Nap ereje

Nap ereje Célunk, hogy a közösségi naperőmű programja a világ legnagyobb környezetvédő programja legyen.


☀️ M&A Today Global 100 2020 Award - Best Solar Investment Venture ☀️ Press Release

Last year SunMoney Solar Group was awarded the Energy Innovator Award by CV Magazine (UK), in 2020 the company received another award, the M&A Today Global 100 from KMH Media Group. The ceremony was cancelled because of the pandemic, but „The Best Solar Energy Investment Venture” trophy arrived at SunMoney’s HQ and soon this year’s award publication will be online too.

The Global 100 is awarded by global executives from 163 countries to companies, which build sustainable business models and use innovative solutions to face the challenges of the future. SunMoney Solar Group, which is originating from Hungary with headquarters in Dubai builds and operates solar power plants in the CEE region and makes it possible to its clients to buy into these and enjoy the financial benefits while protecting the environment. SunMoney is currently the biggest community solar power plant programme in the world.

The dynamicly growing group, which was established in 2013 has already opened two solar power plants this year and it is planning to open even more by the end of the year to meet the growing international demand. SunMoney introduced its products in Asia last year and in 2020 the company is already making success in Latin America. The company’s website was recently redesigned and soon SunMoney is launching its mobile app to make the client’s accounts even more convenient and accessible.

☀️📶 October Solar Royalty

☀️📶 October Solar Royalty

Csatlakozz a világ legnagyobbKözösségi Naperőmű-programjához!Részesedést vásárolsza naperőművünkben, amelyet mi üzemelte...

Csatlakozz a világ legnagyobb
Közösségi Naperőmű-programjához!

Részesedést vásárolsza naperőművünkben,
amelyet mi üzemeltetünk és tartunk karban,
majd eladjuk az áramot,
így minden hónapban bevételhez jutsz.



Fő Utca 176





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