數碼生活設計師 Elderly as Digital Content Creator

數碼生活設計師 Elderly as Digital Content Creator 關注長者長遠福利發展及政策倡議的團隊。推動的長者友善資訊網絡為重點,實踐長者的觀點及宣傳長者友善的概念。實踐打破新媒體與長者的數碼隔膜,關注社區安老政策發展及晚年生活的處境,讓「新技能」在生活上實踐。







這次分享會無疑成功奠定了堅實的基礎。我們期待未來能有更多這樣的機會,讓成員們能夠持續分享和交流,共同推動數碼生活設計師計劃的進一步發展。這次活動也讓我們更加堅信,通過集體的智慧和努力,我們一定能夠實現更大的突破和成就。感謝 場地的提供,讓我們能夠在一個舒適的環境中進行深入的交流和討論,這對於增進團隊凝聚力和合作精神起到了積極的作用。





黃金時代展覽暨高峰會 2024
⏰時間:11:00 AM - 7:00 PM
📍地點:香港會議展覽中心展覽廳3FG B13號攤位

~活動回顧~11/7 義工影相服務今日,數碼生活設計師幫助中心的學生們拍攝半身相,提供學生在新學年使用!在經過早前的拍攝訓練和工作坊,數碼生活設計團隊也從中提升了拍攝的工功力!包括如何打打燈、器材設備等等,運用了各種不同的器材進行拍攝,以將...

11/7 義工影相服務

~Activity Review~
11/7 filming services by volunteers

Today, the Digital Life Designers Center volunteers helped students by taking half-body photos for use in the new academic year! After prior training and workshops, the Design team improved their photography skills significantly, like how to set up the lights or the methods of using different equipment, so they could try to use various equipment that they have learnt to capture the students’ best sides in the photos!




~Digital Content Creator 'Entering the Community for Filming' Series~

"In order to promote the concept of digital lifestyle designers, we recently entered the campus of St. Stephen's Girls' College to share and participate in activities with the students! After two months of preparation and discussions, we finally filmed three interview-style videos, namely "Greening of the Shek Tong Tsui Community," "Stories of Shek Tong Tsui," and "Impressions of the Community." During the activities, students not only had the opportunity to participate in front of and behind the camera to showcase their abilities, but the designers also provided rich "Shek Tong Tsui stories" to enrich the students' understanding of Shek Tong Tsui!"

~活動回顧~14/5 「開創樂齡創新之旅」業界分享會早前,數碼生活設計師來到「開創樂齡創新之旅」業界分享會,與業界為不同長者服務的機構進行交流,以及聆聽當中的成果。然而,我們當然不能錯過是次機會!在小休的環節中,設計師們設立攤位繼續推廣本計...

14/5 「開創樂齡創新之旅」業界分享會


~Activity Review~:
14/5 Sector Seminar on Navigating an Innovation Journey for Serving the Elderly

The Digital Content Creator attended the "Innovation Journey for Active Aging" industry sharing session. They had the opportunity to interact with different organizations serving the elderly and listen to the achievements in this field. Of course, we couldn't miss this chance! During the break, the designers set up booths to promote the activities and objectives of our project. They not only designed display boards and carefully arranged the setup for this event, but also actively shared the concept of Digital Content Creator with industry professionals and the public, allowing them to gain a deeper understanding!

~活動回顧~24/3 你我與中西區區議員茶叙 透過之前的長權盟會議及數碼生活設計師的會議,不同形式的社會議題也有進行討論。而這一次與中西區區議員茶叙,更能讓這些議題有效且直接地傳遞給議員。通過幾小時的會面,希望中西區區議員能夠關注現時的長者...

24/3 你我與中西區區議員茶叙

~Event Review~
Through previous meetings with the Elderly Rights Alliance and the Digital Content Creators , various forms of social issues have been discussed. This time, during the tea gathering with Central and Western District Councillors, these issues can be effectively and directly conveyed to the councillors. Through a few hours of meeting, we hope that the Central and Western District Councillors will pay attention to current issues faced by the elderly, such as medical vouchers, accompanying services, and mobile appointment applications. Our aim is to ensure that the elderly have priority access to healthcare resources and services.

~活動回顧~20/3 港專學生參觀 早前,港專社工係學生來到明愛莫張瑞勤社區中心進行參觀,我們數碼生活設計師當然不能錯過這個推廣的機會!我們的成員「好姨」為到來的學生們講解我們數碼生活設計師的理念及目標!希望學生們未來能夠成為優秀的社工,為...

20/3 港專學生參觀

~Event Review~
Recently, a group of social work students from Hong Kong College of Technology visited the Caritas Mok Cheung Sui Kun Community Centre, and as digital content creators, we couldn't miss this opportunity for promotion! Our team member, "Good Auntie," explained our philosophy and goals as digital lifestyle designers to the visiting students. We hope that these students will become excellent social workers in the future, making a positive impact on society and caring for the community.

~活動回顧~1-3月 拍攝工作坊 大家好!我哋數碼生活設計師好耐冇同大家見面~雖然咁耐冇分享近況,但係我哋嘅活動一直都有進行,且非常精彩!手機係我哋日常生活中佔了重要的角色,而且功能越嚟越強大,設計師們當然要跟上!所以舉行各種拍攝工作坊給設...

1-3月 拍攝工作坊

~Event Review~
Hello, everyone! It's been a while since we last met as digital content creators. Although we haven't shared updates for a long time, our activities have been ongoing and exciting!
Mobile phones play a significant role in our daily lives, and their functionality continues to grow stronger. As designers, we must keep up with the latest trends! Therefore, we have organized various mobile phone workshops for creators. Our designers not only share their skills but also actively assist those who find it challenging to adapt. This truly embodies the spirit of "mutual help" and the philosophy of "lifelong learning."

~活動回顧~9/3 聯校義工活動--香港仔呂明才書院早前,數碼生活設計師的部分成員參加了由明愛莫張瑞勤社區中心、香港仔明愛社區中心與三間中學合辦的聯校義工活動,並在香港仔呂明才書院舉行。短短四小時內,大哥哥大姐姐很快就與學生熟落,一起整野食...

9/3 聯校義工活動--香港仔呂明才書院

~Event Review~
"A few days ago, our Elderly Digital Content Creators joined a cooperative activity organized by Caritas Mok Cheung Sui Kun Community Centre, Caritas Community Centre, Aberdeen, and three different secondary schools. The event took place at Aberdeen Baptist Lui Ming Choi College. As time went on, the elderly individuals and students quickly became friends. The process became happy and warm as they cooked food, talked with each other, wrote calligraphy, and sang together. It is believed that students could gain a priceless and precious personal experience from the elderly. Besides, each elderly individual undoubtedly enjoyed every moment of the day!"

~活動回顧~設計師團體係18/12參觀咗兩間位於深圳嘅長者安老服務中心,分別係香港賽馬會深圳康復會頤康院及鹽田區社會福利中心 招商觀頤之家。大家對深圳嘅安老服務中心有新的認知,認識多一個未來安老選擇。🧐~Event Review~Our m...

設計師團體係18/12參觀咗兩間位於深圳嘅長者安老服務中心,分別係香港賽馬會深圳康復會頤康院及鹽田區社會福利中心 招商觀頤之家。大家對深圳嘅安老服務中心有新的認知,認識多一個未來安老選擇。🧐

~Event Review~
Our members of designers had visited two elderly care service centers in Shenzhen on 18 December, which are the Hong Kong Jockey Club Shenzhen Rehabilitation Institute Yik Hong Institute and the Yantian District Social Welfare Center Merchants Guan Yi Home. Also, everyone gained new insights about the elderly service centers in Shenzhen after visiting, and obtained an additional choice for their future of elderly care.🧐

~活動回顧~一班數碼設計師係15/12同專業攝影師進行交流同合作,為大哥哥大姐姐拍攝人像,現場仲有專業化妝師同大家化妝添!大家都好開心,影咗好多靚相。🥰~Event Review~A group of digital designers h...


~Event Review~
A group of digital designers had an exchange and collaboration session with professional photographers on 15th December. They took portraits of elderly , and there was previewed a professional makeup services on-site to enhance everyone's appearance! Everyone was very happy and captured many beautiful photos. 🥰



~Event Review~
From October to December, the digital lifestyle designers carried out a series of school-based programs called "Elegant and Joyful Community with Digital Designers." The digital content creators shared their experiences and took photos together with the students from St. Stephen's Girls' College. It was a delightful and harmonious gathering. During the interaction, they discovered that there were no boundaries between the elderly and the young people. As long as both sides opened their hearts, they could broaden the topics of conversation. By empathizing with each other, achieved the intergenerational harmony. 🥰

一班數碼生活設計師😊係24/9參加咗一年一度的「賀國慶系列-中秋文化共融嘉年」活動🎊大家非常認真地進行拍攝,態度專業,值得尊敬🔥🫡😊A group of digital content creators had participated i...


A group of digital content creators had participated in the annual "National Day Celebration Series - Mid-Autumn Cultural Integration Festival" event on 24th September 🎊. Everyone was very dedicated to the photography session, showing a professional attitude all day🔥🫡😊.

~活動回顧~16/9係西環邨中秋嘉年華,一班數碼生活設計師為一眾街坊影相留念,大家都好開心。😍😍😍~Event Review~On 16th September, a group of digital content creators to...


~Event Review~
On 16th September, a group of digital content creators took photos to capture the joyful moments with the neighborhood at the Mid-Autumn Carnival in Sai Wan Estate. Everyone was very happy during the event.😍😍😍

~活動回顧~我哋一眾設計師係31/8參加咗心連心99公益日,之前拍嘅《一塊走》仲係大螢幕播出嚟!一眾設計師仲同內地嘅「時尚奶奶」上台交流,係難得嘅機會。🥳Our group of digital creators participated ...


Our group of digital creators participated in the Heart-to-Heart 99 Charity Day on 31st August. The short film "一塊走" that we previously shot was even screened on the big screen! Additionally, the creators had the rare opportunity to share the stage with "時尚奶奶" from mainland China. It was a momentous occasion and a great opportunity for exchange. 🥳

~活動回顧~一年一度的「明愛暑期活動閉幕禮暨小街角市集」又嚟喇🤩我地一班數碼生活設計師係27/8都有參加呢個盛事,順便向各位街坊介紹一下我哋設計師為社區做緊咩😊😉~Event Review~The annual "Caritas Summe...


~Event Review~
The annual "Caritas Summer Activities Closing Ceremony and Little Street Market" is here again! 🤩
A group of digital content creators also participated in this grand event on 27th August, taking the opportunity to introduce to our neighbors the work we are doing for the community. 😊😉

~活動回顧~赤柱美利樓 > 銅鑼灣鵝頸橋 > 西環泳棚24/8係《一塊走》拍攝日,我哋一班設計師一齊遊走香港拍攝外景。有啲設計師更加係第一次去西環泳棚,覺得風景好靚好舒服。🌊~Event Review~On 24th August, dur...

赤柱美利樓 > 銅鑼灣鵝頸橋 > 西環泳棚

~Event Review~
On 24th August, during the filming of "一塊走," our group of creators embarked on a journey across Hong Kong, starting from Stanley's Murray House, passing through the Canal Road Flyover in Causeway Bay, and ending at Sai Wan Swimming Shed in Sai Wan. Some of the creators experienced visiting Sai Wan Swimming Shed for the first time and found the scenery to be beautiful and relaxing. 🌊


Kennedy Town





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