Journey Into Sound

Journey Into Sound nickname: Czellux
Goa trance DJ & producer (aka. Journey Into Sound). Born and lives in Hungary, Budapest. Resident DJ at : Timewarp; Neogoa; Mamomam

He combines old school melodic goa trance with new soundscapes to give his music a unique sound. Czellár Gábor aka Czellux / Journey Into Sound is from Hungary, born in 1980. He met the psychedelic music by accident at the end of the 90’s but it immediately took a huge impact on him and a few years later he started his carrier as Goa Trance DJ. He fell in love with this genre in the first minute a

nd always wanted to keep that special spirit, the magic that only Goa Trance has and he began to write his own music. In 2013 has released the first full lenght album "Illusions Of Reality" by Timewarp Records.
2 years later he joined to Neogoa Records, and they launched the work together with "Transdimensional Vision [EP]. He also did music releases at Underground Alien Factory Rec., Ovnimoon Rec., EDM Rec., GOA Rec., Goa Madness Rec., and Mamomam Records. In 2018 he did one CD of the double compilation of Timewarp records 100th release (Goa Trance Timewarp Vol.4 by DJ Garobass & DJ Czellux). His music perfectly conveys his own definition of the genre. Acid and trance elements join together in his music and tell different stories with its atmosphere. Journey Into Sound has already played in Romania, Croatia, Serbia, Austria, Israel, Slovakia, Japan, and a lot of gigs in Hungary.



Szombat este találkozunk a Kassa hajón, Budapesten!👊👽

Szombat este találkozunk a Kassa hajón, Budapesten!

A régi nagy Lunar-bulik helyszínén vàrjuk újra szeretettel a goatrance rajongóit a Suntrip Records 20. születésnapja alkalmából, Mindsphere (TUR) fősz



Deep space matrix - mixed by Czellux01. Cyberion - Straight forward02. Pharagonescia - Pharatropic03. Phoenix - Last Mission04. Etnica - Vimana05. Tristan & ...



Melancholy dream by Journey Into Sound15.10.2024.1. Intro2. Dougie Maclean & Trevor Jones - The Gael (Journey Into Sound mix)3. Birdie4. Random Energy5. The ...



Melancholy dream by Journey Into Sound 15.10.2024. 1. Intro 2. Dougie Maclean & Trevor Jones - The Gael (Journey Into Sound mix) 3. Birdie 4. Random Energy 5. The Butterfly Symphony 6. A bare thank you


► Subscribe: Paths, released April 16, 2016, Mamomam RecordsMamomam Records is proud to present you their first release – ...


VA Hallucinations Of The Buddha (Global Sect, 2024) The entire existing world is the dream of Buddha, as some of the most ancient spiritual teachings tell us...


Https://olibookings. Com/artists/journey-into-sound


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