SOLKYM - Get your eyes used to the dark
'Get your eyes used to the dark', the new five-track EP by SOLKYM is out now on PLUTO Sound. It will take you on a psychedelic trip spiced up with rock guitars, funky bass and ambient levitation. Don’t sleep on this, catch it on the big streaming sites!
denevér - estorbas
New single by Chilean/Hungarian duo Denevér out now on PLUTO Sound
Stream here:
written by denevér
recorded at LaCajaDeFósforos
mixed by LaCajaDeFósforos & Kristóf Huszár
master by Kristóf Huszár, PLUTO Sound
artwork by Sebastián Villano and fax printed by Imi Harangozó
SOY007 Π 2023
'Dust', first single and visualizer by Hungarian electronica duo Popus out now on PLUTO Sound
Cameraman: Levente Galambos
Edited by: Benedek Matyovszky (Matyó)
Camera rental: PUR E Prod Kft.
Mixing/Mastering/Sound design: Kristóf Huszár (Christopher Waver)
Special thanks: BME Kármán stúdió crew
Popus is:
Roland Nagy
Bálint Kriska
New remix for AGAVOID's song 'Brave’ by Christopher Waver is now available on PLUTO Sound.
The ideas used in this rework actually came from the very first version of the song, which was then completely changed for the album. However, some of the ideas from the original were used by Waver during his live performances, and later they were also used by AGAVOID as an encore in their live performances. The new version was completed in August 2022, but it was held up in the release queue. Finally, it has been released now, available on Bandcamp and all big streaming sites!
CHristopher Waver - Connectionism
PLUTO Sound is proud to present Christopher Wavers latest eight-track studio album, 'Connectionism', drops on April 20.
Now available for presave on Bandcamp, where you can listen to the title track and the already released singles!
🔴🔵 parallel patterns 'down' című első kislemezéhez készült egy Christopher Waver átirat, amit mától pörgethettek az összes nagy streaming felületen!
🔴🔵 A Christopher Waver remix of the first single 'down' by parallel patterns is now available on all major streaming platforms, starting from today!
PLUTO 2022
Eljött az ideje, hogy újra összegezzük az évet! Idén sem csüggedtünk, két nagylemez, egy válogatásalbum, négy EP és kilenc kislemez, összesen tizenhat kiadvány jelent meg az év során. Emellett megjelent öt zenei videó és sikerült hét PLUTO bulit is szervezni az Easy Art Space, a Nyolcésfél vagy épp a Három Holló falai közé. 2023-ban reméljük ugyanilyen, vagy még nagyobb erővel folytatjuk, addig is boldogabb új évet mindenkinek, és köszi, hogy követtek/hallgattok minket!
It's time to recap the year again! We didn't get lazy this year either, two LPs, one compilation album, four EPs and nine singles, a total of sixteen releases were released during the year. In addition, five music videos were released and we managed to organize seven PLUTO parties to various places like Easy Art Space, Nyolcésfél or Három Holló. We hope to continue with the same or even greater strength in 2023, until then, a happier new year to everyone, and thank you for following/listening to us!
AGAVOID - Pearl (Bekø Remix) (Single) (PLT066)
Christopher Waver - Bearings (Single) (PLT070)
Christopher Waver - Biodiversity / Homecoming (Double Single)(PLT064)
DARĀGE - koka kóla dzsungel (Single) (SOY006)
denevér - denevér (EP) (SOY005)
Fodor Dávid - Lassan (Single) (SOY003)
Marschal & Fodor feat. hari_drama - Slow Down (Single) (SOY004)
oneeyedman - Mr. C. Levitates (Album) (PLT065)
parallel patterns - down (Single) (PLT069)
parallel patterns - temporary state (Single) (PLT073)
SYNONYMS - Main Theme Memories (Live jam @ Turbina 08-10-2021) (Single)
SYNONYMS - Segments (EP) (PLT063)
SYNONYMS - Territory (EP) (PLT067)
Various - PLUTO ∞ (INFINITY) Compilation (Album) (PLT072)
Veljko - Deisidaimonia (EP) (PLT062)
yorgos - Morning Comes (Album) (PLT068)
Christopher Waver
Dávid + ZENE
Geopard Tourist
Gergő Matos
Marschal Roland
PLUTO ∞ (INFINITY) compilation out now
Megjelent a tizenegy artistot felvonultató válogatáslemezünk, a 'PLUTO ∞ (INFINITY)', tölthetitek Bandcamp-ről, vagy mehet a streamelés a szokásos platformokon! 🔥
'PLUTO ∞ (INFINITY)' compilation with eleven brand new tracks from hungarian dance producers out now, you can grab it from Bandcamp or stream it on the usual platforms! 🔥
Bekø ∞ Christopher Waver ∞ FALMI ∞ Ferko ∞ Geopard Tourist ∞ Oneeyedman ∞ Sabw ∞ Soma Balázs ∞ Svmmit ∞ umosone ∞ yorgos
PLUTO ∞ (INFINITY) compilation out now
PLUTO ∞ (INFINITY) compilation out now 🎹🎹🎹
Bekø ∞ Christopher Waver ∞ FALMI ∞ Ferko ∞ Geopard Tourist ∞ Oneeyedman ∞ Sabw ∞ Soma Balázs ∞ Svmmit ∞ umosone ∞ yorgos
Kint a teljes lineup a december másodikai EASY Art Space-es válogatás bemutató bulinkra 🌿🌿🌿
Bekø ∞ Christopher Waver ∞ FALMI ∞ Geopard Tourist ∞ Oneeyedman ∞ Sabw ∞ Svmmit