我們現正舉行 #寫書評換圖書 活動:✏️
只需掃瞄書架標示上的二維碼,然後閱讀一本電子書,撰寫不少於四十字書評,並上傳至本社Facebook/ Instagram/ LinkedIn,便能免費獲得一本由本社出版的非賣品圖書!📘
PolyU Press has landed at the PolyU Bookstore! 📣
We now have a permanent shelf showcasing our books. 📖
There is also a book review writing activity that you can join: ✏️
Simply scan the QR code on the shelf label to read one of our ebooks, write a book review no less than 40 words and post it on the PolyU Press Facebook/ Instagram/ LinkedIn, and get a free book published by the Press! 📘
#理大出版社 #理大書店