Abaúj Antique Bookshop

Abaúj Antique Bookshop Abaúj Antique Bookshop The second-hand bookshop I lead organizes numerous book auctions year by year in Budapest. Kind Regards from a booklover,
János Pogány

The Abaúj Antique Bookshop which was founded in 1996 by Sándor Balogh and János Pogány is one of the most significant representatives of the Hungarian second-hand book trade. I make a catalogue out of the most unique themes every summer. My favourites are autographed books and manuscripts. Autographed books and manuscripts of internationally-recognised writers, poets, historical figures and celebr

ities can be found in my collection. You cannot even imagine how many rare books and manuscripts can be found in Central Europe! I have created the abaujantique.com website in order to make the world aware of us and get to know us. I would like to learn about your interests and to enlarge your own collection with rarities.


1st Edition - Soft cover - Budapest, Dr. Gerorge Vajna & Co., (Athenaeum Printing.) - 1935 - Condition: Good - Charles Gundel: Hungarian cookery book. By - - proprietor of the St. Gellért Hotel Restaurant and The Zoological Gardens Restaurant Budapest. Hon. President of The Hungarian Cook's Associa...


1st Edition - Soft cover - New York, Magyar Jövö Országos Lapbizottsága. - 1951 - Condition: Good - Zoltán Deák - Hugó Gellért: Magyarok Amerikában - Az Amerikai Magyar Munkássajtó ötven esztendeje 1902-1952. [Hungarians in America - Fifty Years of the Hungarian American Worker Press 190...


No Binding - Barras, Liége - 1875 - Condition: Good - Liége, Belgium - Meuse river quay, harbour (Barras Photographe de S. A. R. le Comte de Flandre - Liége 10&12 Passage Lemonnier.) circa 1875-1878. (31 x 22,6 cm.) - - Victor Barras, born in Marseille in 1845, began his career with Dupont in 187...


AbeBooks.com: Europäischer Mercurius historicus : oder Glaubwürdige historische Beschreibung aller und jeder denckwürdigsten Geschichte, Kriegs und Friedens, Wahl und Crönungs, Reichs und Deputation-Tags Handlungen, so sich hin und wieder in Europa sonderlich im H. Röm. Reich und denenselben an...


AbeBooks.com: Universa philosophia ad mentem Doctoris subtilis Joannis Scoti. Quam sub gratiosissimis auspiciis excellentissimi, illustrissimi ac reverendissimi domini, domini Nicolai, dei, & Apostolicae sedis gratia episcopi Varadiensis e comitibus Csaki de Keresztszeg… Sub Assistentia P. F. Georg...


AbeBooks.com: My [We] (Polish samizdat edition): Zamiatin, Eugeniusz: My - Przelozyla Barbara Sentencja. Warszawa, 1985. Niezalezna Oficyna Wydawnicza. [Independent Publishing House]. [2] 100 [2] p. [Polish samizdat edition] Publisher's illustrated paper wrappers. - - Yevgeny Ivanovich Zamyatina (18...


AbeBooks.com: Introductio in orbis antiqui et hodierni geographiam, in duos tomos divisa, quorum prior continet, cm Praecognitis, Europam, posterior Asiam, Africam, et Americam. Plurimis in locis emendata, novisque aucta supplementis, opera ac studio Ioannis Severini. (I-II.): Ioannis Tomka Szászk...


AbeBooks.com: L'hérédité des stigmates de dégénérescence et les familles souveraines (Degeneration in animals and in the sovereign families of Europe): Galippe, V(ictor): L'hérédité des stigmates de dégénérescence et les familles souveraines. Préface de M. Henri Bouchot. Paris, 1905. Ma...

  from Csík

from Csík

AbeBooks.com: Leges sodalium, Beatae Mariae Virginis Immaculaté Conceptae sub patrocinio e jusdem solius inter Virgines Matris unius inter Matres Virginis. (Laws of the Society of Mary of Csíksomlyó): Leges sodalium, Beatae Mariae Virginis Immaculaté Conceptae sub patrocinio e jusdem solius inte...


AbeBooks.com: A magyar dal [The Hungarian Song] (sheet music): László Kún: A magyar dal [The Hungarian Song] (sheet music) Collected, selected for piano and harmonized for voice: - - -. Foreword by Dr. Géza Molnár. Budapest, [1906] Könyves Kálmán. Printed by Pesti Kny. Rt. 116 [2] p. (100 so...


AbeBooks.com: Signed photograph of American film actress Colleen Moore (born Kathleen Morrison , 1899 - 1988).: Signed photograph of American film actress Colleen Moore (born Kathleen Morrison , 1899 - 1988). Silver gelatin photo. (16,5 x 21,5 cm.) - American film actress who began her career during...

Christmas Series - Publisher of the series was chess composer and enthusiast Alain Campbell White (1880-1951). A. C. Whi...

Christmas Series - Publisher of the series was chess composer and enthusiast Alain Campbell White (1880-1951). A. C. White sent most books of the series to his friends as Christmas gifts. But they were offered for sale, too. The series consists from 44 books on problem chess and one pamphlet from 1912. Most books are hard covers, bound in red cloth with gold lettering, usually written in English, sometimes in German and French and one was partially in Czech. Most books have printed Christmas wish slip by White, usually bound in after a title page. It appears that a part of edition of some books has wish slips and a part does not. Number of copies published of separate volumes is not known. One of the rarest volumes in the Christmas Series.

AbeBooks.com: Les Mille et un Mats Inverses I-II.: Alain C. White: Les Mille et un Mats Inverses I-II. (Tome I - Problemes; Tome II - Introductions, Solutions et Tables). /A.C. White Christmas Series 4./ Paris, 1907. Numa Preti. [510] p. ; LIX. 226 p. (Originally: 231 p. 1 blank. 3 pages missing fro...


AbeBooks.com: Dissertatio inauguralis medica de Tremore quam Annuente Inclyta facultate medica in celeberrima ac Regia Universitate Budensi…: Fischer, Joseph(us): Dissertatio inauguralis medica de Tremore quam Annuente Inclyta facultate medica in celeberrima ac Regia Universitate Budensi… Budae, 1...








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