Earn the life
Good people will always be a good people. Good practitioners will always will be a good practitioners. Good teachers will always be a good teachers. Teacher cannot be everyone. This is the most important calling in life. I say purposely calling, not profession.
Good teachers teach with all heart, soul, emotions, passion.
No matter what, good people will always follow a good people, good teachers, good organizations.
Good always find good, bad always find bad. This is universal law.
People fall out by themselves.
Positive cannot be with negative, and negative could never be with positive. This is Human nature.
Today good teachers try to teach people, but bad negative, weak people always fall out, because they cannot be good. They do not have right heart, right soul, right mind, passion, will, to make themselves better human.
This is also about what Soke teach and mentioned many times.
People have different capacity - (j*p. Utsuwa.)
"The river of knowledge flow down to life. Some people come to river to take water (knowledge). Some people come with glass, some people come with bottle, some people come with bucket, barrel, and some people stay by the river, and drink whole life."
Everything depends from capacity. Some people even do not see or cannot find a river. Some people go away from river, because they do not know what or how to do, some people die thirsty by the river.
Some people come and learn life very short, they just vegetate a life, some people learn from whole life and become a real human.
Real people follow real people, because they learn all the time, they practice all the time, they collect experience all the time and they make their and other people better life.
No one is obliged to give you anything in life. You have to earn a life. But you must earn honorably and honestly through your soul!
You must live a life and go through life with honor. People remember a good people and recognize it through history. They leave a real humanity mark.
Life is not good or bad. Life is what you make from it.
Life is not made that you born, go to school, college, work, married, have kids, and die. Life is much, much more.
It counts what you make in your life, how you lived and what you left for human kind behind you, what you do for human kind.
We all have good and bad feelings, good and bad toughts. But what separate us, is what we do with that and how we can grow and be better for ourselves and others.
There is selfish people and there is people who give all themselves to others. We need to find ballance.
Some people is made to be a leaders, some people is made to be followers. Some people is made to be warriors, some people is made to be sheeps. This all depends from people mind, soul, heart and body.
I think there is not better way, that we become real human through real Warrior arts. This is because in Warrior arts is so many obstacles, so many sacrifices, so many falls, so many breaks, so we can learn the best of ourselves through this learning. We learn through all this segments. Good, strong, people with right heart will grow up and stand up. Weak people will fall down and stay down. It all depends only from yourself.
Through Warrior arts you can find out who you really are and then help others, to become much stronger. Weak people will always drop down, find every excuses to not continue their growing.
And also Warriors is people who give the best and all from themselves, their hearts, their minds, their souls, their emotions, their passions, their bodies, their life!
For me, Teacher Warrior is the most valued, honorably and noble, human calling, because it is so hard. Not everyone can be a teacher, not everyone can be a Warrior. Those calling request sacrifice in all life levels.
Not everyone can understand that. Not everyone can be that.
It's about capacity!
Dean Rostohar Shinryu