Diósdi Rádió- és Televíziómúzeum Baráti Köre

Diósdi Rádió- és Televíziómúzeum Baráti Köre Kedves Barátunk! Ismerd meg ezt a szép gyűjteményt. Látogasd meg, majd mondj róla véleményt. Segíts a múzeumot fenntartók munkáját.

Küld be a saját rádiózással, televíziózással kapcsolatos történeted, s ha van - fotód, videód.


In 1963, inventor Hugo Gernsback unveiled a groundbreaking concept that would lay the foundation for future innovations in personal entertainment: the prototype of his “TV Glasses.” As a pioneer in the field of electronic media and a visionary known for his contributions to science fiction, Gernsback’s designs often blurred the lines between imagination and reality. His TV Glasses, described as a “five-ounce” device, encapsulated his belief that technology could enhance everyday life and transform the way individuals consumed media.

Hugo Gernsback, born in 1884 in Luxembourg, emigrated to the United States, where he made significant contributions to the development of radio and television technology. He was not only an inventor but also a publisher and writer, credited with establishing the genre of science fiction as we know it today. Gernsback founded several magazines, including “Amazing Stories,” which popularized speculative fiction and inspired generations of readers and writers. His work reflected a deep fascination with technological advancements and their potential impact on society.

The concept of the TV Glasses represented Gernsback's forward-thinking vision of media consumption. With a simple flip of a switch, users could access their favorite television programs anywhere, transcending the limitations of traditional screens. This idea was revolutionary, considering the technological context of the time, when televisions were bulky and limited to fixed locations within homes. Gernsback's prototype, which he modeled in photographs, illustrated his ambition to create a portable device that would enable users to enjoy entertainment on the go, much like the personal devices we rely on today.

While Gernsback’s TV Glasses were never commercially produced, they foreshadowed the development of modern wearable technology. The concept echoed the trajectory of advancements in miniaturization and the growing trend of personal devices in the digital age. Today, wearable technology, such as smart glasses and augmented reality devices, has become a reality, making Gernsback’s ideas eerily prescient. His work highlighted the potential for technology to not only entertain but also integrate into daily life seamlessly.

The cultural climate of the 1960s played a significant role in shaping Gernsback’s innovations. The era was marked by rapid technological advancements and a fascination with the future, as Americans were captivated by space exploration, the rise of television, and the burgeoning counterculture. Gernsback's TV Glasses resonated with the optimism of the time, reflecting a desire for innovation and a belief that technology could enhance human experiences.

In retrospect, Hugo Gernsback's TV Glasses serve as a testament to the creative spirit of invention and the relentless pursuit of progress. His legacy continues to inspire inventors and visionaries today, reminding us of the importance of imagination in shaping the future. As we navigate an increasingly digital world, Gernsback’s work stands as a reminder of the transformative power of technology and the endless possibilities that lie ahead.


EMS SYNTHI 100: It’s hard to imagine that the vision that was at play back in 1971 (!) when EMS created this monster synthesizer as it was so incredible. It was an offshoot of the VCS3 but it had 12 oscillators, 8 filters, a three layer digital sequencers, two 60 x 60 pin matrix, ring modulators, dual keyboards, oscillator sync and more. It cost 6500 Pounds (about 95,000 or more in today’s Pounds) and about 30 were built. It was designed by David Cockerell who went on to design samplers and other gear for Akai and a ton of fantastic devices for ElectroHarmonix. Moog was building large Clll modular’s and ARP built the 2500 but in my opinion this creation was on another plane. I think Aphex Twin has one and Pete Towshend just gifted his to a university in the UK along with his ARP 2500 and Yamaha GX1. I’ve never seen one yet alone played one but I think there are some that are accessible for use. A truly astounding achievement and beyond imagination. Thanks to Drew Schlesinger for the OG post.

Lakihegyi adóállomás 1930-ban.

Lakihegyi adóállomás 1930-ban.


B-17 radioman


Direction Finding (DF) Mobile Unit, circa 1930.

Post of :


Tudtátok, hogy megújult a Lakihegyi Adótorony? Új festést és LED-es világítást kapott. A felújítási munkafolyamatok részleteinek Takács Ádám járt utána, s készített interjút, amelyet 2024.10.29-én délután 15:11-kor hallgathattok meg a Kossuth rádió Trend-idők című műsorában.
Ha lemaradtatok az élő adásról, itt utólag is meghallgathatjátok:
Korábbi adásokat is érdemes meghallgatni:



A Villa Negra románca a Keleti Márton rendezte Hattyúdal című film betétdala. A filmet 1963-ban mutattak be. A dalt a főszereplő Páger Antal énekelte el a fi...


This drawing illustrates the evolution of multitrack recording, because everyone needs to know. ;) From the book Recording Unhinged (which Chris and I wrote). Enjoy!


A 11 éves lány Békés vármegye egyetlen ifjúsági rádiótájfutója

Nem rádió, de egy érdekes történelmi filmet találtam, megosztom veletek. https://youtu.be/5pSiCjfhUUwhttps://youtu.be/4T...

Nem rádió, de egy érdekes történelmi filmet találtam, megosztom veletek.

A legmagyarabb hadihajó, az SMS SZENT ISTVÁN a korabeli magyar hajógyártás abszolút csúcsteljesítménye. Az Adrián hajózó legerősebb vízi egység volt, amelyet...


On 15 August 1955 Charles Townes, James Gordon and H. J. Zeiger published 'The Maser—New Type of Microwave Amplifier, Frequency Standard, and Spectrometermaser'.

Their device was the forerunner to the laser, using microwaves whereas lasers use visible light.

In this picture, Townes (left) and Gordon (right) pose with one of their newly built devices. Townes went on to receive the Nobel Prize in Physics for his role in the invention of the maser, and laser.


The "Time Lady" or "the Speaking Clock" prior to the introduction of automated equipment. Her job: giving the correct time 'live' all day long. (Photo from 1930s, US).

Diósd újra nyit! Regisztrálj és gyere! Várunk augusztus 26-án!

Diósd újra nyit! Regisztrálj és gyere! Várunk augusztus 26-án!


A Postamúzeum várja Önöket a kapolcsi Művészetek Völgye összművészeti fesztiválon (július 21–30.)!

Ma kezdődik a 32. alkotói eseménysorozat, amely 10 napon keresztül, közel 2000 programmal tölti meg Kapolcs, Taliándörögd és Vigánpetend utcáit és épületeit. Foglalkozásaink, játékos programjaink és filmvetítéseink a kapolcsi FILMIO Pajta Mozgóban kapnak helyet.

Programjaink: https://www.muveszetekvolgye.hu/artist/3139
Hivatalos honlap: https://www.muveszetekvolgye.hu/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/muveszetekvolgye
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/

Művészetek Völgye Postamúzeum - Budapest


Géza Fejedelem Utca 11



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