To have a sense of humour, we can’t always be serious! We have a fun side too!
To support and promote Local Businesses / New Businesses with any social media help we can.
Provide free advertising to Limerick Businesses.
We won’t tolerate derogatory comments, any such will be removed and the person banned. Limerick Now will update you on events in the city and county. Promote charity events and upcoming businesses. .
We DON’T accept anonymous messages to post on your behalf unless you want to post your name along with your message.
If you have an event you’d like us to promote, a business opening soon, you can message us through the page.
The Limerick Now page is an open forum and we welcome your participation. However, we ask that you follow a few guidelines we’ve set out below:
We do not allow offensive, graphic, obscene, explicit, racial or racially offensive comments or submissions.
We do not allow comments that are offensive, abusive or hateful.
We do not allow comments that suggest or encourage illegal activity.
We do not allow solicitations or advertisements. This includes promotion or endorsement of any financial, commercial, or non-governmental agency.
Similarly, we do not allow attempts to defame or defraud any financial, commercial, or non-governmental agency.
You participate at your own risk, taking personal responsibility for your comments, your username, and any information provided.
The appearance of external links on the Limerick Now page does not constitute official endorsement on behalf of Limerick Now
Any messages, materials, or links submitted by users, fans, and/or members of the Limerick Now page may be edited or removed at Limerick Now’s sole discretion without notice at any time.
All opinions, advice, statements, other information or content expressed or made available by any member, fan, or user of Limerick Now’s page are those of the respective member(s), user(s), or fan(s) and not of Limerick Now or it’s admin team.
Limerick Now does not accept liability for the accuracy or content of any information, material, or link posted by users, members, or followers of Limerick Now.
Limerick Now is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites, which may be posted on the Limerick Now Page.
You also represent and warrant that you own the copyright to any photos you post, including your profile picture, and are free to consent to Limerick Now’s use of such images.