The new issue of CEC is out, with the thematic issue 'Figures of the Crowd in Central Europe'
The deadline for the winter issue is Oct 15, 2024!
Figures of the Crowd in Central Europe
Blind Spots in Crowds, Masses, and Multitudes: Introductory Remarks
Katalin Teller
Masterminded Choreographies: The Stadium Mass Performances in Interwar Austria
Béla Rásky
“For Us, Bühne is Everything that has an Audience.”: Masses and Mass Arts in the Viennese Lifestyle Magazine Die Bühne in the 1920s and 1930s
Marie-Noelle Yazdanpanah
“Why Do People Accept Ideologies that Contradict their Conscious Interests?”: Pre-1939 Discussions about Analytical Social Psychology by the Prague Historical Group and Freudo-Marxists
Florian Ruttner
Protesting, Destroying Symbols, Lynching, Onlooking, and Rallying: Figures and Functions of the Crowd during the 1956 Hungarian Revolution
Éva Standeisky
Crowd Scenes in Péter Nádas’ Parallel Stories
Anna Kenderesy
“Crowds confined into phalansteries built from their own data, human mass regressed into a hedonistic infant body.”: Isolation and Crowd in László Garaczi’s Novel Weszteg
Dorka Keresztury
Research Article
Medical Metaphors in the Thirteenth-Century Sermon Collection of Pécs
Annamária Kovács
’Gypsies’, Natural Monogamy, and Violence Full of Love: Anthropomorphism as a Constitutive Element of the Construction of Non-human Subjectivity in Modern Central European Travel Narratives
Josef Řičář
Presence – Donation – Event: Sándor Márai: The Complete Diary
István Dobos
Book Review
Recovered Histories of Priests of Traditional Communities: Papok a 18–20. századi lokális közösségekben: Történetek találkozása [Priests in the Local Communities, between the Eighteenth and Twentieth Centuries]. Edited by Dániel Bárth. Budapest: MTA-ELTE Lendület Történeti Folklorisztikai Kutatócsoport, 2021. 714 pp.
Florin Cioban
Ukraine’s Many Faces: Land, People, and Culture Revisited. Edited by Olena Palko and Manuel Ferez Gil.: Bielefeld: transcript, 2023. 399 pp. https://doi.org/10.14361/978383946664
Gary Marker
Redefining the Boundaries of Humanity. Transhumanism and Posthumanism in the Perspective of Biotechnologies. Edited by Jana Tomašovičová and Bogumiła Suwara.: Bratislava: Peter Lang, 2023. 240 pp.
Adam Škrovan
Lesen im Zeitalter der künstlichen Intelligenz. Über den Wandel einer Kulturtechnik [Reading in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. On the Transformation of a Cultural Technique]. By Florian Rötzer.: Bielefeld: transcript, 2023. 128 pp.
Máté Bordás
An den Rändern der Literatur. Dokument und Literatur in zentraleuropäischen Kulturen. Tracing the Edges of Literature. Docu-mentary Fiction in Central European Cultures. Edited by Milka Car, Csongor Lőrincz, Danijela Lugarić, and Gábor Tamás Molnár. : Vienna: Böhlau, 2024. 277 pp.
Svetlana Efimova