"Prix Marulic Award Ceremony"
video: Miroslav Šeb, sound design: Marija Pečnik Kvesić, sound work: 'Emerging of an Island" by Maja Žarković and Lana Deban
While we are waiting for the tonight's award ceremony, dive into the beautiful atmosphere of the Adriatic coast 👙🕶🪭🩳
🎤 Stay tuned! 📣
4th day's discussion about the following programmes:
London After Midnight (UK) // „La Nave Partira“ (The Ship Sails On) (Croatia) // Dust (UK) // The Sister of Job (Poland)
You Know Too Much, Van Helsing (Ireland) // On Ulysses' Incredible Voyage (Italy) // Sounds Unfrozen (Finland) // Danger (Switzerland)
3rd day's discussion about the following programmes:
Benya Krik (Croatia) // This is a Village, Though as it Wasn't Here… (Poland) // Mr Theodor Mundstock (Czech Republic) // Circumstances (Germany) // Tracks (Germany) // The Unawaken (Slovakia) // The Dutar Maestro (Iran) // Queen of the Nightclubs (Ireland) // Once Upon a Time in Belgrade (Serbia) // All-American Ruins: Isabel and the Allentown Mafia (USA)
2nd day's discussion about the following programmes:
A Mirror (UK) // Mixing Memory and Desire (Germany) // The Last Laugh (Canada) // Writing Underground – The Youth Magazine Vedem in Theresienstadt (Germany) // Lorca as a Dream (Spain) // Journey at the Edge of the Night (Slovenia) // Between the Ears: Deep Listening in Japan (Germany, UK)
1st day’s discussion about the following programmes:
#Antigone (Ireland) // Romeo and[roid] Juliet (Georgia) // Thoughtcrime in Belarus. When Dystopias Come to Life. (Germany) // Kovar Republic (Croatia) // Can We Come Carol? (Canada) // Class of ’32 – Memories of Nicla Borri (Italy)
1st day’s discussion about the following programmes:
#Antigone (Ireland) // Romeo and[roid] Juliet (Georgia) // Thoughtcrime in Belarus. When Dystopias Come to Life. (Germany) // Kovar Republic (Croatia) // Can We Come Carol? (Canada) // Class of ’32 – Memories of Nicla Borri (Italy)
Award ceremony
Award ceremony
Fifth day’s discussion about following programmes
Fate is the hunter, Canada & France / Farewell to Gravity, Germany / Berlin Alexanderplatz (ep. 1), UK / The Texture, Italy / What can you see? The night!, Austria / Lilith’s Lists, Portugal / Caught between, Never Home, Poland / Lights Out: Call Signs, UK
Fourth day’s discussion about following programmes
In the Beginning, UK / Buying a house with history - A Stralsund woman reunites the Jewish Blach family, Germany / Resonanse, Lithuania / A Story about a House – No. 20, Drinčićeva Street, Serbia
Third day’s discussion about following programmes:
Dochia, the King's Daughter, Romania / The Heart shaped, Denmark / Resettlement , Canada / The imaginary mask, Switzerland / Orlando, a Monologue, a Stain, Croatia / Babylon Cinema Organ, Germany / I was a Practical Girl - The Ukrainian Diary of my Mother, Germany / Going home, Slovenia