So it ain’t all about the hits , here’s a Wiley old cock who broke right over head and I swung with a double miss !! The high break over head coming towards me is one of my many weaknesses. A good flush by the dog and a fantastic miss by me !!! #pheasanthunting #pheasantmissing #firingblanks #whatamiss #theirishhuntingpodcast
Ah imagine running into this fella !!! #theirishhuntingpodcast #huntinglife #huntingtheforest
A view from the gun ! #theirishhuntingpodcast #duckhunting #shotgun #huntingduck
Should have had a double!! #theirishhuntingpodcast #huntingduck #duckhunting #shootingducks
A view from the gun ! #theirishhuntingpodcast #beretta682 #beretta #adifferentview
5% off all small and medium hoodies this week ! Get yours today ! #huntingmerch #huntinghoodie
A good retrieve by Millie again on the snipe . She earned this one after flushing the hen . Rose a few woodcock but no clear shot . #springerspaniel #flushingdog #snipehunt #roughshootingdog #huntingdogs #theirishhuntingpodcast #beretta682golde
She’s getting to grips with this hunting crack now !! Millie is flying now , I’m learning more every day , she’s not a monster cover basher but her intelligence in hunting the wind is improving every day . Her first season , and I’m thrilled with how we both are doing ! #theirishhuntingpodcast #springerspaniel #springerspaniels #springerspanielhunting #huntingwithspringers #huntingwithdogs🐺
Episode 84 out now guys . Surprise guest in the seat this week !!!!!!we chat about our upcoming hunting trip to Norfolk for some muntjac and Chinese water deer stalking . #theirishhuntingpodcast #muntjachunters #chinesewaterdeerstalking
Winners of the IHP 24hr challenge have been announced over on our YouTube channel , make sure and subscribe to our channel to keep up to date with all the new videos . Check it out below 👇