
ImageFactory All about images

I am incredibly honored to serve as one of the judges for the Spirit of Life Photo Contest, a special event celebrating ...

I am incredibly honored to serve as one of the judges for the Spirit of Life Photo Contest, a special event celebrating the 35th anniversary of Jockey Club Ti-I College. The photography submissions have far exceeded our expectations, showcasing the exceptional talent of the students and participants involved.

Spirit of Life Photo Contest Exhibition
Exhibition Period: 11 - 19 May 2024
Exhibition Time: 10:00 - 20:00
Venue: JCCAC, L2 Terrace (30 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon, Hong Kong)

We recently had the opportunity to assist the HK Breast Cancer Foundation in creating a video to promote their latest ca...

We recently had the opportunity to assist the HK Breast Cancer Foundation in creating a video to promote their latest campaign - Pass Love On!

【Pass Love On】Mothers are like our protective umbrellas, shielding us from life's storms. However, when breast cancer strikes, even the strongest mother can become vulnerable and in need of our support.

【以愛,傳承愛】從小,媽媽是我們的保護傘,但有一天,乳癌來襲,再堅強的母親也會變得軟弱,需要我們守護 緊貼香港乳癌基金會,見證每一個 #以愛傳承愛 的時刻 。衷心感謝 CLP中電 支持,讓我們能分享更多動人故事。 ....



ACCA(特許公認會計師公會)香港分會今日(14日)於中環遮打道行人專用區舉行2024「ACCA公益關愛日」,活動以「同行百二載 奔向可持續未來」為主題。財政司司長陳茂波擔任主禮嘉賓,他致辭時表示,在準備《財政預算案》之際....

最近參與了今屆    #大師發辦 拍攝宣傳照, 大合照裏面所有大師加埋差唔多超過九成九香港最厲害嘅中菜大師, 淨係約埋一齊影相,你已經知道唔係一件容易嘅事,仲要個個都咁靚仔,一定要快啲book枱搵佢哋食大餐啦!~~~~~~~~~~~大師發辦...

最近參與了今屆 #大師發辦 拍攝宣傳照, 大合照裏面所有大師加埋差唔多超過九成九香港最厲害嘅中菜大師, 淨係約埋一齊影相,你已經知道唔係一件容易嘅事,仲要個個都咁靚仔,一定要快啲book枱搵佢哋食大餐啦!
大師發辦3.0 Chinese Masterchefs Curation
香港史上最強中菜聯合活動 - 大師發辦3.0 已經開始了🎉
11月1-30日,合共24 間中菜餐廳聯合活動, 想食吓各大師傅認為嘅「中菜新趨勢」,就要快啲訂枱啦!🤭😋
Book and enjoy great feast by 24 Chinese Masterchefs in Nov!!!
Photographers: Terence Pang (Group KV) , Kammy Woo & Martin Lam (profile pics)
Lighting: Colour Paradise
Assistants: Andrew wong & May Yeung

The Tastes Around Town Hong Kong Wine & Dine Festival celebrates homegrown talent with the Chinese Master Chefs' Curation programme

Latest photo and video production for HKUST Shaw Auditorium!

Latest photo and video production for HKUST Shaw Auditorium!



BGM:蘇打綠 - 獨處的時候


周華健 Wakin Chau【有故事的人 A man with stories】Official Music Video


Terence Pang畢業於科大電腦科學系,現為全職攝影師及錄像師。

求學時期的Terence 已經十分熱愛攝影,大學畢業初期,他投身了資訊科技界,後來在熱誠驅使下,離開了穩定的工作,成為專業攝影師。轉型初期,Terence 以婚禮及婚紗拍攝工作為主。慢慢地,他建立出別樹一幟的視覺風格,並為商業廣告、企業活動,以及音樂影片等等擔任攝影師。

Terence 寄語準備追求夢想的年輕人,除了要真心熱愛自己追求的事情以外,能夠接受變化這一點同樣重要。「世事常變。今天被接受為知識的東西,可能明天便會被丟棄。所以對人對事均要時刻保持開放的態度。」。

最近,為慶祝科大三十週年校慶,Terence 以《我影.故我在》為題,與另外三位校友藝術家於科大李兆基圖書館舉行《多元藝力》聯合展覽,並於4月28日舉行網上分享會,分享如何使用手機簡單創造充滿藝術感的生活記錄,以及培養個人〝攝影眼〞的技巧。


更多Terence的故事分享 (英文全文):

#科大校友 #夢想 #攝影 #香港攝影師

科大畢業多年,適逢大學今年30周年,有幸與另外三位藝術家一齊參與慶祝科大三十週年所舉辦之展覽《多元藝力》,另外仲會喺四月28有我同埋我嘅同班校友 Albert Au 可以跟大家遙距用Zoom分享一下,今次嘅題目為:《我影 ‧ 故我在》─...

科大畢業多年,適逢大學今年30周年,有幸與另外三位藝術家一齊參與慶祝科大三十週年所舉辦之展覽《多元藝力》,另外仲會喺四月28有我同埋我嘅同班校友 Albert Au 可以跟大家遙距用Zoom分享一下,今次嘅題目為:《我影 ‧ 故我在》─ 如何利用手機或相機記錄生活,如果有興趣有關呢個題目以及今次我展覽嘅部份,記得報名參加!到時見!
- 日期:4月28日 | 星期四
- 時間:12:30 – 2:00pm
- 語言:廣東話
- 主持:區恩庭先生 (科大BEng Computer Science 及 MBA 校友)
- 報名: (校友請以"Guest"身份報名)
- 分享會及展覽詳程:
#科大校友 #攝影展覽 #科大三十 

【校園資訊】《我影 ‧ 故我在》─ 如何利用手機或相機記錄生活

資深攝影師、科大電腦科學系校友彭國偉(Terence Pang)將於 4 月 28 日與大家分享利用手機或相機記錄生活的心得,以及如何培養出”攝影的眼睛”。


- 日期:4月28日 | 星期四
- 時間:12:30 – 2:00pm
- 語言:廣東話
- 主持:區恩庭先生 (科大BEng Computer Science 及 MBA 校友)
- 報名: (校友請以"Guest"身份報名)
- 分享會及展覽詳程:

#科大校友 #攝影展覽 #科大三十

【HKUST News】I shoot, therefore I am - how to record our life with a phone or camera

A veteran photographer, our computer science alumnus Terence Pang will share with audience his tips about recording our life with a phone or camera, and how to develop "an eye for photography" on 28 April.

This sharing is an affiliated event of the exhibition “The Power of Diversity – Artistic Visionaries from HKUST”, one of the highlights of HKUST’s 30th Anniversary, to be held at the HKUST Lee Shau Kee Library from mid April to August.

- Date: 28 April | Thursday
- TIme: 12:30 – 2:00pm HKT
- Language: Cantonese
- Moderator: Mr Albert Au (BEng Computer Science and MBA alumnus)
- Registration: (Alumni please register as "Guest" in this form)
- More information about the sharing and exhibition:

早前為咗影呢幅相~ 都搞咗好多嘢… #大師發辦     by   @ 2021   Wine & Dine Festival   #同事上埋鏡喔

#大師發辦 by @ 2021 Wine & Dine Festival


早前幫科大alumni office 進行拍攝工作嘅最新一期科大校友雜誌2021夏季版已經出咗啦!今期同上一期一樣充滿藝術氣息- 今次有幾位年青藝術家登場!HKUST alumni newsletter 2021 summer editio...

早前幫科大alumni office 進行拍攝工作嘅最新一期科大校友雜誌2021夏季版已經出咗啦!今期同上一期一樣充滿藝術氣息- 今次有幾位年青藝術家登場!

HKUST alumni newsletter 2021 summer edition

#写真 #写真撮影 #撮影 #撮り #撮る #大学 #同窓会 #雑誌 #香港 #仕事

My latest MV work for HKUST | 最新MV作品 Alumni Gift for HKUST’s 30th Anniversary 香港科技大學30週年校友歌曲 - A song for all of usThis ...

My latest MV work for HKUST | 最新MV作品
Alumni Gift for HKUST’s 30th Anniversary

香港科技大學30週年校友歌曲 - A song for all of us
This Is My Dream​

I have no choiceI'm in too deep
My heart was born
To follow this dream
And I can't back down
And I won't give in
Somehow I'll findThat strength deep within
'Cause the passion I feel insideIs
too strong to lay down and die
'Cause this is my life
This is my dream
This is the reason my heart beats
I'd rather fight
Each day of my life
Than give up belief
'Cause this is my heart
This is my soul
This is the only love I've known
My will to try
Grows weaker with time
But I won't give in
No! 'Cause this is my dream
I've stood my ground
And I've had to fight
But I won't give in
To these fears of mine
The road may be long (The road may be long)
But I'll soldier on (I’ll soldier on)
'Cause I know in my heart
Where my soul belongs
Don't ever lecture me
Or tell me who to be
'Cause this is my life
This is my dream
This is the reason my heart beats
I'd rather fight
Each day of my life
Than give up belief
Oh! 'Cause this is my heart
This is my soul
This is the only love I've known
My will to try
Grows weaker with time
But I won't give in
No! 'Cause this is my dream
There were times I tried
To follow a path
That was never right for me
And so I promised myself
That I would follow my heart
And if no one else believes
This is my life (This is my life)
This is my dream
This is the reason my heart beats (The reason my heart beats)
I'd rather fight
Each day of my life
Than give up belief (Don’t give up belief)
'Cause this is my heart
This is my soul
This is the only love I've known (The love I’ve known)
My will to try
Grows weaker with time
But I won't give inNo! No!
'Cause this is my dream
'Cause this is my dream
'Cause this is my dream

一個MV的誕生去年11月,從HKUST alumni大學發展及校友事務處得知會有一個慶祝科大30周年嘅MV計劃,會重新編曲錄音製作一首音樂歌曲,有幸能夠參與其中,每一位同事全心全力從一個意念開始,能夠經歷整個音樂製作過程,學校找到無論音樂...


去年11月,從HKUST alumni大學發展及校友事務處得知會有一個慶祝科大30周年嘅MV計劃,會重新編曲錄音製作一首音樂歌曲,有幸能夠參與其中,每一位同事全心全力從一個意念開始,能夠經歷整個音樂製作過程,學校找到無論音樂造詣以及要求非常高嘅舊生師兄弟Lawrence擔大旗音樂製作部份,帶來10位對音樂不單抱着熱誠而且係呢條路繼續前進嘅科大舊生一齊參與錄音、排練以及演出部份,整個MV拍攝部份,感受到每一位都非常投入,尤其是音樂監製,無論樂器或者係演唱嘅部份,好多位都錄咗超過一日,而且製作一絲不苟,整個MV嘅後制過程當中,音樂調整都超過五次,希望大家細意,欣賞每一個部份,就好似當中歌詞咁講:

This is my life
This is my dream
This is the reason my heart beats
I'd rather fight
Each day of my life

最後都多謝拍攝團隊嘅每一位,整個二月橫跨農曆新年,差不多一個多月嘅籌備同埋拍攝,當中無論燈光、攝影、花絮拍攝以及錄像都務求盡善盡美,感恩天氣一直都非常配合,直到拍攝最後煞科之後一天,才開始落下雨,一切都係最好嘅安排,當然最重要係感謝HKUST alumni大學發展及校友事務處以及其他科大唔同部門全力幫忙拍攝所需要嘅每一個細節,如果沒有大家眾志成城、合作無間,相信唔會有呢條MV嘅誕生,希望大家enjoy and share,將呢個夢想延續開去。

Featuring ten alumni musicians, this performance This is My Dream is a showcase of our talented and versatile alumni who have gone on to display their distin...


Tsuen Wan


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