Sepia Sound Studio

Sepia Sound Studio Excellence in sound quality for production, rehearsal, mixing & critical monitoring, recording & stre Immerzum is a synaesthetic world of sound and vision.

Sepia Sound Studio is a high fidelity innovative multipurpose environment created to engage with music, sound, “sonic well-being” and projection visual activities in high definition. The space features outstanding acoustic and listening qualities in a warm and cozy carpeted environment. Extending the sonic qualities the room is equipped with a high definition panoramic projection syst

em offering powerful syn-aesthetic immersion. Sepia caters for a uniquely wide array of sound and visual activities across professional audio-visual work, completely bespoke private hire configurations, education, public & private signature "Sleep Sonic" and "Immerzum" experiences and modern sound therapy sessions. CONCEPT
Sepia introduces and promotes "in situ" approach for professional work, comfort and immersed experience for enjoyment and well-being. We value experience over commodity ; consider experience as well-being & are dedicated to conscious & efficient utilization of space and technology for human expression and social enjoyment of sonic and visual art. PURPOSE & USE
Sepia's purpose is to enable professionals and the public, to work on or to experience sound and visual projection in high definition. The same environment provides the settings both for high quality content production as well as enjoyment in our "in-situ" approach. SPACE & ACOUSTICS
Our space implements full acoustic treatment and provides a clean sound image across the audible spectrum. The interior has been carefully designed to support enhanced listening experience and offers a unique balance of comfort and sensual focus on hearing. SOUND SYSTEM
Sepia is equipped with a state of the art, fully linear d&b audiotechnik system, providing listening capabilities from studio to concert volumes in perfect fidelity. (*Additional near field studio monitoring is also utilized when needed)

The studio features high definition panoramic multi-projection system powered by a dedicated high performance media workstation. AVAILABILITY
Sepia is available for production, rehearsal, live acts, DJs, video streaming and recording, listening sessions for individuals and small groups. SERVICES FOR PROFESSIONALS
Space & System rental, Sound Engineering, Mastering, Consultancy, Equipment rental, Consultancy

Space & System rental, Lossless HiFi studio streaming, Audio playback from digital and vinyl

Streaming, Video recording, Private / Public presentations, Workshops, Lectures, Demos, Photo shoots

• Sleep Sonic - all night sleep in programme with bed & breakfast /sleep-sonic

• Immerzum - Enter the void. /immerzum

• TBA...

Co-founder Csaba Bognar (sabw) will release an album next year on FREE SEQUENCE. The first video produced by HAJIME! Stu...

Co-founder Csaba Bognar (sabw) will release an album next year on FREE SEQUENCE.
The first video produced by HAJIME! Studio, "Elephant", will be released on 21 November at TOLDI.

Find out more:


SIBLICITY presents the '4th Classical Inspiration' episode: "As the first scents of spring stroke the air, let me invite you back to the future. What’s better than contemplating on the Zeitgeist by listening to the future from the past. Compiling the year’s Classical Inspiration has blended with...


selection recorded at Sepia Sound Studio / Art Quarter Budapest 2023.11.19


We are saddened by the news that Zsolt Palotai has passed away. In tonight's Immerzum we offer our tribute to you Zsolti a Friend and rare influence defining many of us who listened and danced together over the past decades. Your legacy stays alive in all of us. We hope we meet in the next life too. Have a good journey! Flora, Csaba & Peter from Sepia...

Sleep Sonic - aural voyage into states of sleep and meditative consciousness, a Élet+Stílus tudositasa a Sepia So...

Sleep Sonic - aural voyage into states of sleep and meditative consciousness, a Élet+Stílus tudositasa a Sepia Sound Studio-ban futo elmenyrol.

Pizsama, kispárna, fogkefe – ezeket mindenki tartsa magánál, aki befekszik egy alvós koncertre. Itthon jelenleg Halász Péter producer csinál olyan zenei eseményeket, ahol az általános alvási ciklikussághoz igazított, egész éjjel szóló elektronikus zenedarabra lehet aludni vagy sze...


Immerzum: S'LISTEN - Synaesthetic Deep Listening Alchemy - a sonic well-being experience next journey on the 17th of June ( Saturday ) book at


Immerzum: S'LISTEN - Synaesthetic Deep Listening Alchemy - a sonic well-being experience next event: 27.05.2023.


Moments of Immerzum: S'LISTEN - Deep Listening Alchemy - Saturday Session. Future episodes and new experiences coming soon! Stay tuned!


This Friday (21.04.2023.) & Saturday (22.04.2023.) we are hosting a double episode of Immerzum: S'LISTEN - Deep Listening Alchemy. Sound can help us harmonizing the planes of our existence, join us for this well-being experience of inner journey.

Friday: Immerzum: S'LISTEN - Deep Listening Alchemy - Friday Session
Saturday: Immerzum: S'LISTEN - Deep Listening Alchemy - Saturday Session

Pillows, Blankets, and soulful environment!


Nagytétényi út 48-50

Nyitvatartási idő

Hétfő 12:00 - 00:00
Kedd 12:00 - 00:00
Szerda 12:00 - 00:00
Csütörtök 12:00 - 00:00
Péntek 12:00 - 00:00
Szombat 12:00 - 18:00
Vasárnap 12:00 - 00:00




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