(English bellow)
Worries in the dance je radijska emisija (Radio Roža) posvećena reggae i dub glazbi te glazbama i (sub)kulturama koje su iz njih proizašle ili su im srodne glazbeno, svjetonazorom, tematikom i dr. Cilj emisije je promocija hrvatskih i regionalnih autora, izvođača, soundsystem i DIY kulture te ostalih aktera scene. Misija emisije je dati mjesta glazbenicima i projektima čiji je
rad često nedovoljno popraćen u drugim medijima, bez obzira radilo se o afirmiranim ili neafirmiranim glazbenicima i projektima. Uz redovno praćenje relevantnih aktera i projekata, Worries in the dance nastoji obraditi i društveno važne teme (položaj žena na hrvatskoj reggae sceni, razvoj i povijest soundsystem subkulture, utjecaj COVID pandemije na scenu, povijest riječke ska-punk glazbe...). Worries in the dance se do danas profilirao kao važan i prihvaćen element scene na kojoj djeluje te se istaknuo kao važna platforma za prezentaciju rada raznih pojedinaca, organizacija, projekata, tvrtki i dr.
Worries in the dance je gostovao na festivalima (Escape the city, Seasplash Festival) odakle je e,mitiran program uživo s lokacije festivala te gostovanja izvođača, organizatora i suradnika festivala. Prilikom gostovanja na Escape the city festivalu, u suradnji sa Stakx Sound Solution, emisija se emitirala na samom festivalu, odrađeno je nekoliko selekcija i supportana radionica dancehall plesa (Cromaicanz). Osim na Radio Roži, Worries in the dance se redovito emitira na KLFM radiju nedjeljom u 23h te jednom mjesečno (prvi petak u mjesecu) u obliku mixa na Radio Nula. ENG
Worries in the dance is a radio show (Radio Roža) dedicated to reggae and dub music and (sub) cultures that originated from them or are related to them musically, social views, etc. The aim of the show is to promote Croatian and regional authors, performers, soundsystem and DIY culture and other actors of the scene. The mission of the show is to give chance for presentation to musicians and projects whose work is often insufficiently covered in other media, regardless of whether they are established or non-established musicians and projects. In addition to regular presentation of relevant actors and projects, Worries in the dance seeks to address socially important topics (the position of women in the Croatian reggae scene, the development and history of the soundsystem subculture, the impact of the COVID pandemic on the scene, the history of Rijeka ska-punk music ...). To this day, Worries in the dance has profiled itself as an important and accepted element of the scene in which it operates and has stood out as an important platform for presenting the work of various individuals, organizations, projects, companies and others. Worries in the dance has been a guest at festivals (Escape the city, Seasplash Festival), from where it was broadcasting a live program from the festival location and organized guest appearances by performers, organizers and collaborators of the festival. During the guest appearance at the Escape the city festival, in collaboration with Stakx Sound Solution, the show was broadcast at the festival itself, several selections were made and a dancehall dance workshop (Cromaicanz) was supported. Apart from Radio Roža, Worries in the dance is regularly broadcast on KLFM radio on Sundays at 11 PM and once a month (the first Friday of the month, 6PM) in the form of a mix on Radio Nula.