Hren plethora of creativity

Hren plethora of creativity hren | plethora of creativity - let us help you present yourself digitally in a modern way by reachi

Full service digital media agency to help you engage with your audience. Deep social analytics make deep social impact so treat your audience accordingly.


🇭🇷 Pronađite naš Muškat 2023 kod naših pouzdanih distributera od danas. Vino se ističe lijepom živahnom zelenkasto-žutom bojom, kristalnom bistrinom te djelomično gustošću. Posebno se ističe dobro izbalansiranom slatkoćom. Ovo vino pruža ugodno iskustvo u ustima, s vrlo čistim i jasnim aromama muškata. Unatoč svojoj slatkoći, zadržava elegantnost. Savršeno se slaže s pohanim jabukama, laganim dodatkom cimeta i šećera u prahu ili s fritulama obogaćenim grožđicama natopljenim u rumu. Poslužite ga na temperaturi od 8 do 10 °C.

🇬🇧 Find our Muscat 2023 at our reliable distributors starting today. The wine boasts a beautiful lively greenish-yellow color, crystal clarity, and a partially dense texture. What particularly distinguishes it is its well-balanced sweetness. The wine is not overwhelming; it is very pleasant on the palate, with very clean and clear muscat aromas. Despite its sweetness, it manages to remain elegant. Pair it with fried apples, a touch of cinnamon and powdered sugar, or with raisin-filled fritters soaked in rum. Serve it at 8 to 10 °C.
Photo: Hren plethora of creativity Dejan Hren

Introducing the newly completed web design and development for the FLOS OLEI prized extra virgin olive oil brand, MLVN, ...

Introducing the newly completed web design and development for the FLOS OLEI prized extra virgin olive oil brand, MLVN, straight from the picturesque region of Istria. Our website is a seamless blend of elegance and functionality, mirroring the premium quality that defines MLVN olive oil. With a user-friendly interface, visitors can effortlessly navigate through the site to explore the rich history, meticulous production process, and, of course, the exquisite range of award-winning olive oils.

Upon landing on the homepage, users are greeted with a visually captivating slideshow featuring the scenic landscapes of Istria and the olive groves that produce the exceptional MLVN olive oil. The site's design seamlessly integrates FLOS OLEI accolades, proudly displayed to showcase the consistent recognition received in 2024, 2023, and 2022.

A dedicated section allows users to delve into the distinct varieties of MLVN olive oils, with each product presented in stunning visual mockups. Clicking on these images opens a virtual gallery, offering a closer look at the beautifully crafted packaging, bottle sizes (0.25L and 0.5L), and the rich golden hue of the premium extra virgin olive oils.

Our website doesn't just showcase the product; it's an immersive experience that tells the story of MLVN. Users can explore the heritage of Istria, learn about the traditional cultivation methods, and understand the passion that goes into each bottle. The responsive design ensures a seamless experience across various devices, inviting visitors to not only appreciate the visual aesthetics but also engage with the brand on a deeper level.

Incorporating the latest in web design trends, our MLVN website is a testament to the brand's commitment to excellence, offering a virtual journey that mirrors the sensory delights of savoring this globally acclaimed extra virgin olive oil. Click, explore, and immerse yourself in the world of MLVN – where tradition, quality, and innovation converge.

Landscape photography: Saša Poldan
Product and food photography: Dejan Hren
Web design and development: Hren plethora of creativity
Text: Valentina Vižintin


Buzet, kakvo divno vrijeme 🌞🌞🌞!!! Vani je prekrasan dan! I taman prije nego što sunce zađe u Poduzetničkom inkubatoru Ve...

Buzet, kakvo divno vrijeme 🌞🌞🌞!!! Vani je prekrasan dan! I taman prije nego što sunce zađe u Poduzetničkom inkubatoru Verzi, Stari grad Buzet 🥳.Upoznat ćemo se, pričat će Kristina o malim bebama, kako da ih slikati u vašem domu, ali i sigurnosnim pravilima kojih se treba pridržavati 😇. Vidimo se danas u 16:30


BTS Video of our collaboration on Ledo and Frikom project with Studio Sonda // Don’t you just love food?! We've done food photography for package redesign for Ledo and Frikom // Studio Sonda designed new packaging for the assortment of frozen vegetables and fruits for Ledo and Frikom! They have achieved a more clear way to communicates the producer's values, that is, the orientation towards a healthy life.

Big thank you to our friend Vedran Marić and his TOP VIDEO for making this BTS video.

By careful selection of visual elements, an effort was made to emphasize the top quality level of each product, while the freshness and dynamics of the production were embodied through a fluttering composition achieved by a combination of photographic, food styling and graphic production.

Chef Darko's Foodstyling gave it all to stylise food in a way that all the details can be captured through the lens. From each and every vegetable all the way to each and every fruit the attention to detail, careful positioning and every single cut and slice was crucial.

Sonda clearly outlined and presented how to challenge preservation of the standards of a brand that has a long tradition and existence behind and to give it a different approached through strategically planned creative solutions that at the same time retain the recognisability of the identity, and inspire modernity.

With Sonda, Chef Darko and myself Dejan Hren ... chop, snip, slice, put, lights, camera, action, flash, take 1, take 2, take 3, wrap, pack, handshake, done // always interesting at Sonda

Creative direction
Studio Sonda: Jelena Fiškuš, Sean Poropat

Studio Sonda: Aleksandar Živanov, Sanda Maričić, Martina Ukić, Sean Poropat
Account Director: Studio Sonda: Mladen Gvozden

Photo: Dejan Hren

Food Styling: Darko Ramljak

Celebrating 90 years of Istarski Vodovod doo Buzet last Friday at the 54th scientific meeting "Buzetski dani" held in Bu...

Celebrating 90 years of Istarski Vodovod doo Buzet last Friday at the 54th scientific meeting "Buzetski dani" held in Buzet I had the honour to present our latest transition in raising food safety measures in order to supply our citizens with healthy drinking water "HACCP to WSP" - Hazard analysis and critical control points transition to Water Safety Planning. From a role as a Quality manager in Istarski vodovod d.o.o. Buzet this was a daunting task which we have, along with our multidisciplinary team for WSP successfully completed with a positive audit from HZJZ - Croatian Institute for Public Health. A very big THANK YOU to all the colleagues who were participating in this project.


Večeras u 18h u Poduzetnički inkubator Verzi // Kameru mobitela koristimo gotovo svakodnevno, bilo da njome bilježimo trenutke iz privatnog života ili ju koristimo kao alat u poslovne svrhe. Na radionici saznajte kako još bolje iskoristiti funkcije svoje mobilne kamere, koja su osnovna pravila i tehnike fotografiranja, a sve kako biste fotografijom na kvalitetan i tehnički precizan način predstavili sebe, vaše poduzeće, obrt, proizvode i usluge koje reklamirate ili destinacije koje posjećujete.

Radionicu će voditi Dejan Hren, buzećan, digitalni kreativac, poduzetnik, magistar ekonomije, zaljubljenik u fotografiju koji se od 2002. godine bavi digitalnim medijima, društvenim mrežama, razvojem mobilnih platformi, ali i osvaja nagrade na značajnim europskim i svjetskim foto natjecanjima.

Radionica je otvorena za svih, prethodne prijave nisu potrebne. Potrebno je donijeti samo svoj mobilni uređaj i spremni ste za „tips and tricks“ iz kreativnog svijeta fotografije.
Vidimo se!

hren | plethora of creativity - let us help you present yourself digitally in a modern way by reachi


[ ℍ𝕆𝕄𝔼𝕄𝔸𝔻𝔼 ℙ𝔸𝕊𝕋𝔸 𝕎𝕀𝕋ℍ 𝕋ℝ𝕌𝔽𝔽𝕃𝔼𝕊 🍽🍷] 📷: / | If you are looking for a perfect place to match great food with great local wines, look no more - Motovun is place to be!

Starting new photo session for this years Malvasia from Franc Arman Wines // Photography inspired by nature, surrounded ...

Starting new photo session for this years Malvasia from Franc Arman Wines // Photography inspired by nature, surrounded with flowers. The aroma of wine is floral and fruity; the taste crisp, fresh and pleasantly acidic. This is an indigenous Istrian varietal. The wine is a pale yellow straw colour tinged with green. // Hren plethora of creativity Product Photography by Dejan Hren

Don’t you just love food?! We've done food photography for package redesign for Ledo and Frikom // Studio Sonda designed...

Don’t you just love food?! We've done food photography for package redesign for Ledo and Frikom // Studio Sonda designed new packaging for the assortment of frozen vegetables and fruits for Ledo and Frikom! They have achieved a more clear way to communicates the producer's values, that is, the orientation towards a healthy life.

By careful selection of visual elements, an effort was made to emphasize the top quality level of each product, while the freshness and dynamics of the production were embodied through a fluttering composition achieved by a combination of photographic, food styling and graphic production.

Chef Darko's Foodstyling gave it all to stylise food in a way that all the details can be captured through the lens. From each and every vegetable all the way to each and every fruit the attention to detail, careful positioning and every single cut and slice was crucial.

Sonda clearly outlined and presented how to challenge preservation of the standards of a brand that has a long tradition and existence behind and to give it a different approached through strategically planned creative solutions that at the same time retain the recognisability of the identity, and inspire modernity.

With Sonda, Chef Darko and myself Dejan Hren ... chop, snip, slice, put, lights, camera, action, flash, take 1, take 2, take 3, wrap, pack, handshake, done // always interesting at Sonda

Creative direction
Studio Sonda: Jelena Fiškuš, Sean Poropat
Studio Sonda: Aleksandar Živanov, Sanda Maričić, Martina Ukić, Sean Poropat
Account Director: Studio Sonda: Mladen Gvozden
Photo: Dejan Hren
Food Styling: Darko Ramljak


Kada poželite posjetiti naš prekrasni Motovun, mi se potrudimo da ga poželite posjetiti opet. 😉💖

When you want to visit our beautiful Motovun, we do our best to make you want to visit it again. 😉💖

📷 Hren plethora of creativity
Vina Fakin - fakin good wines

Hren plethora of creativity Food photography on duty with Studio Sonda and my best food stylist Darko Ramljak for Ledo a...

Hren plethora of creativity Food photography on duty with Studio Sonda and my best food stylist Darko Ramljak for Ledo and Frikom // Can not be more proud!!! 60 frozen products completely redesigned from scratch by an amazing team at Studio Sonda for 3 markets: Croatia 🇭🇷 , Serbia 🇷🇸 and Bosnia and Hercegovina 🇧🇦 // Can not wait to share more… stay tuned and all the love for the holidays ❤️❤️❤️

Dizajnirali smo nove ambalaže asortimana smrznutog povrća i voća za Ledo/Frikom!
Redizajnirani izgled ambalaže proizvoda jasno komunicira vrijednosti proizvođača, odnosno usmjerenost ka zdravom životu. Pažljivim odabirom vizualnih elemenata, nastojalo se naglasiti vrhunsku razinu kvalitete pojedinog proizvoda, dok su se se svježina i dinamičnost proizvodnje utjelovili kroz lepršavu kompoziciju postignutu kombinacijom fotografske i grafičke produkcije.
Ovim smo projektom nastojali pokazati da se izazovu očuvanja standarda brenda koji iza sebe nosi dugu tradiciju i postojanje, može pristupiti kroz strateški isplanirana kreativna rješenja kojima se istovremeno i zadržava prepoznatljivost identiteta, i udahnjuje suvremenost.

We designed new packaging for the assortment of frozen vegetables and fruits for Ledo/Frikom!
The redesigned appearance of the product packaging clearly communicates the producer's values, that is, the orientation towards a healthy life. By careful selection of visual elements, an effort was made to emphasize the top quality level of each product, while the freshness and dynamics of the production were embodied through a fluttering composition achieved by a combination of photographic and graphic production.
With this project, we tried to show that the challenge of preserving the standards of a brand that has a long tradition and existence behind it can be approached through strategically planned creative solutions that at the same time retain the recognizability of the identity, and inspire modernity.

Foto: Dejan Hren
Food Styling: Darko Ramljak

December with Konoba Fakin Motovun and Vina Fakin - fakin good wines ❤️

December with Konoba Fakin Motovun and Vina Fakin - fakin good wines ❤️

Celebrate your special events in our wonderful restaurant with top quality food and wines. 😊🍽️🍷NOTE: During December we are open exclusively for group visits. 🌲🎀

Proslavite svoje posebne događaje u našem predivnom ambijentu uz vrhunsku hranu i vina. 😊🍽️🍷
NAPOMENA: Tijekom prosinca otvoreni smo isključivo za grupne posjete. 🌲🎀

📸 Hren plethora of creativity

Yummy ❤️

Yummy ❤️

Some food is for the body, some is only for the soul. 😉😋
🥞 Crepes Suzettes in orange and Cointreau sauce

Neka hrana je za tijelo, neka je samo za dušu. 😉😋
🥞 Palačinke u umaku od naranče i cointreaua

NOTE: During December we will be open exclusively for group visits.

NAPOMENA: Tijekom prosinca bit ćemo otvoreni isključivo za grupne posjete.

Photo by: Hren plethora of creativity


Kulinarstvo je naša umjetnost. Namirnice Krka i Kvarnera naše su boje, a tanjur naše platno. Naši recepti su naša strast i ekspresija.🍷

photo: Hren plethora of creativity

A dish well served at .krk along with  wines Anno Domini Teran //  plethora food photography

A dish well served at .krk along with wines Anno Domini Teran // plethora food photography

Anchored by tradition. Inspired by creativity.

Join us in Njivice, Krk for a special gourmet experience. Book a table today by calling +385 51 846 101.


photo: Hren plethora of creativity


Rijecka Ulica 26


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