Ngoffee - Visiting Omah Kopi 78
The Documentary Series of Indonesia coffee culture now returns with new episodes airing on YouTube and IGTV. Follow us to watch more as we are meeting coffee shop owners, patrons and coffee lovers across the archipelago together with @bimalukar.expedition team.
#ngopi #ngopimalam #ngopipagi #diindonesiaaja #coffeeshopbogor #indonesiacoffee #bogorkuliner #wonderfulindonesia @kemenparekraf.ri @kemenkopukm
What we missed most from Belitung Islands
PROJECT.WKNDR where we edited raw video footages taken by various filmmakers into one documentary film all on a single weekend. This time we are visiting Lengkuas Island, part of Belitung.
Weekend trip to Bromo mountain
PROJECT.WKNDR where we edited footages from various filmmakers in a single documentary film all on one weekend.
Ngoffee - New Season Trailer
Ngoffee the documentary series is brewing back in 2021 ngoffeeyuk
#documentary #filmdokumenter #ngopimalam #ngopibareng #ngopipagi #cafelife #indonesiancoffee #indonesiancoffeeshop
TRAILER - Ngoffee Episode 3, ketemu Ngopingo
TRAILER dari episode 3 yang akan segera hadir. Kita akan berkunjung dan berbagi cerita bersama Mr. Bango dari Ngopingo
Unboxing Ngoffee Truck
Designed, Built and Operate. Ngoffee Truck is an open coffee business platform that is mobile, tech driven car with GPS tracker and more. Open for brand collaboration.
Ngoffee Truck is now ready for production
Ngoffee Truck is now officially rolled out and ready for production
#bisniskopi #coffeeentrepreneur #truckforrent #coffeetruck #foodtruck
what"s next for Dhella? siapa mahluk besar itu?
#animationshort #animationclass #hartwork
Dhella - an animation by HartWork Academy
Episode 2 Babak 1 - Mencari Aroma Kopi Indonesia
Episode 2 dari Season 1 ini kita akan berkunjung ke beberapa lokasi yang mengusung kopi dengan aroma dan cita rasa tertentu dari Indonesia. Disini kami akan coba berikan informasi umum tentang kopi khas yang mereka miliki.
Episode 2 ini kami bagi menjadi 2 babak, babak pertama akan mengulas secara umum sebelum kita lanjuti dengan babak kedua yang lebih dalam bersama para pemilik usaha dari gerai-gerai kopi tersebut.
terima kasih @yapi.al_azhar.official atas kerjasamanya, Insya Allah berkelanjutan
#animasi #kelasanimasi #belajar #bikinfilm #filmkartun #anakkreatif #kreasianak
Throwback 2005. Interactive explainer for mobile service (before there were apps)
#throwback #flash #flashmovie #interactive #uix #ux #design #motiondesign #motionart #mmsart #mms #mobileapp #mobile