[Tahun Baru 2020]
Ini adalah kesempatanmu untuk membuka lembaran baru. Semoga perjalanamu setahun mendatang sukses, Semoga babak baru hidupmu lebih baik daripada kemarin, Semoga Tahun Barumu penuh berkah dan luar biasa, semoga semua impianmu menjadi kenyataan.
Kami Keluarga Besar HMS Itenas Bandung mengucapkan, Selamat Tahun Baru 2020!
Badan Pengurus HMS Itenas 2019/2020
Informasi & Komunikasi
[Dies Natalis HMS Itenas Ke-34]
FINALLY! TODAY IS COMING We have gotten many things. Prepare your heart, prepare your spirit, and prepare your voice. It's time we celebrate together with great joy
Dise Natalis 34th dont forget to come and celebrate with us on November 11th, 2019.
[Dies Natalis HMS Itenas Ke-34]
FINALLY! TODAY IS COMING We have gotten many things. Prepare your heart, prepare your spirit, and prepare your voice. It's time we celebrate together with great joy
Dise Natalis 34th dont forget to come and celebrate with us on November 11th, 2019.
[H-1 Dies Natalis HMS Itenas Ke-34]
It's getting really closer closer closer! Get ready to have fun and spread the joy.
Come and join us on November 11th, 2019
[H-2 Dies Natalis HMS Itenas Ke-34]
its getting real! 2 more sunrise to Dies Natalis 34th
Come and join us on November 11th, 2019
[H-3 Dies Natalis HMS Itenas Ke-34]
Hi there, we have only 3 days until Dies Natalis 34th now.
Come and join us on November 11th, 2019.
[H-4 Dies Natalis HMS Itenas Ke-34]
4 more days until Dies Natalis 34th. Join us for one wonderful days
Come and join us on November 11th, 2019