Kildare Now

Kildare Now for the latest breaking news, sport, traffic and weather information in County Kildare Or you can email [email protected] at any time. brings together the local news and sporting stories that matter to you from across County Kildare. If you have a story, a photo or video to send us for the Kildare Now website, please contact our editorial team on 045 897302. Please include your name and a telephone number we can contact you on. We also know our businesses and that's why our advertising teams are on hand to give

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KildareNow - your breaking news website for Co Kildare

If you have a story or want to send a photo or video to us please contact the Kildare Now editorial team. During office hours call 045 408 210. You can also email: [email protected] at any time. Kildare Now is a breaking news website for Country Kildare. It is owned by the Iconic Newspapers group and is brought to you by the team behind Kildare's free local newspaper, the Kildare Post. Get the latest breaking news, sport, traffic and weather information. You will also find features on fashion, property, motoring, and more.

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