
Flixely Professional drone team, based in Hungary, worldwide operation. Flying with Inspire 2 X7, and RED on Bringing full site documentation into one solution.

Our services:

-Aerial Cinematography

- FPV Cinematography
Opening up new possibilities for directors. FPV drones are not new things, they are the foundation of the new user-friendly drone industry. They were mainly built by hand, for racing, but in recent years, they have become the new perspective in filming. We are taking this, to the next level, by mounting a cinema-grade RED camera on it, a

chieving cinema quality with this perspective. Thanks to this, and our national champion, and world championship attendant FPV pilot, we are able to offer this new perspective, in the best quality in Europe.

- Enterprise Solutions
Serves every business needs. With Construction documentation, save time, improve communication, and reduce cost by using aerial and ground data to perform surveys, conduct inspections, and document every job site. Surveying and mapping creates a digital twin of your assets. Revisit and share with your stakeholders, make precise and georeferenced measurements and notes anytime, anywhere. Map, model and measure in 3D. In agriculture, identify stress factors like pests or diseases in time. Guide your decisions to increase yield and profits, and improve efficiency. Plan site-specific fertilizer and crop protection applications, depending on plant needs.






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