Bold, creative crew specialised for content-creation, film-making, creative production, communication services & advertising. Sleeping with the latest techs and believing in a work ethic driven by limitless fantasy and entertainment. From Europe to North America, our footprint is always distinctive.
The Team
Norbert Tuza - writer / director / creative director / co-founder
Róbert Szín - D.O.P. / co-founder
András Szalai - editor / sound designer / legal / co-founder
Anna Berentz - line producer
Gergő Gulyás - sound designer / production manager
Gergő Geltz – colorist / vfx
Emőke Pozsgai - stylist
Bence Szepesi - hairstylist
Kinga Felhalmi – make-up artist
Mario Wen - An Duan - production assistant
InkPanther is the unexpected perspective. The leap, the precision, the gifted insight that adds tremendous value by daring to pounce when others cannot. The creative catalyst moving silently and nimbly in the background, until emerging on cue with crucial answers to lighting, photography, sound and team challenges. Our approach to priorities both technical and artistic is a blend that separates merely competent production from great ex*****on.
When InkPanther began building its reputation, we recognized that simply throwing large teams and budgets at a problem cannot save a flawed production. Likewise, a solid project is only as good as the team developing it. The open secret to our success is our feel for a client’s vision and how to bring it to life. Rather than just complete a project by the numbers, we live for solving the mystery of what makes it resonant and cool to its audience.
In our world, the outcome is binary; it either works or it doesn’t, and that is the benchmark by which we judge ourselves on every project. In that sense, the reason clients keep coming back to us or referring us to other projects, is not a mystery.
The Team
Ink Panther is not the first production company to succeed, but we are among only a handful to do so with a trio of passionate leaders running the whole show. Each of us brings a unique creative edge to our clients’ projects, but we are united by core principles that we practice every day whether we are on a set or in a post-production studio. First, shooting is not just about schedules. When InkPanther runs a set, clients are accustomed to seeing every person’s attention fully engaged. Everyone is tuned in because we see each project as a living experience where every participant has a vital supporting role.
From the catering staffer to the videographer, InkPanther fosters a mindset that they all have a stake in “our” production. Large productions have been known to become unwieldy due to size or the unproductive behavior of the errant crew member, but our hive-like culture which we build around each client’s project leaves no room at all for lapses in professionalism. This is why our team of three has been able to run extended teams, without the pitfalls that befall projects of that size or larger.
Location Scouting
You’ve arrived at the perfect site; you don’t know where or how it fits yet. You just know that the story you want to tell, will reveal itself through the stunning visuals and sweeping shots, almost as though the scenery itself is a living, breathing character, yearning to break free of its limitations.
Now consider the boundaries, especially international ones, that can hold your vision back such as language, legal, and lack of experience in lateral creative thinking and ex*****on. InkPanther overcomes those limits because we understand what it takes to walk in the shoes of story creators, lightning directors, casting agents, translators, and communicators who must often collaborate seamlessly across many borders and forbidding distances.
We are based in the heart of Europe, but our footprint is increasingly visible anywhere that international or English-language productions cast a shadow. Chances are, you have teamed up with one of our studio or television partners from Britain, Germany, the US, or France. You may have seen us moving quietly in the background and not even been aware. Whether your terrain is physical or digital, music or film, InkPanther’s diverse platform of innovative experience takes the pain out of complex background processes, while keeping the focus on your budget and your project. We do not aspire to be everywhere at once, but we are always where you need us to be.
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