Frenetic Sneer

Frenetic Sneer I’m a DJ from Budapest, Hungary.

My first met with D&B in Late 2003 when i listened a top20 VA album (which contains a lot of my favourite classic d&b songs, example: Original Nuttah, Turbulence, Planet Dust, Chopper, etc…), because i was curios for the genre and that time I only listened ska, reggae, punk, rock, metal, so I didn’t know “drink or eat D&B” :) Enhanced me the deep bass, the speed and the received elements from othe

r styles with no limits. Next year I tried Ni Traktor and later I bought a mixer and headphones, and year after year I replace my dj equipments one by one, and I collect vinyl, cd and mp3 from online stores and made many mixes. In the beginning 2014 I met with the Deep Colony, Dub Flyers Kru and we organised some party since then, and I hope so this is just a beginning! :)




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