Christmas Concert in the Park - Our Music Journey
聖誕園林音樂會 - 我們的美樂時光
Live Broadcast 現場直播
RTHK Radio 4 香港電台第四台
RTHK TV32 港台電視
🚦Just 1️⃣ more day until the launch of 𝐻𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝐾𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑢𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐸𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑒 and we can’t wait for you to experience the 𝑷𝑬𝑹𝑪𝑺! Subscribe to Radio 4’s YouTube channel @radio4rthk so you can keep aware of new video releases.
🥁 由第四台製作嘅敲擊樂系列「技擊四座」聽日9月30號星期一開始喺第四台YouTube頻道陸續有得睇啦!唔想錯過就記得快啲訂閱我哋嘅頻道 @radio4rthk
#RTHK #Radio4 #香港電台 #第四台 #youtube #percussion #hongkongpercussionelite #comingsoon #技擊四座 #敲擊 #鼓 #即將上映 #westernpercussion #drums #mallet #中敲 #擊
【R4 Music Academy 我哋都係音樂系!開學禮】
【R4 Music Academy 我哋都係音樂系!開學禮】圓滿結束!
當日天公造美,Perfect Fourth、Ionica String Quartet及香港鼓藝團落力演出,聯同主持梁芷菁及宮嘉豪在沙田大會堂廣場帶來一場別開生面的開學禮。一起重溫當日精彩片段。
RTHK Pop Up Live - 我哋都係音樂系!
【RTHK Pop Up Live - 我哋都係音樂系!】
情繫古蹟音樂會 - 香港聖公會聖三一座堂
Live on 4: Music in heritage - HKSKH Holy Trinity Cathedral
四台音樂廳:情繫古蹟音樂會 - 香港聖公會聖三一座堂
Sat 星期六 8pm
For the second concert in the ‘Music in Heritage’ series, the Cong Quartet and pianist Rachel Cheung enliven the halls of the HKSKH Holy Trinity Cathedral with the sounds of Wing-sum Chung, Adrian Wong, Haydn and Brahms.
「情繫古蹟音樂會」系列第二場音樂會中,Cong 四重奏和鋼琴家張緯晴來到香港聖公會歷史最悠久的聖堂之一的聖三一座堂,演奏黃子峻、鍾穎琛、海頓以及布拉姆斯的室樂作品。
Listen Online 網上收聽:
Music in Heritage: Fung Ping Shan Building 情繫古蹟音樂會:馮平山樓
University Museum and Art Gallery of the University of Hong Kong was found in 1953 as the Fung Ping Shan Museum. Cantonese music band “TroVessional” will perform a variety of music in this Grade I historic building, including to narrate the history of the Gallery in Nanyin.
Music in Heritage: Fung Ping Shan Building
First Broadcast首播:29/12/2023 (Fri星期五) 8pm
Repeat Broadcast重播:3/1/2024 (Wed星期三) 2pm
四台想與你共度聖誕 We are looking for you
With three difficult pandemic years behind us, we can once again come together and share the beauty of music at Christmas – the perfect moment to bring back this cherished tradition to Hong Kong Park.
聖誕園林音樂會 ─ 雲雀高飛
Christmas Concert in the Park – The Lark Ascending
24/12/2023 (Sun星期日) 5pm
Olympic Square, Hong Kong Park
音樂會詳情 Concert details: