Science Focus by HKUST

Science Focus by HKUST 🌸A science magazine published by the School of Science at HKUST Science Focus is a science magazine published by the School of Science at HKUST.

Specially written and designed by HKUST science students under the guidance of School of Science faculty and staff, Science Focus is offered free-of-charge to Hong Kong secondary school students, three issues per annum. Email: [email protected]

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信件最後在長崎以外50公里的地方被一名海軍士兵撿到。士兵把信件翻譯並轉送至司令部,並冒死建議軍方結束戰爭。一個月後,信件終於在日本投降後交到嵯峨根手上。嵯峨根把副本寄回寄件人Luis Alvarez,Alvarez隨後在上面簽名,在1949年與嵯峨根在加州大學重逢時再一次交到他手上。

Before the atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, three physicists who participated in the Manhattan Project thought of their good old days in the United States with their former colleague, Ryokichi Sagane. At that time, Japan was still trying to figure out the nature of the novel bomb that destroyed Hiroshima three days earlier. In hopes of convincing their influential ex-colleague to persuade the Japanese leaders to stop the war, they attached an unsigned personal message to a shockwave gauge that was dropped on the outskirt of Nagasaki, minutes before the atomic bomb.

After stating that it was atomic bomb, “…We implore you to confirm these facts to your leaders [as a reputable nuclear physicist], and to do your utmost to stop the destruction and waste of life which can only result in the total annihilation of all your cities, if continued. As scientists, we deplore the use to which a beautiful discovery has been put, but we can assure you that unless Japan surrenders at once, this rain of atomic bombs will increase manyfold in fury”, they wrote.

The letter eventually landed 50km from Nagasaki, and was translated by a naval officer who forwarded the message to the headquarters with the suggestion to end the war at the risk of his own life. A month later, the letter reached Sagane after Japan surrendered. Sagane sent a copy back to the sender Luis Alvarez, who then signed the letter and handed it back to Sagane when they met again at the University of California in 1949.

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《點解貓鍾意食魚?🐟》Why do cats love eating fish?之前一篇帖文入面,我哋曾經提過貓感受唔到甜味呢個小知識。呢次我哋會討論第五種味覺 - 鮮味。有研究曾經透過喺貓面前放一碗清水,以及一碗以吞拿魚內含嘅鮮味分子調味...

Why do cats love eating fish?

之前一篇帖文入面,我哋曾經提過貓感受唔到甜味呢個小知識。呢次我哋會討論第五種味覺 - 鮮味。





From the previous post, we told you the fact that cats cannot taste sweetness. This time we will discuss another flavor, umami, or the “essence of deliciousness” as described by the Japanese.

By presenting a bowl of plain water and another seasoned with umami molecules found in tuna, a study revealed cats’ strong preference for umami. It was later discovered that cats express genes essential for the formation of umami receptors on their taste buds, specifically Tas1r1 and Tas1r3.

This genetic predisposition toward umami aligns with their meat-heavy diet as an “obligate” carnivore, meaning that they obtain essential nutrients and energy by consuming meat. Scientists have long speculated that umami signals the presence of protein, so that’s probably why the ability to taste umami is crucial to cats, but not sweetness.

On the other hand, due to the inactivation of the Tas1r1 gene, bamboo-eating pandas cannot taste umami at all!

We hope you now appreciate that different dietary habits can be viewed in an evolutionary context. Furthermore, if your cat has no appetite in the future, sprinkle some dried bonito flakes on their food!

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第二十八期《科言》出版啦!🫶您可以喺科大何廷錫伉儷訪客資訊中心或者SCI/HOME攞到實體版《科言》,亦可以瀏覽電子版: 《科言》係由科大理學院學生...




Science Focus (Issue 028) is out! 😆

Printed copies are available at Mr & Mrs Ho Ting Sik Visitor Information Center or SCI/HOME at HKUST campus. E-book can be viewed at

Science Focus is a magazine published by the School of Science, HKUST. It is prepared by our undergraduate students and offered free of charge to everyone. We have been delivering our magazine to more than 130 secondary schools. Interested teachers are welcome to subscribe for your school.

《點解貓食唔到甜味?🍭》Why can’t cats taste sweetness?貓食唔出甜味嘅原因係因為Tas1r2基因中缺失咗247個「字元」,令貓無法喺味蕾形成正常嘅甜味感受器。呢個特徵同樣出現喺好多貓科動物之中,例如老虎同獵豹;...

Why can’t cats taste sweetness?



Cats cannot taste sweetness due to a deletion of 247 “letters” in the Tas1r2 gene, rendering it nonfunctional for forming sweetness receptors in their taste buds. This trait is shared among various feline species, like tigers and cheetahs. In contrast, dogs possess the ability to detect sweetness as humans do.

This genetic divergence sheds light on how different evolutionary paths have shaped our taste preferences; cats lost the receptor for sweetness during evolution, but as carnivores, this trait is favored by natural selection to meet their dietary needs.

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《點解天空係藍色?☁️》Why is the sky blue?光本質上係電磁波。可見光嘅波長決定我哋見到嘅顏色:較短嘅4.5 × 10^-7 米波長對應藍色,較長嘅6.5 × 10^-7 米則係紅色。太陽望落係白色因為佢包含所有波長嘅可見...

Why is the sky blue?

光本質上係電磁波。可見光嘅波長決定我哋見到嘅顏色:較短嘅4.5 × 10^-7 米波長對應藍色,較長嘅6.5 × 10^-7 米則係紅色。太陽望落係白色因為佢包含所有波長嘅可見光。




Light is essentially electromagnetic waves. Each visible color is specified by a particular wavelength. A short wavelength of 4.5 × 10^-7 m gives a blue color while a longer wavelength of 6.5 × 10^-7 m gives a red colour. The Sun appears white because it contains all wavelengths of visible lights.

The blue color of the sky is a result of Rayleigh scattering, for which sunlight hits air molecules in the Earth’s atmosphere, causing the charged protons and electrons in the air molecules to oscillate and emit light to all directions at the same frequency and wavelength of the incident light.

All visible lights are scattered, but those with a shorter wavelength — like blue — are scattered much more intensely than other colors. As our eyes are less sensitive to violet light, which has an even shorter wavelength, the sky appears blue throughout the day. (The Sun, of course, appears white because you’re not looking at the scattered light in this case.)

On Mars, the sky appears reddish during the day and blue at sunset due to its dusty atmosphere, leading to a different pattern of light scattering compared to Earth.

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《點解企鵝唔識飛?🐧》Why can’t penguins fly?細個嗰陣,總以為有翼嘅動物就一定識飛。不過你知唔知道點解企鵝唔識飛但仍然有翼?佢哋係幾時失去飛行能力嘅?企鵝現存最密切嘅近親係鸌形目嘅鳥類,當中所有成員都識飛。科學家相信呢...

Why can’t penguins fly?






When we were small, we always associated wings with the ability to fly. But why do penguins still have wings if they can't fly? When did they lose the ability to fly?

Penguins’ closest living relatives are the Procellariiformes, an order of birds that can all fly. It is believed that penguins diverged from their relatives approximately 66 million years ago, following an asteroid impact that wiped out many marine animals. The lack of marine predators and competition for food suddenly opened new ecological niches in the ocean.

In response to such an environmental change, penguins’ ancestors opted for underwater life by evolving features like denser bones, shorter wings and a large body size. However, these features optimized for diving are a hindrance to flying, so that was the time when the birds gave up flying.

This story demonstrates how body features can be shaped to suit the ever-changing environment, sometimes by giving up a feature or an ability. Repurposing wings for other functions, such as balance or thermoregulation, can also be observed in flightless birds like ostriches and emus.

Now you understand the story behind penguins’ wings, so we can appreciate them flapping on glaciers more!

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✨We’re Recruiting! 📢Do you want to join our efforts to popularize science?Or be a future graphic designer or content cre...

✨We’re Recruiting! 📢

Do you want to join our efforts to popularize science?
Or be a future graphic designer or content creator?
…Here comes the chance that you shouldn’t miss! 😃

We are looking for HKUST science undergraduate students to prepare contents for the print magazine and social media pages, under the supervision of staff and faculty from the School of Science.

For details, please refer to the email dated September 2, 2024 (Mon). The application deadline is September 16, 2024 (Mon).

Should you have any enquiries, please direct them to [email protected]. 📧

《蒜頭味口氣是……🧄》Garlic Breath… and How to Deal with It仲記得食完燒肉料理之後口中嘅濃烈蒜味嗎?你有冇諗過點解會咁同點算好?蒜頭味口氣可以持續好耐而且難以去除,即使刷牙同用漱口水都無用。氣味來源係蒜...

Garlic Breath… and How to Deal with It







Remember the strong garlic breath you had after a sumptuous barbecue meal? Have you ever wondered why and how to deal with it?

Garlic breath can be persistent and difficult to get rid of, even with brushing and mouthwash. The odor comes from sulfurous compounds present in garlic, such as allicin and allyl methyl sulfide (AMS).

While most sulfurous compounds are metabolized quickly, AMS lingers in the breath for up to 30 hours after eating raw garlic. Brushing and mouthwash are ineffective because these compounds are absorbed into the bloodstream and expelled through the lungs, not just in the mouth.

There are effective ways to combat garlic breath. Common fruits rich in polyphenols, like apples, plums, cherries, peaches, and grapes, were found to have a deodorizing effect, with apples experimentally proven to be able to reduce AMS level.

Milk is another option. While milk fat can dissolve hydrophobic sulfurous compounds in the oral and nasal cavity, the protein casein in milk can react with disulfide compounds, preventing their conversion into AMS.

Remember to follow these methods to avoid embarrassment in social or professional situations!

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《如果跌入黑洞會發生咩事?🤔》What will happen if you fall into a black hole?我哋喺卡通同電影經常會見到角色跌落黑洞,但現實生活中如果跌入黑洞會發生咩事?我哋嚟睇吓啦!當一個人個頭首先跌入黑洞,...

What will happen if you fall into a black hole?




You’ve seen characters fall into black holes in cartoons and movies, but what will happen if one falls into a black hole in real life? Let’s find out!

As one plunges head-first into a black hole, due to the steep gravitational gradient, the gravitational pull at the head greatly exceeds that at the feet. Consequently, the individual is subjected to vertical stretching and horizontal compression, known as spaghettification, which can tear an object long before it reaches the black hole's center.

Surviving such an encounter is highly improbable. The Science Focus editorial team, therefore, does not recommend you to validate this myth in person!

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《流言終結者:黑洞篇 ⚫》MythBusters: Black Holes當巨大恆星邁向生命周期嘅終結時,自身引力會令佢哋塌縮,而黑洞正正係透過呢種重力塌縮而形成,令黑洞擁有極大嘅密度同重力。事件視界係一條邊界,越過呢條界線後再冇任何嘢能夠...

《流言終結者:黑洞篇 ⚫》
MythBusters: Black Holes





Black holes are formed through gravitational collapse, which occurs when massive stars reach the end of their life cycle and collapse under their own gravity. This creates a very high density and therefore gravitational pull. An event horizon is a boundary beyond which nothing, not even light, can escape.

Contrary to the popular belief that black holes only get bigger by swallowing things, they can lose energy and evaporate by emitting Hawking radiation, a phenomenon discovered by Stephen Hawking. However, this process is extremely slow, and black holes are expected to persist for an incredibly long time, surpassing the age of the universe.

The first-ever image of a supermassive black hole taken in April 2019 displayed a dark silhouette against an orange ring. However, a black hole itself is pitch black; the artificially colored orange ring just represents the matter and light about to enter the event horizon.

The first image of a black hole stands as a monumental milestone in astrophysics. If someone asks you why they didn’t send an astronaut to take the photo, tell them this is not Interstellar. Humans cannot survive in black holes!

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《「種」出人造肉 ─ 未來的肉類生產方法?🌱》Cultured Meat: The Future of the Meat Industry你係咪肉食愛好者呢?有無聽過人造肉?人造肉基本上就係由動物身上取得肌肉幹細胞,再喺實驗室培育。試下回答...

《「種」出人造肉 ─ 未來的肉類生產方法?🌱》
Cultured Meat: The Future of the Meat Industry


Are you a meat lover? Have you heard of cultured meat? It basically involves obtaining muscle stem cells from animals and growing them in a lab. Let’s test your understanding of meat production with the following questions!

A) 150 L B) 1,500 L C) 15,000 L

Question 1: How many liters of water are needed for producing one kilogram of beef by farming?
A) 150 L B) 1,500 L C) 15,000 L


Answer: C. The production of meat by traditional farming requires substantial resources, with estimates suggesting that every kilogram of beef requires 15,000 liters of water and 25 kilograms of grain. Actually, meat production accounts for 26% of the Earth's ice-free land area, 27% of global freshwater consumption, and 18% of total human-caused greenhouse gas emissions. This is why scientists are exploring innovative meat production methods.



Question 2: Is cultured meat a slaughter-free solution to farming?

Answer: Potentially yes. However, fetal bovine serum is still commonly used as a growth supplement to grow cells. It is extracted by puncturing the heart of calves without anesthesia after slaughtering pregnant cows. Scientists are therefore exploring the possibility of using slaughter-free or plant-derived growth supplement.


Hope these questions can solidify your understanding of cultured meat. We should remember this is just the beginning, meat might eventually be produced in a more sustainable and ethical way without the need for animals to suffer!

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第二十七期《科言》出版啦!😄您可以喺科大何廷錫伉儷訪客資訊中心或者SCI/HOME攞到實體版《科言》,亦可以瀏覽電子版: 《科言》係由科大理學院學生...




Science Focus (Issue 027) is out!

Printed copies are available at Mr & Mrs Ho Ting Sik Visitor Information Center or SCI/HOME at HKUST campus. E-book can be viewed at

Science Focus is a magazine published by the School of Science, HKUST. It is prepared by our undergraduate students and offered free of charge to everyone. We have been delivering our magazine to more than 120 secondary schools. Interested teachers are welcome to subscribe for your school.

《出來吧!自然界蠶吃塑膠的生物♻️》Unleashing Nature’s Plastic-Eating Marvels!當提及處理塑膠廢物,大多數人通常會諗到回收或者扔去堆填區,但係你有無聽過識自然分解塑膠嘅生物呢?研究員Federica...

Unleashing Nature’s Plastic-Eating Marvels!


研究員Federica Bertocchini同佢同事發現,蠟蟲Galleria mellonella唾液含有氧化酶可以透過將氧加入聚乙烯(PE)聚合物嘅碳碳長鏈,最終將佢降解。呢個由酶催化嘅反應可以代替原本由光同熱負責嘅緩慢反應,克服成個分解過程嘅樽頸位。

另一個突破性發現涉及細菌Ideonella sakaiensis,佢能夠透過製造PET 酶和 MHET 酶,將聚對苯二甲酸乙二酯(PET)分解成單體:苯二甲酸(TPA)同乙二醇(EG)。

為咗提升效能同穩定性,有美國研究團隊利用人工智能改善PET酶嘅結構,而英國團隊就將 PET 酶同 MHET 酶合二為一組成「超級酶」,以比單一PET 酶快六倍嘅速率分解PET。

但故事仲未完㗎!愛丁堡大學嘅科學家設計出一系列嘅酶催化反應,將分解產生嘅廢物TPA進一步轉化為雲呢拿主要成分香草醛(vanillin)。透過基因改造大腸桿菌(Escherichia coli),將相關幾隻酶嘅基因加入細菌,我哋就可以升級改造(upcycle)塑膠廢物,製造出價值更高嘅產物。


When it comes to handling plastic waste, people usually think of recycling or just sending it to landfills. But have you heard of organisms that degrade plastics naturally?

Researcher Federica Bertocchini and her colleagues have found that the saliva of a wax worm, Galleria mellonella, contains oxidases that introduce oxygen into the polymer chain (long C-C carbon chain) of polyethylene (PE) and break it down eventually. The enzymatic reactions can replace the slow action by light and heat to overcome the bottleneck of the whole degradation process.

Another breakthrough involves a bacterium called Ideonella sakaiensis, which produces two enzymes, PETase and MHETase, to dismantle polyethylene terephthalate (PET) polymer into its monomers, terephthalic acid (TPA) and ethylene glycol (EG).

To enhance the efficiency and stability, an American team used artificial intelligence to optimize the structure of PETase. Another team in the UK has combined both PETase and MHETase to create a "superenzyme" which works at a rate six times faster than using PETase alone.

Well, there’s more! Scientists at the University of Edinburgh have devised an enzymatic pathway to further degrade the waste TPA into the main component in vanilla flavoring, vanillin. Using genetically engineered Escherichia coli bacteria to express several enzymes, plastic waste can be upcycled to create a product with a higher value.

A cleaner future is right ahead of us! By using and modifying existing tools from nature, there’ll indeed be more solutions to the global plastic problems. So buckle up and get ready for this inspiring journey!

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《「歌詞與科學」寫作比賽 — 優異獎🏅》“Science in Lyrics” Writing Competition – Honorable MentionWhy do we get "tongue tied twisted" when ...

《「歌詞與科學」寫作比賽 — 優異獎🏅》
“Science in Lyrics” Writing Competition – Honorable Mention

Why do we get "tongue tied twisted" when we are nervous? It is because our limbic system, which regulates the fight or flight response, sees public speaking or talking to crush a "dangerous threat", and then activates the response. Causing our muscle to be tensed up. Since our tongue, jaw and lips are responsible for converting soundwaves produced by the larynx into actual words. Our ability to speak become worse. Making us "tongue tied twisted".

However, when we are talking about Tongue Twisters, it's a completely different story. Different parts of our brain control different parts of our mouth. Such as the lip sound "ma" produced by the lip, and the back tongue sound "ga" produced by the back tongue, are controlled by separated parts of our brain. The difficulties of Tongue Twisters are actually our brain messing up words produced by the same part of our mouth. For example, "she sells seashell on a seashore" focuses on the teeth sound "ss", while "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers" focuses on the lip sound "pe".

🎵 Tongue Tied Twisted – Suit Up, Soldier
🖋️ Entry submitted by Lv Luosi Moses (on IG)

《「歌詞與科學」寫作比賽 — 優異獎🏅》“Science in Lyrics” Writing Competition – Honorable Mention我們眼中的螞蟻,可能是一種團結、無害的昆蟲。牠們經常成隊成列地走在路邊、窗旁,運送...

《「歌詞與科學」寫作比賽 — 優異獎🏅》
“Science in Lyrics” Writing Competition – Honorable Mention


🎵 夜曲 – 周杰倫 (on IG)
🖋️ Entry submitted by Chiu Tin Long (on IG)

《「歌詞與科學」寫作比賽 — 優異獎🏅》“Science in Lyrics” Writing Competition – Honorable MentionThe general population perceives the eart...

《「歌詞與科學」寫作比賽 — 優異獎🏅》
“Science in Lyrics” Writing Competition – Honorable Mention

The general population perceives the earth as upright and spinning, but the third verse of "The Moss" describes "The world spins round on an axis of twenty-three degrees". How did this come to be? It is unknown but a highly speculated theory is that a Mars-sized object slammed into the Earth, tilting it and forming what we now know as the moon. Without the tilt, seasons would not exist causing humanity to perish.

The first verse, stating that "moss grows on the north side of the trees" is another byproduct of the Earth's tilt. We now know seasons exist due to the Earth's tilt, but it also causes the northern and southern hemispheres. This influences the sun's distance from the Earth, causing the northern hemisphere to receive less sun in the north and vice versa. Moss prefers shaded places, and due to the lack of sunlight, we can observe moss growing on the north face of trees.

The final stanza I will be analysing is "when the sunbeams come all the plants, they eat them with their leaves" It is common knowledge that all animals need food to live, but plants instead. "eat sunlight", otherwise known as photosynthesis. This event occurs when a plant has enough water, CO2, and sunlight, causing the plants to make glucose through photosynthesis.

🎵 The Moss – Cosmo Sheldrake (on IG)
🖋️ Entry submitted by Tang Chor Xi (on IG)

《費洛蒙香水真的嗎?🤔》Are Pheromone Perfumes Real?上次講到喺動物身上發現費洛蒙,咁人類呢?費洛蒙香水又係咪真係咁神奇呢?雄烯酮、雄烯醇同雄二烯酮呢三種雄性激素衍生物被部分專家聲稱為人類費洛蒙,尤其雄烯酮同雄二烯...

Are Pheromone Perfumes Real?






Last time we covered the discovery of pheromones in animals, but what about humans? Are pheromone perfumes as magical as we think?

Androgen derivatives, namely androstenone, androstenol and androstadienone, were purported to be human pheromones by some experts. Particularly, androstenone and androstadienone found in sweat have a musk-like scent to the ones who can smell them. Androgen derivatives were also observed to elicit sexual response in some sows.

Nevertheless, it may not be logical to define all fragrances as pheromones, not to mention that some people don’t like their smell. In addition, the mating preference of sows is not entirely governed by the reaction to chemicals, unlike insects with a simpler nervous system. Therefore, it remains inconclusive about whether humans, or mammals, possess pheromones.

So what are the pheromone perfumes on the market? In fact, they don’t even contain the putative human pheromones, but use “animal pheromones” from dogs and pigs, or plant extracts, which are unlikely to elicit similar effects on humans, as pheromones should be species-specific by definition. (It would be disastrous if they work perfectly, or nonselectively, either.)

Like other perfumes in general, pheromone perfumes can provide a placebo effect because it may boost your confidence by making you smell better. However, at the end of the day, confidence is only a small piece in the pursuit of true love. It also takes empathy, hard work and dedication. Remember to create your own charm on top of the perfume!

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Office Of The Dean Of Science, The Hong Kong University Of Science And Technology, Clear Water Bay
Hong Kong


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Science Focus is a science magazine published by the School of Science at HKUST. Specially written and designed by HKUST science undergraduate students under the guidance of our faculty and staff, Science Focus is offered free-of-charge to Hong Kong secondary school students, two to three issues per annum. The aim of the magazine is to stimulate and nurture students’ interest in science and scientific research through interesting articles. Email [email protected] We welcome your feedback. School of Science affiliate page: LIFS Human Genetics Workshop: