The Tyranny of Tradition

The Tyranny of Tradition "Somewhere between Satire and Sartre" Samuel Beckett, The Unnamable

"These things I say, and shall say, if I can, are no longer, or are not yet, or never were, or never will be, or if they were, if they are, if they will be, were not here, are not here, will not be here, but elsewhere."

I felt like coming out of retirement for a minute.  Nothing to see here except the only metal satire piece I'll be doing...

I felt like coming out of retirement for a minute. Nothing to see here except the only metal satire piece I'll be doing until about 2278.

Bass Players Everywhere Commemorate 30th Anniversary of Metallica’s …And Justice For All

Amazing Cleveland metal!!!!!  Sounds like a freight train running over your grandparents.

Amazing Cleveland metal!!!!! Sounds like a freight train running over your grandparents.

8 track album

"Morbidly obtuse or absurdly abstruse…we may needle nose..."

"Morbidly obtuse or absurdly abstruse…we may needle nose..."

“If Kerry King Can Mangle The English Language, Anyone Can”

A lovely tribute to some of the weirder Danzig articles that have appeared on this site and others...

A lovely tribute to some of the weirder Danzig articles that have appeared on this site and others...

Another entry into the annals of Danzig Scholarship.

New stuff from a band I dig...but I hate the socks this guy has....

New stuff from a band I dig...but I hate the socks this guy has....

2 days off work over Christmas, and nothing good on television. So, I put this together out of boredom. Thanks to Jess for the tea, toast and mobile phone fo...


Isles Of Langerhans


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