TOUCH Welcome to TOUCH's official page.

We are a prayerful youth community aiming at spreading the seeds of faith among the faithful, especially youngsters, to establish deeper loving relations with God and to pursue for holiness and salvation in prayers.

【02.2025 - TOUCH 重燃愛火祈禱會】新春除夕,TOUCH預早祝願各位送舊迎新並主寵日增,誠邀您於這個星期六晚(即年初四)參與每月首週六的重燃愛火祈禱會!這幾天的拜年節目過後,不要忘記晚上這個每月和耶穌的約定啊,也歡迎你和親友同...

【02.2025 - TOUCH 重燃愛火祈禱會】


🗓️【二月一日• 傍晚7時30分至10時 】
📍【天后慈悲耶穌培育中心 - 天后電器道83號利景閣一樓】

是次分享:主業團狄明杰神父 ——【聖多瑪斯•阿奎納:喜樂的種類及哀愁的補救方法】

重燃愛火祈禱會——耶穌真實臨在(明供聖體)×聖神×音樂×寧靜×每月特別講座/分享×觸動× 咕𠱸地氈×青年×家庭×友誼×彼此代禱。

重燃愛火祈禱會 是 TOUCH青年團體 每月首週六晚與耶穌聖體的承諾——風雨不改,不見不散。

【02.2025 - TOUCH Blazing Heart】

On the eve of the Lunar New Year, TOUCH wishes all of you be ever-more blessed with grace, and cordially invite you to join this coming Saturday’s Blazing Heart. After paying New Year’s call in the days, don’t forget our monthly date with Our Lord Jesus! Come join us with your family and friends, see you.

🗓️【1.2.2025 • 19:30 - 22:00 】
📍【Divine Mercy Formation Centre - 1/F Lee King Mansion, 83 Electric Road, Tin Hau】

Teaching of the Month:
【Aquinas: Five kinds of Joy and Remedies for Sadness】by Fr Miguel Diez, Opus Dei

TOUCH Blazing Heart —— the Real Presence (Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament) × Holy Spirit × Music × Cushion & Rug × Youths × Families × Friendships × Prayer for one another

Blazing Heart - First Saturday‘s Commitment with Jesus

TOUCH Blazing Heart is our monthly adoration program, our First-Saturday Commitment with Jesus.

【01.2025 - TOUCH 重燃愛火祈禱會】TOUCH誠邀您和您的親友摰愛,於這個星期六晚參與每月一次的TOUCH 重燃愛火祈禱會!一如往年,將會讓大家配對一位聖人作你2025的天上摯友,萬勿錯過,歡迎任何教友參與!🗓️【一月四日• ...

【01.2025 - TOUCH 重燃愛火祈禱會】

TOUCH誠邀您和您的親友摰愛,於這個星期六晚參與每月一次的TOUCH 重燃愛火祈禱會!一如往年,將會讓大家配對一位聖人作你2025的天上摯友,萬勿錯過,歡迎任何教友參與!

🗓️【一月四日• 傍晚7時30分至10時 】
📍【天后慈悲耶穌培育中心 - 天后電器道83號利景閣一樓】


*Arthur 為至聖聖體傳教會的修士,現於法國接受神學培育。該團體屬公立司鐸善會,旨在推動聖體敬禮,宣揚耶穌基督真實臨在於聖體聖事中。


重燃愛火祈禱會——耶穌真實臨在(明供聖體)×聖神×音樂×寧靜×每月特別講座/分享×觸動× 咕𠱸地氈×青年×家庭×友誼×彼此代禱。

重燃愛火祈禱會 是 TOUCH青年團體 每月首週六晚與耶穌聖體的承諾——風雨不改,不見不散。

【01.2025 - TOUCH Blazing Heart】

This coming Saturday will be our monthly adoration gathering - TOUCH Blazing Heart. Whereever you come from, welcome to join us in adoration of the Lord! As in past years’ first gathering, you will be matched with a saint as your heavenly companion in 2025.

🗓️【4.1.2025 • 19:30 - 22:00 】
📍【Divine Mercy Formation Centre - 1/F Lee King Mansion, 83 Electric Road, Tin Hau】

Teaching of the Month:
【He has loved us】by Br. Arthur Ng

*Br. Arthur is a seminarian in formation for the Missionaries of the Most Holy Eucharist, a public clerical association founded in France for the purpose of promotion of devotion to the Holy Eucharist and proclaiming His Real presence in the Sacrament of Love.

TOUCH Blazing Heart —— the Real Presence (Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament) × Holy Spirit × Music × Cushion & Rug × Youths × Families × Friendships × Prayer for one another


Blazing Heart - First Saturday‘s Commitment with Jesus

TOUCH Blazing Heart is our monthly adoration program, our First-Saturday Commitment with Jesus.

【12.2024 - TOUCH 重燃愛火祈禱會】一年之終,同時踏入將臨期,TOUCH誠邀您參與今個星期六晚——每月一次的重燃愛火祈禱會。不論您來自哪裡,近況如何,歡迎您親自來感受耶穌聖體的觸碰。🗓️【十二月七日• 傍晚7時30分至10時 ...

【12.2024 - TOUCH 重燃愛火祈禱會】


🗓️【十二月七日• 傍晚7時30分至10時 】
📍【天后慈悲耶穌培育中心 - 天后電器道83號利景閣一樓】



重燃愛火祈禱會——耶穌真實臨在(明供聖體)×聖神×音樂×寧靜×每月特別講座/分享×觸動× 咕𠱸地氈×青年×家庭×友誼×彼此代禱。

重燃愛火祈禱會 是 TOUCH青年團體 每月首週六晚與耶穌聖體的承諾——風雨不改,不見不散。

【12.2024 - TOUCH Blazing Heart】

As we have embarked on the Advent, we are called to gather again on this coming Saturday - TOUCH Blazing Heart, to prepare our hearts for His birth and adore Him. No matter where you come from, how you are doing lately, Our Lord hidden in the Eucharist is awaiting you.

🗓️【7.12.2024• 19:30 - 22:00 】
📍【Divine Mercy Formation Centre - 1/F Lee King Mansion, 83 Electric Road, Tin Hau】

Sharing of the Month will be delivered by Sr Christina Cheung, SPB: “The Presence of God” - revelations from the Genesis for the modern world.

*Taught in Cantonese with English simultaneous interpretation (if required)

TOUCH Blazing Heart —— the Real Presence (Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament) × Holy Spirit × Music × Cushion & Rug × Youths × Families × Friendships × Prayer for one another


Blazing Heart - First Saturday‘s Commitment with Jesus

【11.2024 - TOUCH 重燃愛火祈禱會】步入煉靈月,TOUCH誠邀您於這個星期六晚預備一幀已亡親人的的相片,參與一次別具意義的重燃愛火祈禱會。歡迎任何教友參與,萬勿錯過。🗓️【十一月二日• 傍晚7時30分至10時 】📍【天后慈悲耶...

【11.2024 - TOUCH 重燃愛火祈禱會】


🗓️【十一月二日• 傍晚7時30分至10時 】
📍【天后慈悲耶穌培育中心 - 天后電器道83號利景閣一樓】


重燃愛火祈禱會——耶穌真實臨在(明供聖體)×聖神×音樂×寧靜×每月特別講座/分享×觸動× 咕𠱸地氈×青年×家庭×友誼×彼此代禱。

重燃愛火祈禱會 是 TOUCH青年團體 每月首週六晚與耶穌聖體的承諾——風雨不改,不見不散。

【11.2024 - TOUCH Blazing Heart】

This coming Saturday will be our monthly adoration gathering - TOUCH Blazing Heart. Whereever you come from, welcome to join us in adoration of the Lord! This time, as we advance into the month dedicated to the holy souls in the purgatory, we encourage you to prepare a photo of deceased relative/family member(s) to the gathering for a special cause to be unveiled.

🗓️【2.11.2024 • 19:30 - 22:00 】
📍【Divine Mercy Formation Centre - 1/F Lee King Mansion, 83 Electric Road, Tin Hau】

Sharing of the Month will be delivered by our dearest Sr Margaret WONG: “Reconciling with him/her in the Eucharist”
*Taught in Cantonese with English simultaneous interpretation (if required)

TOUCH Blazing Heart —— the Real Presence (Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament) × Holy Spirit × Music × Cushion & Rug × Youths × Families × Friendships × Prayer for one another


Blazing Heart - First Saturday‘s Commitment with Jesus

【10.2024 - TOUCH 重燃愛火祈禱會】本周六——TOUCH 重燃愛火祈禱會,萬分期待且高興地請來新鐸陳栢霖神父!誠意邀請來自任何團體、堂區的你來參與我們每月一次跟耶穌的約定,萬勿錯過。🗓️【十月五日• 傍晚7時30分至10時 】...

【10.2024 - TOUCH 重燃愛火祈禱會】

本周六——TOUCH 重燃愛火祈禱會,萬分期待且高興地請來新鐸陳栢霖神父!誠意邀請來自任何團體、堂區的你來參與我們每月一次跟耶穌的約定,萬勿錯過。

🗓️【十月五日• 傍晚7時30分至10時 】
📍【天后慈悲耶穌培育中心 - 天后電器道83號利景閣一樓】

重燃愛火祈禱會——耶穌真實臨在(明供聖體)×聖神×音樂×寧靜×每月特別講座/分享×觸動× 咕𠱸地氈×青年×家庭×友誼×彼此代禱

是次分享:【我們是為偉大而受造】由剛在澳門晉鐸的陳柏霖神父主講。陳神父自小熱愛朝拜聖體,並成為 TOUCH 的活躍成員,多年來一起推動各地青年及教友敬禮聖體。


重燃愛火祈禱會 是 TOUCH青年團體 每月首週六晚與耶穌聖體的承諾——風雨不改,不見不散。

【10.2024 - TOUCH Blazing Heart】

This coming Saturday - with great delight and anticipation, we will have Fr. Bosco Chan with us in the Blazing Heart. No matter which parish or community you come from, you are warmly invited to join us in our first Saturday commitment with Jesus.

🗓️【5.10.2024 • 19:30 - 22:00 】
📍【Divine Mercy Formation Centre - 1/F Lee King Mansion, 83 Electric Road, Tin Hau】

TOUCH Blazing Heart —— the Real Presence (Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament) × Holy Spirit × Music × Cushion & Rug × Youths × Families × Friendships × Prayer for one another

Teaching of the Month:
【We are created and formed for greatness】by Fr. Bosco Chan (newly ordained in Macau). Fr. Chan has been adoring and promoting the devotion to the Blessed Sacrament among youth and faithful since his teenage years’ service in TOUCH.

*Taught in Cantonese with English simultaneous interpretation (if required)

TOUCH Blazing Heart is our monthly adoration program, our First-Saturday Commitment with Jesus.

【09.2024 - TOUCH 重燃愛火祈禱會】本周六——Joyful Feast 聖體大會後首個重燃愛火祈禱會,不知道大家有沒有很掛念跟我們一起朝拜聖體呢?誠意邀請您跟良朋好友一起來,一同感受耶穌聖體的觸和重溫聖體大會在您心深處的餘震!...

【09.2024 - TOUCH 重燃愛火祈禱會】

本周六——Joyful Feast 聖體大會後首個重燃愛火祈禱會,不知道大家有沒有很掛念跟我們一起朝拜聖體呢?誠意邀請您跟良朋好友一起來,一同感受耶穌聖體的觸和重溫聖體大會在您心深處的餘震!

🗓️【九月七日• 傍晚7時30分至10時 】
📍【天后慈悲耶穌培育中心 - 天后電器道83號利景閣一樓】

重燃愛火祈禱會——耶穌真實臨在(明供聖體)×聖神×音樂×寧靜×每月特別講座/分享×觸動× 咕𠱸地氈×青年×家庭×友誼×彼此代禱

是次分享:【容易受傷的愛人】由李皓朗方濟小兄弟Br. Francesco Li OFM主講。


重燃愛火祈禱會 是 TOUCH青年團體 每月首週六晚與耶穌聖體的承諾——風雨不改,不見不散。

【09.2024 - TOUCH Blazing Heart】

This coming Saturday - our first Blazing Heart after Joyful Feast 2024. Do you miss adoring our Lord with us? Cordially invite you to join us in adoration of the Lord!

🗓️【7.9.2024 • 19:30 - 22:00 】
📍【Divine Mercy Formation Centre - 1/F Lee King Mansion, 83 Electric Road, Tin Hau】

TOUCH Blazing Heart —— the Real Presence (Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament) × Holy Spirit × Music × Cushion & Rug × Youths × Families × Friendships × Prayer for one another

Teaching of the Month:
【The Vulnerable Lover】by Br. Francesco Li OFM

*Taught in Cantonese with English simultaneous interpretation (if required)

TOUCH Blazing Heart is our monthly adoration program, our First-Saturday Commitment with Jesus.

TOUCH 衷心祝賀我們的兄弟 陳柏霖神父 在澳門晉鐸!陳神父自小熱愛朝拜聖體,並成為 TOUCH 的活躍成員,多年來一起推動各地青年及教友敬禮聖體。陳神父,恭喜你!請把耶穌聖體的真實臨在帶給我們,讓聖言成了血肉,寄居在我們中間。TOUCH...

TOUCH 衷心祝賀我們的兄弟 陳柏霖神父 在澳門晉鐸!陳神父自小熱愛朝拜聖體,並成為 TOUCH 的活躍成員,多年來一起推動各地青年及教友敬禮聖體。陳神父,恭喜你!請把耶穌聖體的真實臨在帶給我們,讓聖言成了血肉,寄居在我們中間。
TOUCH heartily congratulates our brother Fr. Bosco Chan, who has just been ordained in Macau. Fr. Bosco has been an active member of TOUCH since his teenage years, adoring and promoting the devotion to the Blessed Sacrament among youth and faithful. With your new role, Fr. Bosco, please bring to us the Real Presence of our Lord Jesus Christ, so that the Word may become Flesh and dwell amongst us. Congratulations our brother! 🥂
Chanpaklam Bosco

【Joyful Feast 2024 TOUCH 青年聖體大會精彩重溫+幕後花絮 |  Joyful Feast 2024 Eucharistic Congress - Highlights + Behind the Scenes 】Joy...

【Joyful Feast 2024 TOUCH 青年聖體大會精彩重溫+幕後花絮 | Joyful Feast 2024 Eucharistic Congress - Highlights + Behind the Scenes 】

Joyful Feast 2024 - TOUCH 青年聖體大會完美落幕,恩寵滿溢。近 500 位來自港澳以至全國各地,甚至歐亞非的青年於2024年8月15-18日匯聚香港,經驗天堂臨現人間!齊來重溫這四日三夜的空前盛況,同頌主恩。明年再見!
Let us revisit all the Graces and praise the Lord together for Joyful Feast 2024 - TOUCH Eucharistic Congress, being held from 15-18 August 2024 in Hong Kong, with almost 500 young people from Hong Kong, Macau, all over China, and even from Asia, Europe and Africa experiencing Heaven on Earth. See you next year!

Praise be Jesus and Mary
Videography - Kelvin Wong


Joyful Feast 2024 - TOUCH 青年聖體大會完美落幕,恩寵滿溢。近 500 位來自港澳以至全國各地,甚至歐亞非的青年於2024年8月15-18日匯聚香港,經驗天堂臨現人間!齊來重溫這四日三夜的空前盛況,同頌主恩。明年再見!Let us revisit all ...


Plenary Session #6 主題演講


Plenary Session #5 主題演講


Plenary Session #4 主題演講


Plenary Session #3 主題演講


Plenary Session #2 主題演講


Plenary session 主題演講 #1

【聖母升天節開幕彌撒及聖母像出遊】Joyful Feast 2024 - TOUCH 聖體大會將於本週四晚假中環主教座堂以「隆重慶祝聖母升天節感恩聖祭及聖母像出遊」展開序幕,邀得香港教區夏志誠輔理主教主禮,並由大會主講嘉賓 默主哥耶專職司鐸...

【聖母升天節開幕彌撒及聖母像出遊】Joyful Feast 2024 - TOUCH 聖體大會將於本週四晚假中環主教座堂以「隆重慶祝聖母升天節感恩聖祭及聖母像出遊」展開序幕,邀得香港教區夏志誠輔理主教主禮,並由大會主講嘉賓 默主哥耶專職司鐸、英國道明會士 Fr. Leon Pereira 帶領聖母出遊玫瑰經默想。費用全免,無需報名,歡迎所有教友參加,同聲為聖母頌主。

🗓️ 15/8/2024 (THU星期四)
🕗 20:00-22:30
📍 中環聖母無原罪主教座堂 Cathedral, Central, HK

【Solemn Mass of Assumption and Marian Procession】 Celebrating the opening of Joyful Feast 2024 - TOUCH Eucharistic Congress, there will be an open celebration this Thursday evening at the Cathedral with the Eucharist presided by Bishop Joseph Ha and rosary meditation led by Fr Leon Pereira OP, English Chaplain of Medjugorje and key preacher of our Eucharistic Congress. Free Admission! All are welcome to come and join our praises together for our dearest Mother!

【08.2024 - TOUCH 重燃愛火祈禱會】今個星期六晚——每月一次的TOUCH 重燃愛火祈禱會,邀請任何教友參與,一同感受耶穌聖體的觸碰。🗓️【八月三日• 傍晚7時30分至10時 】📍【天后慈悲耶穌培育中心 - 天后電器道83號利景...

【08.2024 - TOUCH 重燃愛火祈禱會】

今個星期六晚——每月一次的TOUCH 重燃愛火祈禱會,邀請任何教友參與,一同感受耶穌聖體的觸碰。

🗓️【八月三日• 傍晚7時30分至10時 】
📍【天后慈悲耶穌培育中心 - 天后電器道83號利景閣一樓】

重燃愛火祈禱會——耶穌真實臨在(明供聖體)×聖神×音樂×寧靜×每月特別講座/分享×觸動× 咕𠱸地氈×青年×家庭×友誼×彼此代禱


*Arthur 為至聖聖體傳教會的修士,現於法國接受神學培育。該團體屬公立司鐸善會,旨在推動聖體敬禮,宣揚耶穌基督真實臨在於聖體聖事中。


重燃愛火祈禱會 是 TOUCH青年團體 每月首週六晚與耶穌聖體的承諾——風雨不改,不見不散。

【08.2024 - TOUCH Blazing Heart】

This coming Saturday is our monthly adoration gathering - TOUCH Blazing Heart. No matter where you come from, we welcome you to join us in adoration of the Lord!

🗓️【3.8.2024 • 19:30 - 22:00 】
📍【Divine Mercy Formation Centre - 1/F Lee King Mansion, 83 Electric Road, Tin Hau】

TOUCH Blazing Heart —— the Real Presence (Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament) × Holy Spirit × Music × Cushion & Rug × Youths × Families × Friendships × Prayer for one another

Teaching of the Month:
【With Him on the Holy Mountain - The Transfiguration and the Eucharist】by Br. Arthur Ng

*Br. Arthur is a seminarian in formation for the Missionaries of the Most Holy Eucharist, a public clerical association founded in France for the purpose of promotion of devotion to the Holy Eucharist and proclaiming His Real presence in the Sacrament of Love.

*Taught in Cantonese with English simultaneous interpretation (if required)

TOUCH Blazing Heart is our monthly adoration program, our First-Saturday Commitment with Jesus.

【宿營套票即將截止】 ‼️Joyful Feast 2024 TOUCH 青年聖體大會的所有宿營套票將於本週日7月28日截止報名,現只剩下少量名額,報名從速。8月15-18日 Joyful Feast 2024 香港青年聖體大會邀請到️默主...

【宿營套票即將截止】 ‼️Joyful Feast 2024 TOUCH 青年聖體大會的所有宿營套票將於本週日7月28日截止報名,現只剩下少量名額,報名從速。8月15-18日 Joyful Feast 2024 香港青年聖體大會邀請到️默主哥耶專職司鐸Ⓜ️、於MaryTV廣受全球教友歡迎、以其幽默貼地😂但發人深省🤔的講道見稱的 Fr. Leon Pereira 佩雷拉神父訪港!🐎馬上報名,與聖母及亞洲各地教友一起經驗天堂臨現人間:。
* 宿營套票截止後,日營套票將繼續發售。但現已只剩下少量名額,建議從速報名

【Overnight Passes: Deadline this Sunday 28/7】 ‼️Come and welcome the Lord Himself from 15-18 August at Joyful Feast 2024 TOUCH Eucharistic Congress, where we have the honour of inviting the Chaplain of Medjugorje, a famous and humorous international TV Evaneglizer, Fr. Leon Pereira O.P. to visit Hong Kong. Register now at to experience Heaven on Earth with Mary, and with faithful from all over Asia.
Early bird ends tomorrow 11 July. Grab your chance!
* After this Sunday, day passes will continue to be on sale until stock lasts - though we only have limited spaces left.


隆重介紹今年 Joyful Feast 青年聖體大會的主講嘉賓:道明會士 Fr. Leon Pereira 佩雷拉神父。神父現職默主哥耶專職司鐸Ⓜ️,其講道幽默貼地、一針見血🩸 且發人深省🤔。其電視轉播每天於MaryTV廣受全球教友歡迎。8月15-18日 Joyful Feast 2024 TOUCH 青年聖體大會,不容錯過。🐎馬上報名,與聖母及亞洲各地教友一起經驗天堂臨現人間:。
Introducing the world renowned speaker at this year’s Joyful Feast TOUCH Eucharistic Congress: Dominican friar Fr. Leon Pereira. Fr. Leon is now the Chaplain of Medjugorje, a famous and humorous international TV Evaneglizer. His insightful homilies attract millions of views everyday on MaryTV livecasts around the world. Register now at to experience Heaven on Earth with Mary, and with faithful from all over Asia.


Hong Kong


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