Anovva Records

Anovva Records 香港電子音樂品牌 🎧電音電台.新歌發佈.電音活動.潮流資訊.電音推?

活躍香港電音圈子嘅 Him 於2024 年決定以新名字新風格為大家帶來更多好聽嘅作品,新名字 HNRII 靈感來自佢最愛嘅已故電音製作人 AVCII,讀音亦取自於佢自己嘅英文名 Henry 。 HNRII今次佢帶嚟咗一首節奏輕快旋律開心嘅作...

活躍香港電音圈子嘅 Him 於2024 年決定以新名字新風格為大家帶來更多好聽嘅作品,新名字 HNRII 靈感來自佢最愛嘅已故電音製作人 AVCII,讀音亦取自於佢自己嘅英文名 Henry 。 HNRII今次佢帶嚟咗一首節奏輕快旋律開心嘅作品 Hope (forever stay),喺訪談之中亦都得知佢 2024 年會有更多自己創作嘅音樂推出,一齊期待吓啦🫶🏿

HNRII - Hope (forever stay) 已經係各大音樂平台有得收聽啦!

新歌 Hope (forever stays) 已經喺各大音樂平台上線!HNRII 喺2024年推出四步曲中嘅第一首 Hope (forever stays),輕鬆愉快嘅旋律喺帶你重新拾回生活嘅脈搏!即刻去 bio link 聽最新嘅港產電...

新歌 Hope (forever stays) 已經喺各大音樂平台上線!
HNRII 喺2024年推出四步曲中嘅第一首 Hope (forever stays),輕鬆愉快嘅旋律喺帶你重新拾回生活嘅脈搏!
即刻去 bio link 聽最新嘅港產電音!

Composer: Him Tang
Arranger: Him Tang
Producer: Him Tang
Mixer: Him Tang
Mastering Engineer: Aaron Roman

💢早鳥開售【終末之谷 - 貝斯戰爭】 The Final Valley - Bass War 👉🏿Link in Bio👈🏿YÅKO B2B YAAT (Special Live Mix)   Cyrus Gold Erich Tod Mi...

💢早鳥開售【終末之谷 - 貝斯戰爭】 The Final Valley - Bass War 👉🏿Link in Bio👈🏿

YÅKO B2B YAAT (Special Live Mix)
Cyrus Gold
Erich Tod
Mirage ._____
Pressure Kay
Cursed Red Oni

Date: 8th March 2024
Time: 11PM - late
Fee (includes 1 free drink):
HK$150 Early Bird
HK$200 GA / Door
Dresscode: Naruto themed

Ticket on sale now!


【終末之谷 - 貝斯戰爭】 The Final Valley - Bass War 👁️‍🗨️🏜️終末之谷發生過三次重要大戰,第一次是千手柱間與宇智波斑之戰,第二次和第三次都是漩渦鳴人和宇智波佐助的對決,第二次為宇智波佐助勝利並離開,第三次...

【終末之谷 - 貝斯戰爭】 The Final Valley - Bass War 👁️‍🗨️
🏜️終末之谷發生過三次重要大戰,第一次是千手柱間與宇智波斑之戰,第二次和第三次都是漩渦鳴人和宇智波佐助的對決,第二次為宇智波佐助勝利並離開,第三次二人平手,最後結局以佐助認輸而結束,並且和鳴人一起解除無限月讀。而第四戰將在 3月8日 於 進行,並由香港民選男DJ頭兩位 及 進行極限 Bass Music B2B決戰,一戰定江山!🔥

YAKO B2B YAAT (Special Live Mix)
Cyrus Gold
Erich Tod
Mirage ._____
Pressure Kay
The Red Oni

Date: 8th March 2024
Time: 11PM - late
Dresscode: Naruto themed


2024年 Spect與《當我飛奔向你》網劇歌手Zeyué 推出新歌 “Fairy Lights”,作為香港電子音樂製作人當然會遇上不少困難與壓力,活躍於Barong Family 的 Spect 於事業及學業的壓力中仍不斷尋找新的空間進步...

2024年 Spect與《當我飛奔向你》網劇歌手Zeyué 推出新歌 “Fairy Lights”,作為香港電子音樂製作人當然會遇上不少困難與壓力,活躍於Barong Family 的 Spect 於事業及學業的壓力中仍不斷尋找新的空間進步,並透過這次 release 希望各位面對這個困難的時間亦不要放棄。

Feeling super proud to see all of you embracing the music last Saturday at  . Get ready to welcome the newest YouTube vi...

Feeling super proud to see all of you embracing the music last Saturday at . Get ready to welcome the newest YouTube video from Anovva Arena very soon! 🥁🥁

Follow .records

Hey DJs, Producers, all friends and family! Join us at 10PM in  this Saturday ❤️Anovva x Studio31 - Twin Groove ADVENTUR...

Hey DJs, Producers, all friends and family! Join us at 10PM in this Saturday ❤️

Anovva x Studio31 - Twin Groove ADVENTURE

Date: 27 Jan
Time: 10pm till late
Location: Studio31 (31 C-D Wyndham Street, Central Hong Kong)


Line up:
DJ Harul (Ground Stage)
Hi-IM.Shady (Ground Stage)
Tutus B2B Hova (Boiler Stage)
rena izokay (Boiler Stage)

埸地Studio31 與@djacademyhongkong 一直支援本地DJ,提供表演機會並登上更大的舞台。

Anovva 正式回歸!歡迎來到全新嘅Anovva 大家庭,我哋相信電子音樂一直以不同嘅方式,融入與每一位嘅生活。請期待黎緊嘅Program,Anovva與你同在😎We’ve returned! Welcome to the refresh...

Anovva 正式回歸!歡迎來到全新嘅Anovva 大家庭,我哋相信電子音樂一直以不同嘅方式,融入與每一位嘅生活。請期待黎緊嘅Program,Anovva與你同在😎

We’ve returned! Welcome to the refreshed Anovva family. Electronic music knows no bounds, and Anovva is right there by your side, wherever you go.

Deep-In是一個獨特的訪談節目,深入挖掘電子音樂行業的內幕。通過深入的討論和最新資訊的探索,呈現電子音樂世界的魅力。Deep-In is an interviewing program that goes beneath the sur...


Deep-In is an interviewing program that goes beneath the surface to uncover the inside scoop on the electronic music industry. Through in-depth discussions, we explore the latest news and reveal fascinating insights about the world of electronic music.

Anovva Favourites為您精選最新的電子音樂,為您更新本地和國際上最令人興奮的活動,助你緊貼電音潮流。Anovva Favourites brings you the finest selection of electronic...

Anovva Favourites為您精選最新的電子音樂,為您更新本地和國際上最令人興奮的活動,助你緊貼電音潮流。

Anovva Favourites brings you the finest selection of electronic music, showcase top-notch DJs, and keep you updated on the most exciting events happening locally and internationally.

[A]Drops專注於發行本地製作的出色電音作品,匯集本地出色的電音製作人展現本土電音的魅力。透過獨特的選曲過程,確保每一首帶給樂迷的作品都能達到[A]標準的質素。[A]Drops focuses on releasing the rema...


[A]Drops focuses on releasing the remarkable skills of Hong Kong‘s talented producers. Our exclusive selection process ensures that only the highest quality music, meeting our [A] standards, reaches our audience.

Anovva Arena 走訪香港最有特色、最具代表性的地點,錄製各種電音DJ表演。用鏡頭捕捉電子音樂活動的現場氣氛,展現香港不同DJ的風格和才華,為我們的音樂愛好者提供高質素的體驗。Anovva Arena records electri...

Anovva Arena 走訪香港最有特色、最具代表性的地點,錄製各種電音DJ表演。用鏡頭捕捉電子音樂活動的現場氣氛,展現香港不同DJ的風格和才華,為我們的音樂愛好者提供高質素的體驗。

Anovva Arena records electrifying DJ performances at the coolest spots in Hong Kong. Our goal is to highlight the talented Hong Kong DJs, capture the excitement of the electronic music events, and deliver an amazing experience for our music lovers.

🚧 正在建設全新 Anovva 🚧New Anovva is under construction

🚧 正在建設全新 Anovva 🚧
New Anovva is under construction

🫶🏿終於達到100集呢個里程碑,亦都係Anovva Virtual Arena嘅最後一集,感恩一直有你地嘅支持,令Anovva推動電音嘅路上從不孤單,請係聽日9PM我地嘅YouTube Channel,享受最後一集 Anovva Virtu...

🫶🏿終於達到100集呢個里程碑,亦都係Anovva Virtual Arena嘅最後一集,感恩一直有你地嘅支持,令Anovva推動電音嘅路上從不孤單,請係聽日9PM我地嘅YouTube Channel,享受最後一集 Anovva Virtual Arena ❤️

We’ve reached an incredible milestone: our 100th episode! We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to all of you for your unwavering support throughout this journey. This achievement is a testament to the collective effort we’ve put in together. To commemorate this special occasion, we invite you to enjoy the final episode of Anovva Virtual Arena, mixed by . It’s been an incredible ride, and we hope you savor every moment of this last installment. Thank you once again for being a part of AVA’s success! ❤️

(Link in Bio)

 SUM takes us on an unforgettable tech house journey in the vibrant club of Faye for the Mixmag China event. immerse you...

SUM takes us on an unforgettable tech house journey in the vibrant club of Faye for the Mixmag China event. immerse yourself in this captivating DJ set, now streaming on YouTube.
SUM 係 Faye 嘅 DJ set 已經可以係YouTube 睇到!

[又有福利啦啦啦] 未諗到聖誕去邊?唔緊要 Anovva 請你去玩😉今次多謝  送出數張 Morokok Boom Boom DJ party嘅 DJ Party Full Access 比各位喜歡電子音樂嘅你地!-係Comment Sec...

[又有福利啦啦啦] 未諗到聖誕去邊?唔緊要 Anovva 請你去玩😉
今次多謝 送出數張 Morokok Boom Boom DJ party嘅 DJ Party Full Access 比各位喜歡電子音樂嘅你地!
係Comment Section留言講你想去邊日(24/25/31) + Share 呢個post
我地會抽取每日子各3位嘅朋友仔獲得一張 DJ Party Full Access (價值: $488) (Free-flow Drinks + Sh**ha)
24 Dec - Hi-IM.SHADY
25 Dec - Robert Raymond
31 Dec - FROGGY D.
抽唔中嘅朋友仔唔緊要,DM 我地都有當日優惠❤️

Latest [A]Drops  - ShelterAvailable in your favourite streaming platform 🔥

Latest [A]Drops - Shelter
Available in your favourite streaming platform 🔥

AVA097 by  Trance set🔥 今個星期六我地係  亦都會做AVA LIVE 仲要係第100集,快啲入我哋Profile睇睇詳情YouTube Premiere: 21st Dec 9pm (Link in Bio)

AVA097 by Trance set🔥 今個星期六我地係 亦都會做AVA LIVE 仲要係第100集,快啲入我哋Profile睇睇詳情
YouTube Premiere: 21st Dec 9pm (Link in Bio)


Hong Kong



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