Tirza Ong

Tirza Ong A mommy creator, social media manager, and performing artist.

Untuk yang struggle bikin konten Instagram (termasuk saya)... ๐Ÿ˜ŒUntuk yang s**a stuck mau di-gimana-in foto di gallery bi...

Untuk yang struggle bikin konten Instagram (termasuk saya)... ๐Ÿ˜Œ
Untuk yang s**a stuck mau di-gimana-in foto di gallery biar proper dan eye-catching pas diposting (termasuk saya)... ๐Ÿ˜…
Untuk yang bingung mau ngedit reels biar bagus gimana (termasuk saya)... ๐Ÿคช

Semoga rekomendasi aplikasi-aplikasi buat bikin konten Instagram yang udah aku cobain sendiri ini bisa bermanfaat ya. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Jangan pelit-pelit, kalau konten ini bermanfaat, silakan share ke temen-temen kamu dan save buat bisa dilihat lagi nantinya.

Selamat ngonten! ๐Ÿซถ

I'm here to share my journey โ€“ the highs, the lows, and everything in between.  Hopefully, my experiences will give you ...

I'm here to share my journey โ€“ the highs, the lows, and everything in between.

Hopefully, my experiences will give you some valuable insights, help you learn from my mistakes, and ultimately, achieve your own goals. ๐Ÿ™

Looking forward to connecting with you in future posts! ๐Ÿซถ

I won't promise the world, but I do promise to push myself to share content you'll find valuable and engaging. ๐ŸซถYou won'...

I won't promise the world, but I do promise to push myself to share content you'll find valuable and engaging. ๐Ÿซถ

You won't regret spending time with my content โ€“ I'll make sure it's worth your while! ๐Ÿ™

Here's to a productive (and fun!) 2025! ๐Ÿป

It might be late, but...I wish everyone who has supported me in this account (and the other account) a year full of bles...

It might be late, but...

I wish everyone who has supported me in this account (and the other account) a year full of blessings! โœจ

Happy New Year 2025! ๐Ÿฅณ

Todayโ€™s content creation session. ๐ŸŽฅSelain terus belajar mengenai geliat digital marketing, setiap project UGC content me...

Todayโ€™s content creation session. ๐ŸŽฅ

Selain terus belajar mengenai geliat digital marketing, setiap project UGC content memberikan pengalaman yang unik. Dulunya, ga ada sama sekali softbox, ring light, dan tripod di rumah, sampai akhirnya pelan-pelan mengusahakannya untuk kepentingan project mandiri maupun project klien.

YES, you read it right! I am taking social media content with my smartphone. ๐Ÿ˜Œ

Waktu HPnya belum secanggih jaman sekarang, kuncinya adalah โ€œmengejar matahariโ€ karena pencahayaan terbaik adalah dari alam semesta ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป sekarang, dengan perangkat yang ada tentunya banyak hal yang masih terus bisa dimaksimalkan.

Ayo absen dulu siapa yang kepengen jadi konten kreator tapi masih maju mundur karena keterbatasan device, bahasa, atau apapun. Boleh sharing kegelisahannya di kolom komentar ya. โค๏ธ Happy weekend! ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿป

Siapa yang disini lagi ngerasa "kok kayaknya aku ga semangat berangkat kerja lagi ya..." atau buat yang remote working t...

Siapa yang disini lagi ngerasa "kok kayaknya aku ga semangat berangkat kerja lagi ya..." atau buat yang remote working tiap kali liat jam dan itu uda mau deket-deket office hour mulai rasanya uda mager banget trus kesel sendiri?

Jangan-jangan lingkungan kerja kamu toxic tuh. ๐Ÿ˜ซ

Btw, ngomongin lingkungan kerja toxic, aku tu jadi inget gimana aku bertahan di lingkungan semacam itu selama 4 tahun. ๐Ÿฅฒ Lalu ketika aku resign dan bikin postingan ini aku tu sering banget bertanya-tanya "apa dulu aku tu kena stockholm syndrome di lingkup kerjaan ya?" ๐Ÿคฃ soalnya aku tu sebenernya "disakitin" terus disana tapi mau pergi tu kok ya maju mundur cantik terussss...

Nah, dari 10 tanda-tanda ini, ada yang lagi ngalamin? atau ada yang mau nambahin? Yuk sharing di kolom komentar biar kita saling mengingatkan.

Throwback ke tahun 2021 dimana tak disangka-sangka aku dipercaya untuk menjadi bagian dari salah satu tajuk Festival Keb...

Throwback ke tahun 2021 dimana tak disangka-sangka aku dipercaya untuk menjadi bagian dari salah satu tajuk Festival Kebudayaan Yogyakarta (FKY) 2021 "Mereka Rekam" yaitu Ibu Menari.

Ibu Menari sendiri merupakan sebuah karya kolaboratif yang mengusung narasi keberagaman negosiasi dan pilihan para ibu penari. Ibu yang dulunya penari dan ibu yang masih terus menari.

Berkolaborasi dengan 3 rekan ibu penari yang kukagumi juga, Anisa, Arjuni, dan Yuni; karya ini merupakan gambaran tentang bagaimana kami melakukan negosiasi di dalam tegangan menjadi ibu dan istri tapi tetap berkomitmen untuk terus menciptakan karya.

Bagi kami, rumah bukan lagi semesta yang membatasi antara apa yang kami cintai dan apa yang kami pilih dan jalani, tetapi merupakan sebuah irisan ruang dengan publik dimana apapun pilihan kami adalah sah dan valid serta memiliki nilai yang setara.


Memposting ulang momen ini karena aku sedang menghargai dan mensyukuri setiap kesempatan yang diberikan semesta kepadaku untuk tetap melakukan apa yang aku cintai sekaligus yang "mengobatiku" terlepas dari apapun profesiku saat ini.

**All photos are taken from the website of Festival Kebudayaan Yogyakarta

Baiklah, mengawali bulan Juli ini mari kita bahas sekaligus aku share pengalaman aku terkait apa yang kalian liat di gam...

Baiklah, mengawali bulan Juli ini mari kita bahas sekaligus aku share pengalaman aku terkait apa yang kalian liat di gambar. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Terlalu banyak business owner atau CEO yang "pelit" buat hire staff lebih supaya sebuah project bisa selesai tepat waktu atau supaya semua operasionalnya berjalan dengan baik.

Mereka (mostly) lebih s**a "mendorong" dan "memotivasi" staff yang sudah ada buat bekerja lebih keras bagai kuda apalagi ketika ketemu staff yang "multitalenta".

Nah, persoalan "multitalenta" inilah yang di kasusku, pengalamanku jadi blunder. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Aku tu orangnya curious trus (kebetulan) s**a belajar apalagi kalo menurutku itu menarik dan aku s**a. Nah, dulu, karena ke-curious-anku itu, aku jadi bisa bikin atau ngerjain ini itu sehingga aku dianggap "multitalenta" gitu sama CEO aku. Dipuji-puji dan lalalala... ujung-ujungnya apa? Tentu saja dikasih kerjaan lebih banyak tanpa salary raising. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Jadi, buat temen-temen yang sekiranya punya atasan kayak gini dan melihat tanda-tanda ini, ada baiknya mulai memikirkan strategi untuk "menggambar" batasan yang lebih tegas terkait jobdesc atau kalo mau ekstrim ya, mulai lah cari cari pandangan kerjaan lain. ๐Ÿคช

Ada yang mau share soal ini juga? Mungkin ada yang ngalamin atau mungkin sedang melihat tanda-tanda ini? Share yuk kita ghibah bersama ๐Ÿคฃ eh enggak d**g, kita diskusi soal bagaimana mengenali toxic working environment.

Some people are like heaters. Our presence can warm each others.Head for the warm ones, because life is warmth. Youโ€™ll o...

Some people are like heaters. Our presence can warm each others.

Head for the warm ones, because life is warmth. Youโ€™ll only be cool when youโ€™re dead.

Siapa sih yang ga seneng kalo dapet job offer di platform freelancer kayak Upwork atau Fiverr? Apalagi kalo baru mulai a...

Siapa sih yang ga seneng kalo dapet job offer di platform freelancer kayak Upwork atau Fiverr? Apalagi kalo baru mulai alias masih freelancer baru. ๐Ÿ™‚

Tapi, akhir-akhir ini ada hal yang bikin aku khawatir. Soal ancaman SCAM! ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ

Iya, setelah 10 tahunan hanging out di Upwork dan Fiverr serta beberapa platform freelancer lain; aku dapet beberapa offer yang mostly adalah scam. Ada yang cuma main kirim job offer tapi ga ada suaranya pas di reach out via DM; ada yang balesin DMnya atau DM duluan tapi MAKSA supaya aku download file yang katanya adalah dokumen berisi 'DETAILED SCOPE OF WORK and AGREEMENT'.

Lah kok tau itu file bukan beneran file soal kerjaan? ๐Ÿ˜

Aku cek format file-nya atau tipe filenya; lalu aku research soal tipe atau format file itu. Mostly, mereka-mereka ini kirim file yang adalah virus atau program yang bisa hijack laptop kita.

Jadi, temen-temen kalo dapet job offer, jangan auto di-accept ya. Lakukan dulu beberapa hal ini supaya kita ga ketipu.

Kalian juga bisa Decline Offer dan cantumkan alasan kenapa kalian decline. It's ok, kalian harus tetap kasih message untuk decline dengan baik dan sopan ya.

Ada yang mau sharing pengalaman atau mau nanya? Silakan komen di bawah ya...

Happy freelancing! ๐Ÿ’š

Pengen kerja freelance tapi bingung mulai dari mana? ๐Ÿค”Yuk kenalan sama Virtual Assistant (VA)!  โœจBtw, aku dulu mulai ker...

Pengen kerja freelance tapi bingung mulai dari mana? ๐Ÿค”

Yuk kenalan sama Virtual Assistant (VA)! โœจ

Btw, aku dulu mulai kerja freelance sebagai VA di tahun 2014 (iya 10 tahun yang lalu) dan itu aku mulai dari $5/hour dengan bekal portfolio dan pengalaman sebagai asisten dosen, asisten laboratorium, dan bendahara & sekretaris di UKM kampus.

Seiring berjalannya waktu, aku mulai dapat beberapa project sebagai VA yang aku bisa tambahkan di portfolio aku. Rate aku yang di tahun pertama adalah $5/hour mulai naik ke $10, $15, dan sekarang $50/hour! ๐Ÿค‘

Dari jadi VA, aku belajar skill lain dan juga software/tools lain yang akhirnya membuatku berani menawarkan jasa lain seperti Social Media Management dan Facebook Advertising.

Di Upwork, aku bahkan bisa earning $10,000 di tahun pertamaku! Iya, 10 ribu dollar. Nanti aku ceritain di konten terpisah ya.

Kalau kalian mau info lebih lanjut, jangan lupa follow aku dan juga save & share konten ini supaya orang lain juga dapat manfaatnya.

What are the things that make you happy?Don't think too long, you only have 3 seconds to answer this!Sometimes, people a...

What are the things that make you happy?

Don't think too long, you only have 3 seconds to answer this!

Sometimes, people are confused by how little and simple things can make me happy.

But for me, it depends. It depends on how you see the world, how you see yourself, and, of course, how life goes.

When you look back and see yourself in bad shape, you might think, 'My life is a failure.' Well, I did and I thought the same way too...

But then...

If your life and mine were failures, how did we make it today? How is it possible for you to see this post, how is it possible for me to take my time to write this?

You see, there's no such thing as a failed life. It might not be the good days we've always expected, or successes, accomplishments, good friends, or even good parentsโ€”but whatever it was, it's still not a failure. Because we made it. We made it to get up again, start over again, and survive.

Shouldn't we be proud of ourselves?

Now, before this ends, take some time to be thankful, even for the very little things in our lives.

because it starts from within.

I am sending prayers of healing and strength to all of you who read this. I love you. You are loved. The universe is taking care of you. Enjoy. ๐Ÿ’š

My ride-or-dies and partners-in-crime for the next project! ๐Ÿ’šThese goofballs,   and .s, aren't just besties, they've bee...

My ride-or-dies and partners-in-crime for the next project! ๐Ÿ’š

These goofballs, and .s, aren't just besties, they've been there through thick and thin - well, literally everything! (Shoutout to my other bestie, , who couldn't join the photo!)

But guess what? They're still sticking with me!

Isn't it amazing to have a few people who accept you completely? They have your back without judgment, just pure love and support. โœจ

Tag your bestie in the comments and tell them how much they mean to you!

On this , remember the little things that brighten their day.

Sunshine, smiles, and a spoonful of happiness! ๐ŸฐCelebrating   with this delightful dessert and a heart full of gratitude...

Sunshine, smiles, and a spoonful of happiness! ๐Ÿฐ

Celebrating with this delightful dessert and a heart full of gratitude. ๐Ÿ’š

Life's simple pleasures truly are the best:
โœ”๏ธ Spending quality time with my amazing kids, letting loose!
โœ”๏ธ Dancing like nobody's watching - because sometimes you just gotta!
โœ”๏ธ Catching up with my incredible besties - the ones who truly lift you up)
โœ”๏ธ Exploring new places that spark a sense of adventure and create lasting memories.

What are the things that make your soul sing and bring a smile to your face?
Let's share the joy and inspire each other to embrace happiness in all its forms!

The Healing Movement: The Object"The Object" marks the second chapter of "The Healing Movement," a journey where my expe...

The Healing Movement: The Object

"The Object" marks the second chapter of "The Healing Movement," a journey where my experiences find voice through dance.

It took the stage at Asia Tri Japan 2022. This collaboration with the incredible Bagus Mazasupa (Music) and Indra Jati (Visual Art) delved into the depths of restlessness.

There were unexpected reactions - sadness, fear, a cold, dark atmosphere โ€“ were honest echoes of what I poured into the movement. But like all my pieces, "The Object" had no agenda.

For years, a crippling feeling of inadequacy plagued my dancing. Even as passion burned bright, the stage was a place of intimidation.

But then, a harsh yet beautiful reminder from my other father, Bambang Paningron, shifted everything: "Dance without intention. Just tell your story. Just move your body. Listen and feel."

A breakthrough, a hard truth, is that dance is self-expression, a story whispered to the universe. And stories, like life, can be unsettling, and unwelcome at times. But they resonate with others too, drawing them in to witness a piece of your soul.

Not all stories find eager ears, but some resonate, and draw others in to share the space. It's a conversation with the universe, whispered through the elements - the wind, the land, the air. No agenda, just honesty, a tale carried on a humble heart for all creation to hear, see, and understand.

Lastly, why restlessness? Because being a woman in this world is a relentless journey. It's draining, it's daunting, and sometimes it feels like a dead end.

Yet, like Mother Earth's resilience, we women too will endure.

๐Ÿ“ธ by

The Healing Movement: Tim(b)pangThis image captures a movement from my first dance choreography, "Tim(b)pang," which tra...

The Healing Movement: Tim(b)pang

This image captures a movement from my first dance choreography, "Tim(b)pang," which translates to "standing strong." It marked the beginning of "The Healing Movement," a series of works where I transform my experiences into stories told through dance.

"Tim(b)pang" isn't about agenda. It's a raw conversation, a duet performed alongside the talented Widi Clepret at Asia Tri Jogja 2019. This photo, a cherished memory by my late friend Bowo Bontot, captures the essence. ๐Ÿฅ€

"Tim(b)pang" is my story, a story shared by countless women. It's a call for a world where men and women stand as allies, where balance and support are the cornerstones of a world worth living in. This is my ode to the universe, a thank you for the gift of life, and a fight for the possibility of a better one.

"Perempuan berdiri di atas kakinya sendiri bukan ancaman. Perempuan merias diri sendiri bukan untuk menarik perhatian. Perempuan melawan bukan gertakan, tetapi karena ngerinya kenyataan."

2024: Learn. Failure. But Mostly, Rise. โœจ2022 and 2023 were a brutal teacher. It threw everything it could at me, worsen...

2024: Learn. Failure. But Mostly, Rise. โœจ

2022 and 2023 were a brutal teacher. It threw everything it could at me, worsening my bipolar disorder and pushing me to my lowest point.

But here's the thing: I survived.

For 30+ years, I've weathered abuse from a manipulative mother, a toxic friend, and a gaslighting ex. I even survived my own darkest moments. The universe kept me here, every single time.

So, with this first step on Instagram, I'm building anew. It's about learning, failing, and coming back stronger. I'm testing myself, pushing my limits, and scaling my own personal Everest.

This journey is for me, by me. I believe in myself, even when the world seems to doubt. I'm gonna be better, stronger, and do everything I love with a fierceness you can't imagine.

2024 will be about scars & steel.
This is Learn. Failure. This is growth. This is me.

Welcome to my story. Let's learn, let's grow, let's thrive together.


Yogyakarta City


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