Love is as complex in literature as it is in reality, capturing the essence of our deepest emotions and weaving stories of passion, heartbreak, and connection. In this discussion, recorded live at #UWRF24, authors Dee Lestari, Laura Elizabeth Woollett, and Kylie Needham explored the emotional landscapes they create, the societal influences shaping romantic narratives, and fresh perspectives on love.
What makes a love story resonate over time? How do novels reflect and challenge our understanding of love, passion, and connection?
To watch the full session, visit our website at, or click the link in our bio to listen to this session on podcast platforms Spotify and Simplecast.
Listen to an urgent conversation from this year’s festival featuring renowned best-selling authors Amitav Ghosh, Sathnam Sanghera, and Isna Marifa as they explored the history of European colonialism and its outcomes. Their dialogue challenged the notion that history is settled and delved into how the legacies of colonialism continue to shape our social, political, and economic landscapes.
To watch the full session, visit our website at, or click the link in our bio to listen to this session on podcast platforms Spotify and Simplecast.
Dengarkan percakapan penting dari festival tahun ini, menampilkan penulis ternama Amitav Ghosh, Sathnam Sanghera, dan Isna Marifa. Ketiganya menjelajahi sejarah kolonialisme Eropa dan dampaknya. Dialog mereka menantang anggapan bahwa sejarah telah selesai dan mendalami bagaimana warisan kolonialisme terus membentuk lanskap sosial, politik, dan ekonomi kita.
Untuk menonton sesi selengkapnya, kunjungi situs web kami di, atau klik tautan di bio untuk mendengarkan sesi #UWRF24 ini di platform siniar Spotify dan Simplecast.
Kilas balik ke akhir pekan lalu, dimana kami menyelenggarakan #UWRF24 Satellite Programs; sebuah rangkaian acara yang dirancang untuk memperluas jangkauan dan dampak Festival hingga ke berbagai komunitas sastra di luar Bali.
Berkolaborasi dengan Buku Akik, Festival Sastra Yogyakarta, dan Shira Media, tema Festival tahun ini Satyam Vada Dharmam Chara berbuah diskusi dan peluncuran buku. Penulis Agustinus Wibowo dan Ibe S. Palogai berbagi ilmu dan kisah mereka kepada para peserta kegiatan.
A peek into last weekend’s post-festival fun, where we held the #UWRF24 Satellite Programs; an array of events crafted to expand the Festival’s scope and impact, as well as embracing literary communities beyond Bali.
Collaborating with Buku Akik, Festival Sastra Yogyakarta, and Shira Media, this year’s Festival theme Satyam Vada Dharmam Chara was brought in by discussions and a book launch. Writers Agustinus Wibowo and Ibe S. Palogai share their captivating stories and knowledge to the eager participants.
From thought-provoking conversations to intimate literary dinners and powerful performances showcasing Indonesia’s and the world’s finest wordsmiths and artists, the #UWRF24 stages came alive with creativity and big ideas. We hope you dove in and experienced all that the Festival had to offer!
Relive the memories of our remarkable four-day celebration with our Festival highlights video.
Dari diskusi yang menggugah pikiran hingga jamuan sastra dan pertunjukan memukau yang menampilkan para penulis dan seniman terbaik dari Indonesia dan dunia, panggung-panggung #UWRF24 benar-benar dipenuhi oleh kreativitas dan ide-ide besar. Semoga Anda menikmati semua yang ditawarkan oleh Festival ini!
Kenang kembali momen-momen luar biasa dari perayaan empat hari kami dengan menonton video ini.
Cinematography by Niskala Studio
Listen to or replay our first highlight conversation recorded live at the 2024 Festival, with new sessions released twice a week.
In this first episode, Nobel Prize–winning author and journalist Maria Ressa explores the impact of social media on journalism, the fight for press freedom, and the need for ethical storytelling in a fractured world, moderated by Janet Steele.
In an era of disinformation and heightened political tensions, Maria explains in this clip how lies spread faster than truths and how these platforms are being used on a grand scale as manipulation tools by authoritarian regimes.
To watch the full session, visit our website at, or click the link in our bio to listen to this session on podcast platforms Spotify and Simplecast.
More extraordinary talks will be released soon. If you haven’t already, subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to know when new episodes are available.
Dengarkan sorotan percakapan menarik yang direkam langsung di #UWRF24. Sorotan-sorotan ini akan dirilis setiap dua kali seminggu.
Di episode pertama, Maria Ressa membahas dampak media sosial terhadap jurnalisme, perjuangan untuk kebebasan pers, dan pentingnya menyampaikan cerita secara etis di tengah dunia yang terpecah belah, dimoderatori oleh Janet Steele.
Di era disinformasi dan meningkatnya ketegangan politik, Maria menjelaskan bagaimana kebohongan menyebar lebih cepat daripada kebenaran, dan bagaimana platform-platform ini digunakan secara besar-besaran sebagai alat manipulasi oleh rezim otoriter.
Untuk menonton sesi selengkapnya, kunjungi situs web kami di, atau klik tautan di bio untuk mendengarkan sesi ini di platform siniar Spotify dan Simplecast.
Rekaman percakapan luar biasa lainnya akan segera dirilis. Mari berlangganan nawala kami untuk menjadi orang pertama yang mendapatkan kabar saat episode baru tersedia.
Listen to or replay our first highlight conversation recorded live at the 2024 Festival, with new sessions released twice a week.
In this first episode, Nobel Prize–winning author and journalist Maria Ressa explores the impact of social media on journalism, the fight for press freedom, and the need for ethical storytelling in a fractured world, moderated by Janet Steele.
In an era of disinformation and heightened political tensions, Maria explains in this clip how lies spread faster than truths and how these platforms are being used on a grand scale as manipulation tools by authoritarian regimes.
To watch the full session, visit our website at, or click the link in our bio to listen to this session on podcast platforms Spotify and Simplecast.
More extraordinary talks will be released soon. If you haven't already, subscribe to our newsletter to be the first to know when new episodes are available:
At the 2024 Festival, there was a program for everyone—children, bookworms, aspiring writers, film enthusiasts, and more. Let’s once again dive back into the highlights that made it a celebration for all!
Di #UWRF24, ada program untuk semua orang—anak-anak, pencinta buku, penulis pemula, penikmat film, dan banyak lagi. Mari sekali lagi kita simak momen-momen yang menjadikan festival ini sebuah perayaan untuk semua!
Cinematography by Niskala Studio
Who else is still buzzing from 2024 Festival Saturday? There were just too many unforgettable moments to choose a favorite! Relive the magic with us as we dive back into some unforgettable highlights.
Siapa yang masih terbayang-bayang keseruan hari ke-3 #UWRF24? Rasanya ada terlalu banyak momen tak terlupakan untuk memilih satu momen favorit! Mari hidupkan kembali magisnya #UWRF24 dengan menonton sorotan yang satu ini.
Cinematography by Niskala Studio
A #throwback to the 2024 Festival Friday. From ibu Robin Lim’s exciting book launch to soulful performances by Indra Lesmana and Eva Celia, it was a celebration of stories and togetherness.
Reliving these moments and counting down to next year!
Sebuah #kilasbalik ke hari ke-2 #UWRF24. Dari peluncuran buku ibu Robin Lim hingga penampilan yang menggugah dari Indra Lesmana dan Eva Celia, ini adalah sebuah perayaan cerita dan kebersamaan.
Memutar kembali momen-momen ini sambil menunggu tahun yang akan datang!
Cinematography by Niskala Studio
We hope you’ve had a spooktacular time at our 2024 Festival. As a small organization with a big mission, we rely on your support to continue our work, present the festival you love, and remain your trusted curator of thoughtful conversations, bringing world-class authors to Ubud every year.
Visit our website to learn more about how you can support our work and join our community of literary-minded cultural friends who help us with our exciting programs and enjoy exclusive benefits.
Semoga Anda menikmati waktu Anda di #UWRF24. Sebagai organisasi kecil dengan misi besar, kami mengandalkan dukungan Anda untuk melanjutkan kerja-kerja kami, menyelenggarakan festival yang Anda cintai, dan menjadi kurator terpercaya dari berbagai percakapan bermakna, menghadirkan penulis kelas dunia ke Ubud setiap tahunnya.
Kunjungi situs web kami untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut cara untuk mendukung dan bergabung dengan komunitas sejawat budaya yang membantu kami dengan program-program menarik dan, tentunya, menikmati manfaat eksklusif.
Cinematography by Niskala Studio
Thank you for joining us for this literary long weekend. Each of you, our eager attendees, made this gathering truly exceptional. Your generosity and sheer enthusiasm for reading and celebrating authors, thinkers, and stories have brought these rejuvenating conversations and gatherings to life, keeping us—21 years strong—fresh, urgent, and inspiring.
Not ready to let go? Watch our Festival Sunday highlight clips, featuring our Climate Day and a memorable closing night celebration!
Terima kasih telah bergabung bersama kami di akhir pekan panjang #UWRF24. Masing-masing dari kalian membuat perhelatan ini menjadi luar biasa. Semangat untuk membaca serta merayakan para penulis, pemikir, dan kisah-kisah yang ada telah menghidupkan percakapan dan pertemuan ini, membuat festival kami tetap segar, relevan, dan menginspirasi selama 21 tahun.
Belum siap berpisah? Tonton cuplikan Minggu #UWRF24, menampilkan Climate Day dan perayaan malam penutupan yang berkesan!
Cinematography by Niskala Studio
Alongside author in-conversations and panel discussions, our Festival Thursday offered a wide range of performances, guided tours of Ubud’s famous rice fields and temples, an intimate music meeting with Indonesian singer Sal Priadi, and spoken word galas. Relive the epic memories we made with this additional Festival Thursday highlight video.