Father, Son and Cam Roll Action (TBA 2025)
a Film by Miky Havis
Produksi film penutup tahun dari @harfpictures.id akhir desember lalu dengan pra produksi 6 hari dan produksi 2 hari. Serba mendadak dan mendidik bukan?
#behindthescenes #cheapfilm #diy
One day, Theresia was tailing a man until he entered a small mosque. Shortly after, an elderly woman approached her, urging her to hasten and pray. Theresia didn’t have the chance, and also felt too awkward to explain. So, she stepped into the mosque. She tried to mimic what the others were doing there, from performing ablution, putting on a prayer robe, to performing the prayer. There also tried to conceal her Catholic identity, slipping her cross necklace out of sight and covering the name tag on her uniform.
Director: Catherina Adriana
Producer: Miky Havis & Fakhri Hilman Rafi
Starring: Putri Aurellia, Nayaka Tirta, Ruri Muji
Director Of Photography: Athalia Kirana
Art Director: Rarasatie Nayfa
Talent Cordinator: Rona Adeline
Music Composser: Raynarda
Assistant Director: Larasatie Khairunissa
Script Continues: Andari Ratih
Clap Boy: Revo Lindiyanto
Assistant Camera: Adam Hermanu
Gaffer: Pandu Nagari
Lightman: Elmo Suryo
Set Dresser: Rivanda Putri, Kyla Qaulyka, Evo Voicelabrie
#DecepcionMovie #ComingSoon #IndieFilm #FilmIndonesia #MoviePoster #CatherineAdriana #TrimurtiProduction #FostrimCinemalab #HarfPictures #MovieRelease #Film2024 #CinematicExperience
Zona Integritas adalah sebuah predikat dan komitmen untuk mewujudkan Wilayah Bebas dari Korupsi (WBK) dan Wilayah Birokrasi Bersih dan Melayani (WBBM).
Client: Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat RI
Executive Producer: @tinosauruss
Producer: @witaayodhya
Line Producer: @deryprananda
Director & DOP: Miky Havis
Assistant Camera: @desoyt
Ass Writter: @iyashidesu
Script Cont: @cevinsn
VO Artist: @laninajib
Editor: @mo.fikr
Sound Post Production: @raynardamusic
Assistant Composser: @onsarchives
Hai #temenfarah
Sekarang kamu sudah bisa mendengar suara hati Farah di seluruh platform digital.
#nowplaying Original Motion Pictures dari Hold On Little Girl
Producer: @mikyhavis_ @mohchoirul_fuad
Composer: @aph00165 @raynardamusic @mikyhavis_
Published by: @harfpictures.id
Performed by: @vanessachsty @laninajib @raynardamusic @pingkandp
Technical Advisor: @harist_santoso @firhanrmd
#film #farah #holdonlittlegirl #ep
10th Years Harfmedia.id in 1 Minute
Thank you for all the brands and partners who trusted us!
Your brand’s success is our achievement
By emphasizing your needs through digital media, such as:
- Brand Activation
- Video Productions
- Film Productions
- 2D/3D Motion Graphics
- Event Multimedia
To create fresh and authentic campaign content, we must:
Drive Every Narrative We Communicate: We need to infuse life into every story we convey.
Connect from Eye to Heart of the Audience:
Our messaging should resonate deeply, reaching from the eyes to the hearts of the viewers.
We are super excited to meet you to create new collaborations with any brands and partners. We are more than excited to listen your plan
Let’s Bright Together!
#Harf #letsbrighttogether #productionhouse #filmproduction #videoproduction #creativeconcultant #creativeagency #motiongraphics #marketing #branding #brandstrategy
Memperkenalkan Afrian Arisandy sebagai BAPAK, Vanessa Chastity sebagai FARAH dan Deny Tri Aryanti sebagai IBU.
“Sampai jumpa di layar pemutaran terdekat”
Farah: Hold on Little Girl goes to 2024
Apakah tugas bapak akan berakhir jika tiba harinya farah akan melanjutkan jenjang hidupnya dalam pernikahan? Apakah saat itu peran bapak akan tergantikan?
Inilah First Look Farah: Hold On Little Girl.
#farah #holdonlittlegirl #film