbollah and the Secretary General of Islamic Jihad met in Lebanon:

At the meeting, they discussed the "challenges" expected of them and agreed to continue the cooperation between the two organizations.

Nasrallah expressed his appreciation for the heroism of the Palestinian people and the brave fighters who face the occupation gangs and its criminal army every day on the lands of Palestine, especially in Jerusalem and Yosh.


Since the last time I updated you five days ago, on the state of the Iranian currency, you may have seen reports yesterday that the Iranian Rial rate strengthened and reached within touching distance of half a million Rials to the dollar, and indeed yesterday the Rial rate reached 506,000, and the merriment in the press improves the republic's riot regime Iran's Islam is rising, regardless of the Purim holiday.

The massive infusion of foreign currency into the market by the regime managed to return the exchange rate to the level at which it traded on February 22, and still the exchange rate of the Iranian national currency has fallen by about 25% - about one hundred thousand Rials since the beginning of the year. And I will mention that since Raisi, the hangman from Tehran, took office as the president of Iran on August 3, 2021, the rial exchange rate crashed to about half its value, when it dropped from 257,500 rials to the dollar, so you can understand the Iranians who are not so happy and happy at the sight of the rial exchange rate that seems to have strengthened and reached back to half a million rials to the dollar. ..

Despite the optimism shown in the pro-regime press, many in Iran doubt that the national currency will strengthen following the visit of Rafael Grossi, the chairman of the IAEA - the International Atomic Energy Agency, especially in light of the contradictory statements that Grossi says at the end of his meeting with Mohammad Islami Mohammad Eslami) the head of the Organization for Atomic Energy in Iran (and one of Raisi's deputies), who agreed with Iran to reinstall and connect the IAEA's monitoring equipment, in supervised sites (or if you allow me to say - that should be supervised...) and on the other hand is published in Shofar newspapers The regime in Iran, that there is no Iranian consent to reconnecting the surveillance cameras and the monitoring equipment of the IAEA...

All we have to do is continue to monitor the value of the Iranian national currency, and whether the regime's efforts to stabilize and strengthen the currency will be successful, or whether the market power that results from, among other things, the mismanagement of the corrupt regime, and the complete lack of confidence of the Iranians in the regime and its ability to manage the country's economy, will lead to a further collapse of the rial exchange rate .
+ +


The Al Arabi newspaper Al Jadid reported this morning that the Palestinian factions refuse any concession at the current time, especially with the Aqaba summit in the background.
Hamas and Islamic Jihad are not calm to say the least, and even a direct appeal by the Egyptian intelligence to the senior officials of the two organizations did not calm them down.
According to the newspaper, the Egyptian appeal to the senior military echelons in the organizations came due to the approval of the political echelon's response to the fact that there is difficulty in taking control of the territory in the Gaza Strip.

Estimates in Egypt indicate that this is the closest period to an escalation and a military campaign due to the trends of the government in Israel and the position of the military arms of the terrorist organizations that are engaged in fixing a reaction equation in the three arenas together - Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza.

According to the newspaper's sources, the Egyptian efforts in the West Bank and Gaza are currently going in "different paths", while in addition to the efforts to mediate with the factions, Egypt is also providing assistance to the Palestinian Authority in controlling order in the West Bank according to the plan proposed by the American Secretary of State during his visit earlier this month. These efforts have been thwarted to the contradiction between them when the factions refuse to make concessions against the background of the summit in Aqaba.


Starting today - the night movement and the release of incendiary balloons at the Gaza border will officially resume

The Palestinian news agency "Palestine Now" reports from its sources that the Palestinian factions have decided to activate the "rough tools" units which, as you recall, were established along with the return marches in March 2018.

According to the sources, the groups affiliated with the terrorist organizations will start activating their units at the fence today at noon and will set off incendiary balloons. At the same time, the nightly movement of the fence will also resume today.

Putin's speech: Russia suspends its participation in the Nuclear Arms Reduction Treaty Russian President Vladimir Putin ...

Putin's speech: Russia suspends its participation in the Nuclear Arms Reduction Treaty

Russian President Vladimir Putin gave a State of the Nation address to the Federal Assembly today (Tuesday) and said that "we did everything possible to resolve the Donbass problem peacefully, but the West has prepared a different scenario." Putin, who addressed both houses of parliament, also said that Ukraine asked for weapons from the West even before the start of the "military operation". The speech comes at a symbolic time, a few days before the one-year anniversary of the day Putin announced an invasion of Ukraine.

In a speech, the Russian president offered his analysis of the international situation, saying that the West "let the genie out of the bottle" by starting the war, while Russia did everything to stop it. He added that only the United States has a very large number of military bases around the world and accused the West of turning Ukraine into "anti-Russian" a long time ago.

"Step by step, carefully and consistently, we will solve the tasks before us. Since 2014, the people of Donbas have been fighting, defending their right to live on their land, to speak their language. They fought and did not give up even under siege, incessant shelling and open hatred of the regime in Kiev. They believed and expected From Russia to come to their aid," Putin said. He added that the West supports "traitors" who oppose Russia's actions and thanked the Russian people for their "courage and determination" in supporting the "special military operation in Ukraine".

Putin also announced that Russia is suspending its participation in the New START nuclear arms reduction treaty signed in 2010 in Prague. The treaty, which was extended in 2021 for another five years, limits the stockpiles of strategic nuclear weapons of Russia and the United States. "I am forced to announce today that Russia is suspending its participation in the treaty," Putin told lawmakers in Moscow near the end of his speech.

Photo: Reuters


Do you know what will happen to us if you bring down Sisi?!
Floods will drown us, volcanoes will burn us
Earthquakes will destroy us, and hurricanes will swallow us
Diseases and plagues will ravage our bodies
So what would you choose: poverty and debt with Sisi
Or prosperity and progress with earthquakes and volcanoes?
* Sent from a Samsung device
In the insane hospital 😍

We continue to move towards the exemption from visas to the United States Today, an extended discussion was held at the ...

We continue to move towards the exemption from visas to the United States

Today, an extended discussion was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jerusalem with the American team led by Robert Pascal, the Undersecretary for International Affairs at the Ministry of Homeland Defense, who is responsible for Israel's accession to the US visa exemption program, with the aim of advancing the work plan and meeting the requirements for Israel's accession to the program by September 2023.

Foreign Minister Eli Cohen met with the two delegations during the discussion and reiterated Israel's commitment to advance the legislative procedures and additional requirements, in order to achieve that Israeli citizens can visit the US without the need for a visa even before the end of 2023.

Foreign Minister Eli Cohen: "Entry into the US visa exemption program will be good news for all citizens of Israel. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will continue to lead the efforts and processes required for this, so that this year, Israelis who want to visit the US will be exempt from visas." I thank US President Biden, Ambassador Nides and all the American teams who accompany us in the process.'

Photo: Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Summary of tonight's headlines:

The attack in Neve Ya'akov: Three of the seven murdered in the attack that happened on Friday night have been laid to rest. The names of those killed in the attack: Eliyahu Mizrahi, 48 years old his wife Natalie Mizrahi, 45 years old Rafael Ben Eliyahu, 56 years old Asher Natan Hid, 14 Eliyahu Sosansky, 26 Shaul Chai Hid, 68 years old Irina Korolova May their memory be blessed

The attempted attack in the settlement of Kedumim: the terrorist who tried to enter the settlement was eliminated, it was reported that normalcy had returned.

Security Policy Cabinet Decisions: A number of new measures were decided for the fight against terrorism, including the sealing of terrorists' homes, promotion of a law to deport families of terrorists.

The drones in the skies of Iran: The Iranians report the shelling of targets in their territory, at least in six different locations.


Pressured, blackmailed and fragile: Netanyahu is completely hostage to his partners

At the top of the food pyramid in nature are the super carnivores, below them are medium carnivores, below them are small carnivores, then carnivores that are also preyed on, and so on. At the bottom of the hierarchical pyramid are those who are easy prey for everyone. They have no means of defense, they are not equipped with escape speed or any survival mechanisms. These days, the researchers are discovering another layer, even lower: a low level from which there is no lower level. The temporary scientific name of this level is "Members of the Knesset of the Likud".

While Netanyahu continues the wholesale liquidation sale of the state's assets to his coalition partners and vacillates between the plundering campaigns of Ben Gabir, Smotrich, Gafni and Goldknopf, the MKs in Likud continue to be thrown under the wheels of the bus. It turns out that this bus does not have enough wheels for everyone. I wonder what would happen if my members The Knesset of the new-old ruling party would do what Netanyahu's senior partners in the future coalition are doing and announce: We sign where necessary and vote what is necessary only after we know what positions we will receive, and not before. If we are satisfied, fine. If not, then no.

It will not happen. The atmosphere in Netanyahu's environment is somewhat reminiscent of the first years after the French Revolution: the guillotine cuts back at a murderous pace, no one is immune, anyone, including Robespierre in his own right, may one day find his head rolling into the basket at the feet of the manger. Everyone suspects everyone, incriminates everyone, blames everyone. No one can sleep peacefully. Here, now even Galit Distal Atabrian found herself on the wrong side of the maze.

There is another historical period that is reminiscent of what is happening now in the corridors of Ze'ev Fortress: the war of the diadochs, between the army ministers and the senior officers of Alexander the Great, after news of his untimely death became known. The group fought for decades, to the point of shedding blood, for the kingdom of the giant he left behind, until it disappeared. So it's true, our Alexander the Great is not dead (God forbid). on the contrary. He had just won a dramatic victory in a crucial election.

This is a victory that is all false magic. The winner is weaker than ever, vulnerable, fragile, oppressive and blackmailing. He doesn't manage his partners, they manage him. He is a complete hostage, a leader who cannot afford for his subjects not to be satisfied and satisfied and must submit to every whim of their heart's whims. He can leave nothing to their good will. He is the prime minister on paper. They are the prime ministers in the field.

After the results of the elections were known, the commentators were united in their opinion: the days of long and exhausting negotiations are over. No more prolonged, excruciating, nerve-wracking charades. It will be an afternoon walk in the rose garden. A coalition of 64 MKs that has never been more homogeneous in the annals of politics the Israeli one. piece of cake.

Well, that was a mistake. Yesterday the original mandate (28 days) for forming the government ended and the extension begins, and nothing is really closed yet. The elected Prime Minister is unable to decide who will be the Speaker of the Knesset. He is torn between the poles, struggling between the hawks, blackmailed and controlled and crumpled from all sides.

Every moment another absurd demand is published by one of his capricious partners (the last one was published yesterday: Ben Gabir wants a veto right in the ministerial committee for legislation, so that he can block other people's laws, if they block his own laws). As things stand, he is going to appoint a temporary speaker of the Knesset, which may/may become a permanent one. Rival Levin. All this time, Yoav Kish, Ofir Akunis and Dodi Amsalem continue to quarrel over this position, while the network spreads everyone's slander, against each other, through all Unknown species.

In mid-2009, right after he returned to the Prime Minister's office (after a decade of hiatus), it became clear that Benjamin Netanyahu's new office was torn, conflicted and disintegrating. The readers of "Maariv" were informed, in the main headline, that the various senior officials of that bureau (U*i Arad, Zvi Hauser and others) demand that they all be polygraph tested on the charge of leaks. 13 years have passed, and history repeats itself, on steroids. This time, not a few months after the government was formed, but days and weeks before it was formed.

Here is a partial list of the current conflicts between advisers, associates, MKs, and courtiers of Netanyahu's Byzantine court: Netanyahu's office (with the exception of Tzachi Braverman) against Yariv Levin and Tzachi Braverman. MKs Bitan and Danny Danon against Miki Zohar and Haim Katz. Counselors Urich and Ofer Golan against MK Distal Atbarian (it's even a rhyme). Braverman against Tali Gottlieb (may God have mercy). Ikki Cohen against Tzachi Braverman. Yoav Kish and Riv Levin against Ofir Akunis, and vice versa (about the Knesset Speaker). Urich against topaz, strengthened by the Golan. Israel Katz vs. Nir Barkat (for the title "the one who will be humiliated the most"). Deri vs. Gafni. Gafni vs. Goldknopf and Porush. Smotrich and Ben Gvir (albeit, with low intensity).

It is worth dwelling on Levin's opponent. The strongest man in Likud and the strongest in Netanyahu's circle. Well, not anymore. Levin and Netanyahu disagree, and that's putting it mildly. According to a report from yesterday by Michael Shemesh, the differences of opinion are professional (Levin understood that Netanyahu is not interested in a deep, sharp and quick reform of the judicial system). But it's not just an ideology. In Netanyahu's environment, Levin was "marked" a long time ago. In Likud, as above. He is seen as someone who has become too strong, who is already building a camp, who is polishing his eyes for an inheritance (I don't really know if this is true). One of the most hated journalists about the family (who is not the Ham).

How will this all end? The way it started: agony, convulsions and the swearing in of a government. The boiled eggs will be thrown on the faces of some of the MKs of the Likud. The number of disgruntled and those seeking revenge will be greater than the number of those who are happy. The coalition partners will warn each other and wait in the corner for each other. With all that, this is an elected government, the government of all of us.



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