NOTE Zagreb

NOTE Zagreb Trgovina Note nudi notna izdanja svih hrvatskih i svjetskih izdavača iz područja klasične, popularne i jazz glazbe.

Bravo Lovre Marušić - Pianist!

Bravo Lovre Marušić - Pianist!

FINALLY: The winner of has been revealed! Caleb Borick - our warmest congratulations! 🏆

The second prize was awarded to the talented Lovre Marusic and the third prize goes to wonderful Zhouhui Shen.

In addition to that, Caleb won the audience prize for the best interpretation of a piano concerto in the final round!

Thanks to all of you for making this year's competition exceptionally special and unforgettable.

In the Orchestra Final, the Beethoven piano concertos were brilliantly performed by our prize-winners alongside the incredible Beethoven Orchester Bonn, under the masterful direction of Dirk Kaftan. 🎹🏆


Ponoćna serenada Midnight serenadeOnce again a small port on the Island of Brac, 'Bobovisce na moru' will become an oasis of classical music. Sounds of class...

Počivao u miru poštovani prof. Dešpalj!

Počivao u miru poštovani prof. Dešpalj!

Preminuo je Valter Dešpalj (5. studenog 1947. - 9. travnja 2023.).


Hrvatske božićne pjesme / obr. Tomislav Uhlik (r.1954.): VESELJE TI NAVJEŠĆUJEM i TRI KRALJA JAHAHU, iz suite "Božićni triptih"Solist: Tomislav Šošić, klavir...

Sretan Božić!

Sretan Božić!

Laura Vadjon & Pavao Mašić Laura Vadjon, Pavao Mašić

14/11/2022 Ladies and Gentlemen, dear colleagues.Herewith we would like to inform you that our doc...
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, dear colleagues.

Herewith we would like to inform you that our documentary film "DORA - Escape into Music" (Croatian title "DORA - Bijeg U Glazbu", English title "DORA - Escape into Music") will have its cinematic premiere coming

Tuesday, November 15, 2022 in Berlin cinema BABYLON, at 19:30 hrs

The film has already received four awards:

The highest possible rating from the independent German film rating agency FBW: "particularly valuable", the "Silver Award" at the New York Movie Awards 2022, as well as two awards as "best documentary" in competition at the Florence Film Awards 2022 and the Filmtage Oberschwaben.

It has a running time of 116 minutes and is available in a 5.1 surround sound version.

It is distributed in German by barnsteiner-film, Ascheffel, and for the Balkan countries by discovery d.o.o., Zagreb.

The official premiere of the Croatian version will take place in Zagreb on March 2, 2023, as part of the celebrations for the 100th anniversary of the composer's death.

The day before, March 1, 2023, the Leipzig pianist Kyra Steckeweh, will give a concert in Zagreb with piano works by Dora Pejačević.

About the film:

With this movie we dive into a time that has more in common with today's than one might think. "It was the golden age of security," writes Stefan Zweig (1881-1942) in his book "The World of Yesterday." It was in this "world of yesterday" that composer Dora Pejačević (1885-1923) created her works, which are in no way inferior to those of her famous male colleagues. She was born a countess and was able to develop her talent at an early age. But after World War I and the collapse of the K.u.K-monarchy, she had to adapt her life to the new times in order to continue composing. "A person like me cannot choose any class," she wrote to a friend.

After her tragic death in Munich in 1923, Dora Pejačević fell into oblivion, at least outside her native Croatia. In the film, her music comes alive again, and filmmakers, pianist Kyra Steckeweh and director Tim van Beveren, together with the Gewandhausorchester Leipzig, have succeeded in realizing a plan that the composer was unable to complete 100 years ago.

Promoting the rediscovery of women in music history has been the endeavor of pianist Kyra Steckeweh and filmmaker Tim van Beveren for several years. Their joint debut film "Women Composers" (DE 2018, 95 min.) met with great interest at home and abroad. It received several awards in the USA and was awarded the OPUS KLASSIK for best audiovisual production in Germany in 2020.

Like the film "Women Composers", the new film was made without any public funding. It was financed with the help of two successful crowdfunding’s and private sponsors and realized under the difficult production conditions of the Corona pandemic.

The filmmakers received significant support here from the Berlin-based docfilmpool association, a coalition of over 50 German and international filmmakers, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Gewandhaus Leipzig, Steinways and Sons and Leica Cameras - berlin, the Crownhill Foundation - London, the Bareva Foundation - Liechtenstein and the Croatian Embassy in Berlin, his excellency the ambassador Mr. Gordan Bakota.

The English language trailer can be seen here:

Statements of the directors:


"For me as a pianist, Dora Pejačević́ was a great discovery. I didn't even know her name until a few years ago. Now I have most of her wonderful piano works in my repertoire.

For me, her music tells of deep feelings, of crises, of longings. I have never experienced this immediate and absolutely honest emotionality so strongly with any other composer. From me as an interpreter, too, her music demands, in addition to technical challenges, a special honesty of expression, a particularly strong concession.

It was very inspiring for me in the course of research and filming for the film "Dora - Escape into Music" to get to know the places where Dora Pejačević composed her works and to dive into her world of thought via letters and other sources from her estate."


"I have been making films for 40 years. Very different films, about problems in our everyday life, about aviation, about culture, about people. Never before have I met an artist and such a fascinating woman with such an interesting biography. A composer who was completely unjustly forgotten outside her home country.

Access to Dora Pejačević's music and thus also to her emotionality was then made possible by my intensive collaboration with my colleague, the pianist Kyra Steckeweh. Our search for traces extended over almost four years. A long period of time during which, in retrospect, I would not want to miss a single day of this collaboration.

The film was finally made under extremely difficult conditions: despite numerous applications without a single cent of national culture funding and without the co-production of any television station. The earthquake in Croatia in March 2020 destroyed important motifs and facilities for us, such as collections and archives, and then the Corona pandemic permanently hampered our production conditions.

But the biggest disappointment was certainly experienced by our Croatian co-producer Noćni Let, led by the well-known Croatian director and screenplay writer Ivan Salaj. Their applications for national film funding from the Croatian Audio-Visual Center (HAVC) were rejected a total of three times, with flimsy and absurd explanations and prevarications. Therefore, at the moment it is not clear whether the film can also be released - as planned - in a Croatian language version."

On the day of the premiere we will conduct a streaming of the English subtitled version of the film starting at 19:00 hrs and a live-transmission into the cinema in Berlin after the projection has ended (aprox. 21:30 hrs Central European Time) via Zoom. If you are interested to participate, please send an email to us.

Also, if you require other materials, such as high resolution pictures from the production, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards

Tim van Beveren
- director -
tvbmedia productions

Cinematic trailer of the the new documentary film by Kyra Steckeweh and Tim van Beveren about the composer Dora Pejačević (1885-1923).


Čarobna večer u Bobovišćuma na moru!

Hvala što ste bili dio našeg malog svijeta. Bila je velika čast slušati Vaše savjete i osvrte. Vaše neizmjerno bogatstvo...

Hvala što ste bili dio našeg malog svijeta. Bila je velika čast slušati Vaše savjete i osvrte. Vaše neizmjerno bogatstvo znanja, optimizam i znatiželja za novim zauvijek će ostati u našim srcima.

U Zagrebu 20. srpnja 2022. u 94. godini napustio nas je akademik Viktor Žmegač, sveučilišni profesor, germanist, povjesničar književnosti, muzikolog i dugogodišnji suradnik Matice hrvatske.

Viktor Žmegač rođen je 21. ožujka 1929. u Slatini, gdje je završio osnovnu školu. Gimnaziju je pohađao u Virovitici i Osijeku. Studij germanistike i jugoslavistike završio je na Filozofskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, a germanistiku i muzikologiju studirao je u Göttingenu.

Doktorat znanosti stekao je 1959. s temom Die Musik im Schaffen Thomas Manns (Glazba u djelu Thomasa Manna). Tema disertacije već na početku Žmegačeva znanstvenoga p**a ukazuje na dva područja koja će postati središtem njegova profesionalnog djelovanja i života: književnost i glazbu. Od 1971. do umirovljenja radio je kao profesor njemačke književnosti na Filozofskom fakultetu u Zagrebu, a povremeno je gostovao na stranim sveučilištima u Njemačkoj i Austriji. Od 2002. bio je professor emeritus Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Od 2012. bio je redoviti član Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Razredu za književnost, a od 1992. dopisni član u Razredu za filološke znanosti.

Međunarodni ugled stekao je kao germanist, pišući na hrvatskom i njemačkom jeziku. Iz njegova bogatoga opusa izdvajaju se sljedeći naslovi koje je objavljivao kod domaćih i stranih izdavača: Kunst und Wirklichkeit (Zürich 1969), Književno stvaralaštvo i povijest društva, (Zagreb 1976), Geschichte der deutschen Literatur vom 18. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart, (urednik i koautor, 3 sveska, Frankfurt am Main, 1978–1984, nekoliko izdanja), Težišta modernizma, (Zagreb 1986), Povijesna poetika romana, (Zagreb 1987), Der europäische Roman. Geschichte seiner Poetik (Tübingen 1990), Tradition und Innovation. Studien zur deutschen Literatur seit der Jahrhundertwende, (Wien-Köln-Weimar 1993) Der historische und der typologische Jude, (Tübingen 1996) Duh impresionizma i secesije (Zagreb 1993).

Od 1998. Viktor Žmegač postaje autor Matice hrvatske i u posljednjih dvadesetak godina ta je izdavačka kuća bila njegov povlašteni nakladnik kod kojega je objavio 11 knjiga. Među njima se ističu: Od Bacha do Bauhausa (2006), Majstori europske glazbe (2009), Prošlost i budućnost 20. stoljeća (2010), Strast i konstruktivizam duha. Temeljni umjetnički pokreti 20. stoljeća (2014), Četiri europska grada (2017), Portreti gradova (2019) te prije nekoliko mjeseci objavljena knjiga Vrhunski europski romani (2021). Trenutno je radio na dovršetku nove knjige koja je trebala biti objavljena početkom sljedeće godine, pod radnim nazivom Kulturološki kvartet.

Opus Viktora Žmegača uobičajeno se dijeli na dvije faze: ranu književnoznanstvenu i kasnu kulturološku (Dubravka Oraić Tolić). Krunom njegova književnopovijesnog proučavanja smatra se knjiga Povijesna poetika romana (treće, prošireno izdanje Matica hrvatska, 2004), a kapitalnim ostvarenjem kasne faze kulturološko remek-djelo Od Bacha do Bauhasa, jedinstvena povijest njemačke kulture, književnosti, glazbe, slikarstva, filma i znanosti, od početaka do danas.

Rođen na isti dan kao i Johann Sebastian Bach, skladatelj kojega je najviše volio, Viktor Žmegač bio je erudit i poliglot široke humanističke naobrazbe, homo universalis kozmopolitskoga kova. Njemački povjesničar književnosti Dieter Borchmayer istaknuo je da je Viktor Žmegač bio kultna figura nove generacije germanista i napisao da je utjelovljavao „tip univerzalnog znanstvenika kakav sve više nestaje u vremenima specijalističkoga znanstvenoga rada“. Njegovim odlaskom završava jedna epoha, a u hrvatskoj i europskoj kulturi ostaje praznina koja se neće moći nadoknaditi. Njegove brojne knjige pak pozivaju nas da ih ponovno pročitamo i poslušamo što nam je imao za reći.
📷 Mirko Cvjetko


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Available in ABS high-tech technology for cello slim, contoured violin, contoured viola, slim violin, hightech classical guitar, new oblong violin and new oblong viola.⠀⠀


Nisam neki naročit sveznalica. Ni u čemu. Ali dogodi se da znam ponešto što znaju malobrojni, ili ne zna nitko u društvu u kojem živim. To nije važno. Međutim, događa se, i to je, na žalost, prečesto, da se poneka moja fascinacija, poneko besmrtno sviđanje, estetski ush*t, tiče nečega o čemu nitko tu naokolo ništa ne zna. To je onda važno. Volim ljude koji se pojave da znaju. Tako volim Branimira Pofuka.
Prije nekoliko sam tjedana pisao tekst za knjižicu koja izlazi uz novi album braće Teofilovića. S jednom rečenicom imao sam problema. U njoj sam, naime, spominjao nešto i nekoga što, bio sam siguran, nikome naokolo neće ništa značiti. A meni znači sve. I nekoliko sam p**a u toj rečenici pisao i brisao zadnju figuru u nabrajanju. Evo rečenice koja kreće s opisom Ratkovog i Radišinog pjevanja: "Počinje šap**ati s ukućanima dok s kućnog uređaja teče njihova snimka, utišava sebe i sve oko sebe, baš kao da je na koncertu, a ta tišina i ta šutnja, taj šapat kada se nešto baš mora reći, neobično su srodni tišini i šutnji iz trenutaka kada se sluša Bachova Muka po Mateju, Verdijev Rekvijem, Mokranjčeva Liturgija svetog Jovana Zlatoustog, veličanstveni Komitasov Patarag…" Znate li tko je Komitas i što je Patarag? Branimir Pofuk, otkrivam to u prošlosubotnjoj njegovoj kolumni za Večernji list, zna. I ne mogu dovoljno naglasiti koliko mi to znači što on zna. Naprosto je važno da tvoj ush*t ne bude sam u svemiru. Jer nema veće usamljenosti od takve usamljenosti.
Dakle, pogledajte donju fotografiju, pa pročitajte sljedeći tekst Branimira Pofuka, u kojem ćete saznati tko je bio Komitas:


Preradovićeva 32

Opening Hours

Monday 16:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 16:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 16:00 - 19:00
Thursday 16:00 - 19:00
Friday 16:00 - 19:00




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