TVB official page │ 無綫電視 (TVB) 官方 facebook 專頁| Mainland China represents the largest and the most significant growth market for TVB.
Television Broadcasts Limited (“TVB”) (HKEX stock code: 00511) is one of the world’s largest commercial Chinese programme producers. Headquartered in Hong Kong, TVB is one of the few broadcasters in the world that operates a vertically integrated business model encompassing content creation, broadcasting and distribution. Since 2016, TVB has begun its optimisation journey from a traditional media
to a major digital player. It aspires to become a world-class media organisation with extensive digital and direct-to-customer capabilities, amplifying its long tradition to entertain, inform and enrich audiences. TVB employs approximately 3,800 staff including over 500 artistes, in Hong Kong and overseas. With its strong production capacity and audience influence, TVB operates a terrestrial TV broadcasting platform as well as video streaming services, myTV SUPER and TVB Anywhere, social media platform and e-commerce platforms, Ztore and Neigbuy. As a key player in broadcasting sector, TVB’s strong viewership fosters close engagements with audience in its home market. Its terrestrial TV platform carrying five digital channels (Jade, J2, TVB News, Pearl, TVB Finance, Sports & Information) reaches out to 5.2 million in-home viewers in Hong Kong every week and its ratings maintain a 77% audience share against all channels. To cater to the audience’s changing viewing habits, TVB launched video streaming service, myTV SUPER, in 2016. This streaming platform is one of the leading players in Hong Kong and has over 10.4 million registered users. TVB earns revenue from major video platforms in mainland China (such as Youku, Migu and Tencent Video) through drama co-production, and licensing of our simulcast and library dramas and other contents. In addition, TVB operates its own direct-to-consumer digital media business under the Mai Dui Dui umbrella. This comprises a video streaming service, which offers a range of TVB and acquired contents to mainland Chinese viewers, and a multi-channel network business built around social media accounts we operate for TVB and for our artistes on platforms such as Douyin, Kuaishou, Xiaohongshu, Sina Weibo and Wechat Channels. The total number of followers for TVB-related accounts on Chinese social media platforms has reached 112 million. Early in 2023, TVB entered into a partnership with mainland e-Commerce giant Taobao for our artistes to host regular livestream commerce broadcasts through “TVB Top Sales” official account on the platform. In addition, TVB’s Jade and Pearl channels are carried in the cable networks in the Guangdong province, which attract substantial viewership in cities of the Greater Bay Area. Beyond Hong Kong and mainland China, TVB possesses an extensive overseas distribution network. It reaches out to the global Chinese communities through content licensing to pay TV platforms of Malaysia, Singapore, the USA, Canada, Vietnam and so on. There are 12.3 million viewers subscribe to our channels on TVB Anywhere, on YouTube, or through various social media platforms around the world. To further strengthen its market position, TVB successfully completed the acquisition of the controlling stake in the Hong Kong based Ztore group in August 2021. The acquisition is expected to generate significant synergistic effect with the existing operations and to facilitate a service development into live streaming e-commerce, targeting customers in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area. TVB holds strategic investments in main board listed Shaw Brothers Holdings (HKEX stock code: 00953) which engages in production of movies and drama serials and in artiste management, and through partnership with Imagine Entertainment in the US in a joint venture company Imagine Tiger Television which invests in a slate of TV serials and documentaries for distribution primarily in the US and the international markets.
《跳躍生命線》(英語:Life on the Line),時裝拯救醫務電視劇;由馬德鐘、何廣沛、劉佩玥、陳瀅、張曦雯、羅天宇、李佳芯、李成昌、韋家雄、張文慈、羅蘭、謝雪心、張彥博及郭子豪聯合演出,編審冼翠貞,監製方駿釗。故事主要圍繞救護人員的生涯,以及出動時救傷扶危、爭分奪秒的情況,是香港首部以救護員為題材重心的電視連續劇。拍攝過程獲得香港消防處全力支持協助,劇組可租用真實的消防處救護車、快速應變急救車、急救醫療電單車及救護器材及設備進行拍攝,並在消防及救護學院及長沙灣救護站實地取景拍攝。
【轉 娛樂新聞台 TVB Entertainment News 】王嘉爾亮相巴黎男裝周 曬床上騷性感肌照盡顯男神魅力
Jackson Wang 王嘉爾日前以品牌代言人身份,亮相2025巴黎男裝周,獲邀出席品牌嘅秋冬2025男裝秀。Jackson自2023年首次出席以嚟,今次已第5次踏上品牌嘅巴黎時裝週伸展台現場。Jackson身穿品牌黑色刺繡衫登場,低調中不失帥氣。而佢亦毫不吝嗇分享出席活動前嘅準備花絮,仲有唔少性感嘅床上照同令人噴血嘅騷肌照,顯露完美身材,令粉絲大飽眼福。
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Television Broadcasts Limited ( TVB ) is listed on the main board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (stock code: 00511). Major activities of TVB include free-to-air television broadcasting, programme production, programme licensing and distribution, digital media business and publications. TVB is one of the few broadcasters in the world that operates a vertically integrated business model encompassing production, broadcasting and distribution, supplemented by a strong artiste pool.
TVB, which commenced broadcasting on 19 November 1967, has about 4,000 staff and artistes worldwide. It operates five digital HD channels and annually produces about 700 hours of dramas and 23,000 hours of infotainment programmes such as news, current affairs, variety and travelogue. Well recognised for its high quality productions, TVB has won over 580 internationally acclaimed awards.
Riding the wave of technological change, TVB has strived to expand its digital media business which is backed by its strong production capability and huge archive of TV programmes. In 2016, the company launched the OTT services, myTV SUPER and TVB Anywhere, in Hong Kong and overseas respectively. myTV SUPER offers more than 40 channels and 58,000 hours of video-on-demand programmes. Viewers are able to select and watch a wide range of programmes anywhere and anytime via set-top box, computer or mobile phone. At present, the service has succeeded in garnering over 7 million users and the number is still on the rise, making it the largest and leading Cantonese OTT platform in Hong Kong. TVB Anywhere is also well received by overseas viewers since making its debut in Canada, UK, Europe and Australia. In addition, TVB programmes are licensed and distributed worldwide.
In 2017, TVB further rolled out Big Big Channel, a free mobile app providing self-produced short-formatted video content featuring TVB’s artistes and KOLs. The innovative platform enables artistes and KOLs to interact with fans. It also provides a new channel for advertisements. TVB has also actively engaged in developing e-commerce platform and rolled out Big Big Shop, a brand new one-stop online shopping platform. It combines TV viewing and online shopping service, enabling viewers to purchase premium products/services while they watch TV. The innovative marketing model assists enterprises in developing new distribution channels.
TVB has successfully transformed from a traditional television station to a company amalgamating broadcast TV, online TV, social media platform and e-commerce service. Businesses cover Hong Kong, Mainland China, North America, Europe, Asia and Taiwan.
Other business development includes closer cooperation with online video platforms in Mainland China to produce TV dramas with Hong Kong characteristics; and a joint venture with Hollywood TV and film production company, Imagine Entertainment, to develop and produce TV serials for distribution in US and international markets.
於2017年,無綫電視再推出Big Big Channel免費手機應用程式,開拓直播平台,提供大量無綫藝人及網絡紅人短片,為觀眾帶來嶄新互動體驗,同時增加新的廣告渠道。無綫電視亦積極發展電子商貿平台,推出全新一站式網購服務平台Big Big Shop,結合觀看電視及網購服務,讓觀眾邊看電視邊購買精選優質產品/服務,此視網聯銷模式有助企業拓展新的銷售渠道。