I finally had a chance to listen back to Cllr. O'Heney's denial of this story on Tipp Mid-West Radio. He said I'm not an accredited journalist, which is true, then called it a political attack by Sinn Féin.
His evidence: most of the people he saw share my story on social media were Shinners, allegedly.
As I've already said many times, I am not nor have I ever been a member of any political party. I am an independent leftist with views that don't fit any Irish party, and of the five I've flirted with joining in my entire life, none were Sinn Féin. I have no agenda but my own.
I published this story because I think anyone holding or seeking public office should be held to the highest standards of integrity and honesty, so when I learned of something I thought fell beneath those standards, I felt the public should know.
I do not expect politicians I challenge to like me, but I won't have my character impugned.
A local councillor and general election candidate in Tipp South bought Fine Gael memberships for friends and acquaintances so they could vote for him in a selection convention.