Medial - centar za osteopatiju i ostalu manualnu medicinu

Medial - centar za osteopatiju i ostalu manualnu medicinu Medial - Centar za osteopatiju i ostalu manualnu medicinu


The largest study ever conducted on diet and health examined the association between coffee drinking and subsequent mortality among hundreds of thousands of older men and women in the United States. Coffee drinkers won, though the effect was modest. However, if you put all of the coffee studies together, the bottom line is that coffee consumption is associated with no to low change in mortality starting around one or two cups a day, for both men and women.

A 2014 meta-analysis suggested that daily coffee consumption was associated with a slightly increased risk of bone fractures in women, but a decreased risk of fractures in men. This is not the case for hip fractures, though. Tea consumption may actually be protective against hip fracture, but it appears to have no apparent relationship with fracture risk in general.
Watch the video "Coffee and Mortality" at and see our coffee topic page at to learn more.

PMIDs: 22591295, 23871889, 24576685, 24196722, 24588938

Puknuće Ahilove tetive predstavlja ozbiljan problem u sportskoj medicini, posebno zbog dugih vremena oporavka i mogućeg ...

Puknuće Ahilove tetive predstavlja ozbiljan problem u sportskoj medicini, posebno zbog dugih vremena oporavka i mogućeg utjecaja na karijere sportaša. Pristup rehabilitaciji nakon kirurškog popravka ovih puknuća tema je stalnih istraživanja i rasprava.

Tradicionalne metode često su se fokusirale na produženu imobilizaciju kako bi se zaštitila tetiva u procesu zacjeljivanja, no novija istraživanja ističu potencijalne prednosti rane funkcionalne rehabilitacije. Ova promjena usmjerena je na ubrzavanje oporavka poticanjem ranog pokreta, što može pomoći u učinkovitijem vraćanju snage i fleksibilnosti.

Studija pod nazivom "Early Functional Rehabilitation after Achilles Tendon Rupture Repair: Clinical Outcomes and Considerations" autora Yüce, Yerli i Misir (2023) istražuje ishode uvođenja rane mobilizacije u proces rehabilitacije.

Ovo istraživanje nadograđuje prethodna saznanja koja sugeriraju da rana mobilizacija može smanjiti rizik od komplikacija poput ponovnog pucanja, dok također potencijalno skraćuje razdoblje oporavka (Myhrvold et al., 2022; Nilsson-Helander et al., 2010).

Studija pruža sveobuhvatnu analizu učinaka rane funkcionalne rehabilitacije na ishode pacijenata, doprinosivši vrijednim podacima za tekuću raspravu o najboljim praksama u upravljanju ozljedama Ahilove tetive.
Fokusiranjem na ranu funkcionalnu rehabilitaciju, Yüce, Yerli i Misir (2023) doprinose rastućem tijelu dokaza koji podržavaju proaktivniji pristup oporavku. Ova studija je posebno relevantna jer nudi praktične uvide koji bi mogli utjecati na protokole liječenja, s ciljem poboljšanja kvalitete života i sportskih performansi onih koji se oporavljaju od puknuća Ahilove tetive.

“Ahilove tetive su razorne ozljede za profesionalne sportaše, često uzrokujući gubitak sezone ili smanjenje razine sportskih performansi. U ovoj studiji cilj nam je bio provesti sveobuhvatnu video analizu kako bismo opisali mehanizme pucanja Ahilove tetive te položaj tijela kod profesionalnih sportaša. Hipoteza je bila da se puknuće Ahilove tetive kod profesionalnih sportaša događa specifičnim mehanizmom ozljede i da se položaj tijela u trenutku ozljede razlikuje ovisno o sportu.


Od 114 identificiranih puknuća Ahilove tetive koja su se dogodila kod profesionalnih sportaša između 1970. i 2020. godine, analizirali smo 42 slučaja s odgovarajućim video podacima kako bismo utvrdili mehanizam ozljede, položaj tijela te karakteristike igrača i sporta.


Prosječna dob (± SD) 42 sportaša (41 muškarca i 1 žena) bila je 28,4 ± 4,26 godina. Osamnaest sportaša igralo je košarku (42,9%), 14 nogomet (33,3%), pet nogomet (11,9%), tri bejzbol (7,1%) i dva ragbi (4,8%). Trideset pet pacijenata (83,3%) imalo je nekontaktne ozljede. Najčešći mjeseci ozljeda bili su siječanj (16,7%) i listopad (14,3%). Tijekom pucanja Ahilove tetive, gležanj je bio u dorzifleksiji, tijelo nagnuto naprijed, koljeno i k*k u ekstenziji, a stopalo u neutralnom položaju. Većina ozljeda dogodila se tijekom starta/ubrzanja (40,5%) ili manevara zaustavljanja i okretanja (38,5%).


Kod profesionalnih sportaša Ahilova tetiva najčešće puca tijekom starta/ubrzanja. Najčešći položaj tijekom pucanja je trup u fleksiji, koljeno i k*k u ekstenziji te gležanj u dorzifleksiji. Ove informacije mogu usmjeriti profesionalne sportaše u smislu tehnika fizikalne terapije, uključujući neuromuskularni trening, propriocepciju i balansni trening specifičan za prevenciju pucanja Ahilove tetive.”

Myhrvold, S. B., Brouwer, E. F., Andresen, T. K. M., Rydevik, K., Amundsen, M., Grün, W., Butt, F., Valberg, M., Ulstein, S., & Hoelsbrekken, S. E. (2022). Nonoperative or Surgical Treatment of Acute Achilles’ Tendon Rupture. The New England Journal of Medicine, 386(15), 1409–1420.

Nilsson-Helander, K., Grävare Silbernagel, K., Thomeé, R., Faxén, E., Olsson, N., Eriksson, B. I., & Karlsson, J. (2010). Acute Achilles Tendon Rupture: A Randomized, Controlled Study Comparing Surgical and Nonsurgical Treatments Using Validated Outcome Measures. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 38(11), 2186–2193.

Yüce, A., Yerli, M., & Misir, A. (2023). Early functional rehabilitation after Achilles tendon rupture repair: Clinical outcomes and considerations. The American Journal of Sports Medicine.

In professional athletes, the Achilles tendon most often ruptures during take-off/acceleration. The most common position during rupture is the trunk in flexion, the knee and hip in extension, and the ankle in dorsiflexion. This information can guide professional athletes in terms of physical therapy...


We have a hundred trillion microorganisms living in our gut. The symbionts—the good bacteria that live in symbiosis with us—are largely nourished by fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans. Pathobionts—the disease-causing bacteria that may disrupt our microbial balance—instead appear to be fed by meat, dairy, eggs, junk food, and fast food.

Switch people between a whole food, plant-based diet and more of an animal product-based diet, and you can see dramatic shifts within the microbiome within just two days. Eating a diet heavy in animal products can result in toxic metabolites, such as an increase in levels of deoxycholic acid, which can promote DNA damage and liver cancers. The bad bacteria producing deoxycholic acid triple in only two days after switching to an animal product-based diet. Over time, the richness of the microbial diversity in our gut may disappear.

What we eat determines what kind of bacterial growth we foster in our gut, which can increase or decrease our risk of some of our leading killer diseases. Eat fiber, and the fiber-munching bacteria (the good bacteria) multiply, and we get more anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer short-chain fatty acids. Eat less fiber, and our fiber-eating bacteria starve away. Watch the video "Best Foods for Colon Cancer Prevention" at and see our Microbiome topic page at to learn more.

The Daily Dozen is an excellent tool to help you get started on eating a higher-fiber diet. It's packed with wholesome plant-based foods, including legumes, whole grains, fruits, veggies, nuts, and seeds. Download the free app today and start incorporating some of the healthiest of healthy foods into your daily routine. Learn more here:



Od 22.08.2022. do 13.09.2022. smo na godišnjem.

Blagoslovljen Božić i sretna Nova godina!

Blagoslovljen Božić i sretna Nova godina!


Od 23.12. 2020. do 11.01.2021. smo na godišnjem.
Želimo Vam ugodne i bez boli praznike!



A seemingly never-ending branching nerve that connects most of our major organs to our brain 🧠.

It’s the longest cranial nerve in our body, one for the right side and one for the left. And is largely responsible for the connection for its role as a mediator between thinking and feeling, you know our “gut feeling.”

The vagus nerve is the “queen” of the parasympathetic nervous system. The “rest and digest” or the nerve. So the more we do things to activate the nerve (like deep ), the most we combat the effects of its opposer, the sympathetic nervous system - the “fight or flight”, rushing around, have to do something, releasing one.

A few other functions of the vagus nerve, just to name a few:
▪️slows your heart rate and respiration.
▪️lowers blood pressure.
▪️helps with calmness and relaxation.
▪️controls involuntary muscles in the digestive system, therefore, aiding digestion.
▪️taste sensation.
▪️movement function for the muscles in the neck responsible for swallowing and speech.
▪️gut-brain communication.
▪️reduces inflammation.


Započinjemo sa radom 11. 05. 2020. i pridžavamo se svih propisanih mjera od HZJZ
Kako bi bili pošteni prema svima, nastavljamo po rasporedu gdje smo stali kada smo morali zatvoriti!
Vrijeme naručivanja je i dalje 9-13h, svakog dana osim vikendom i praznicima


Zbog novonastale situacije, do daljnjega se ne radi....


Cijenjeni korisnici naših usluga, obaviještavamo vas da Medial nastavlja raditi po dogovorenim terminima. Nema mjesta panici jer se i inače držimo higijenskih mjera na visokom nivou te radimo strogo individualno.
Oprema i podloga za rad se dezinficira nakon svake osobe i bez ove pandemije.
Upozoravamo da i sami pripazite na kontakte i higijenske mjere. Ukoliko smatrate da biste otkazali termin, učinite to makar 1 dan ranije kako biste dali priliku onima koji ipak žele doći a na čekanju su.
Hvala i ugodan dan!


Is your handbag going to give you arthritis? Not to mention slipped discs and bad knees? How lugging around a heavy load can put years on your body!

Studies show half of women suffer pain from carrying heavy handbags — and now men are also suffering, according to new research by the British Chiropractic Association.

‘Heavy man-bags — weighing, on average, 6.2kg — put unbalanced strain and stress on the body, which can lead to pain, poor posture and health problems,’ says Rishi Loatey, of the British Chiropractic Association. ‘I’ve noticed a spike in patients experiencing pain in the neck and upper back due to carrying around heavy loads more frequently,’ he adds.

There, my movements while walking were recorded and analysed — both with and without my weighty 9lb-plus handbag — to see the effects. The results were startling.

‘Carrying a bag has a huge impact on posture and movement,’ says Bupa physiotherapist Russell Stocker. ‘Though you might not notice it, your body dramatically adapts and compensates. This was even more pronounced when wearing high heels.’


When you carry a bag, your neck naturally leans away from the load to help carry and balance the weight.

This causes tension on the carrying side of the neck and compression on the opposite side.

‘Craning your neck means increasing the distance between the neck and the shoulder,’ says Russell.

The problem is that this is just where a bundle of nerves come together (forming the brachial plexus) before running into the arm; the strain can lead to neck pain and muscle inflammation.

Over time, this could trigger an ‘acute episode’, he says — the muscles can spasm, restricting movement and causing pain.


The shoulder bearing the load is rotated backwards and raised all the time, explains Russell.

This affects the muscles running down the upper back, the shoulder blades and those supporting the spine — they tire and spasm.

As Bupa orthopaedic physician Dr Leon Creaney, explains: ‘Fatigued muscles won’t hold the spine correctly, so it will slip into poor posture — slumped with curved back and shoulders.’

Long term, this can lead to painful arthritis in the facet joints. These are tiny joints running all the way along the spine on either side The vertebrae and the discs — the ‘cushions’ of cartilage that sit between the vertebrae — could also be affected. "The side of the body not carrying the bag leans away from it, crunching the lower back on this side, while extending it further on the other,’ adds Russell.

This compresses the vertebrae, wearing them down.

Carrying a heavy bag can, over time, also cause disc degeneration and prolapse, says Dr Creaney. This is when the soft tissue inside the disc ruptures out of it, pressing on the nerves.

‘This can be agonising, and even require surgery’ he explains — ‘and carrying a heavy bag could lead to faster disc degeneration.

‘Bearing a heavy load on one side could also cause the spinal nerves to become irritated or compressed — possibly leading to sciatica (pain in the buttock and thigh), which is also very painful.’


The arm carrying the bag remains very static while walking to keep the load still and balanced.

‘This is quite different to the natural swinging movement we make when walking,’ says Russell.

‘Without the normal arm swing used as a balance mechanism, this can make you slightly unsteady and actually mean you need greater effort to move forwards.’

The nerves in the arms can also become irritated by the pressure of the bag, leading to chronic pain.


In the long term, women can develop arthritis from increased pressure. ‘Carrying a bag makes you walk differently, and that changes the way forces act through the skeletal system, which could cause problems and pain,’ says Russell.

The greater the load of the bag, the more pressure on the leg joints. Over a long period, force on the knees can cause wear and tear and joint problems.

‘With a heavy bag you also take shorter steps — an adaptation your body probably makes to control the load better and remain upright,’ he adds.

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