♥️ I enjoy exploring different, unique styles of clothing and accessories while traveling. When I wear designer clothes curated from around the world by COCKTAIL Select Shop, it feels like I have a free-spirited Bohemian soul, uniquely stylish and full of fashion. ✨💫
💫LOOK 1Cardigan: @mihokosaito.un.demi
Skirt: @mihokosaito.un.demi
Jacket: Daniela Gregis
Top: Norah Sue
Pants: Daniela Gregis
Down jacket: @plantation1982
Cardigan: @boussole_inc.official
Pants: @apuntob_official
💫Jewelry: @aida_impact
💫Leather Bag: @hereu_
何嘉莉 Lillian Ho @cocktailselectshop
#coolstylemgt #lillianho #何嘉莉 #cocktailselectshop #cocktail #fashion #beauty #skincare #fashionstyle #fashiongram #cool #new
近期大熱的演員許恩怡和胡子彤攜手帶領大家進入Loewe 天馬行空的動物派對!來自深海、綠茵草地和遙遠外太空的動物游走於 @Loewe 與 @Suna_Fujita 的聖誕禮品系列,成衣、皮具和飾品都滿溢着 Loewe 的奇思妙想,以繽紛色彩呈現上乘材料與精湛工藝,為衣櫥增添活力,成為節日的矚目焦點,散發冬日魅力!💫✨
Natalie Hsu 許恩怡 @tsztungtonywu @loewe @suna_fujita @ellehongkong
#coolstylemgt #nataliehsu #許恩怡 #ELLEHK #ELLEFashion #ELLECeleb #ELLESelect #LOEWE #LOEWEgifts #fashion #beauty #skincare #fashiongram #fashionaddict #cool #new
Feeling the holiday magic at ifc mall’s Santa’s Magic Toy Factory with my little christmas elf helper! It’s a joy to see his eyes light up as we go through each station of the toy journey.
This place is truly special, filled with joy and wonder at every turn. Come check it out to experience the festive cheer—your little ones are sure to have a memorable time!
Fiona McLeish 麥少瑜 @hkifcmall
#coolstylemgt #fionamcl #麥少瑜 #hkifcmall #ifcXmas #ifcSantaMagicToyFactory #christmas #fashion #beauty #skincare #new #cool #fashiongram #christmastime
Mandy Tam 譚旻萱 @nbahk @thevenetianmacao
#coolstylemgt #mandytam #譚旻萱 #NBA傳奇名人賽 #澳門威尼斯人 #威尼斯人綜藝館 #NBALegendsCelebrityGame #VenetianMacao #TheVenetianArena #basketball #onfire #cool
I always imagined that I could live in a toy factory when I was a child💭🧸 and now my dream has come true! Magic Toy Factory is now in HK IFC Mall !Let’s spend a happy Christmas with the cute elf in the magical place of ifc mall!
Let me tell you a secret — I found the cutest reindeer keychain and I had to take it home! 🦌 Come check out the factory and grab your own magic!🎁
Hazel Lam 林熙彤 @hkifcmall
#coolstylemgt #hazellam #林熙彤 #hkifcmall #ifcXmas #ifcSantaMagicToyFactory #fashion #beauty #skincare #instadaily #love #new #christmastime
Just like Kintsugi turns broken pottery into stunning works of art, the new SK-II LXP series is all about celebrating and restoring our skin’s natural beauty. With the highest concentration of PITERA™️, this cream has become my ally in achieving firm, plumped, and moisturised skin while showcasing its unique radiance.
Make time an ALLY, craft your own beauty, with SK-II LXP Cream.✨
Fiona McLeish 麥少瑜 @SKII
#coolstylemgt #fionamcl #麥少瑜 #SKII #SKIIHK #SKIILXP #PITERA #打破肌膚抗老瓶頸期 #至高濃縮度PITERA #TimeIsAnAlly #fashion #beauty #skincare #fashiongram #beautyaddict
Health is wealth. Maintaining wellness in your relationships - whether with a partner, parents, or friends - is crucial, but can get overlooked. Jamieson makes it easier to prioritise my wellness, so I can be fully present for the relationships that matter the most. Jamieson can help you find what’s been missing, beginning with your health.🌿
Fiona McLeish 麥少瑜 @kevinstarkchu @JamiesonHK
#coolstylemgt #fionamcl #kevinchu #麥少瑜 #朱鑑然 #JamiesonHK #HereForYourHealth #OnceLostNowFound #缺失的補回就好 #fashion #beauty #skincare #cool #new #advertising #advertisement
工作多挑戰 工時唔穩定
但唔夠瞓, 食無定時, 壓力大呢啲生活習慣
都好影響我嘅健康同肌膚🥲 造成 #表觀老化
仲要靠佢~ CLARINSHK 全新第9代Double Serum
本身都有用開佢哋嘅Double Serum
呢一代仲加入咗革命性EPI抗老逆時科技同稀世植萃 (+empji) 法國巨型蘆葦萃取
除咗撃退表觀老化, 仲可以加強細胞自癒力
用完皮膚pump up返, 細紋同乾紋都無晒
好好護理皮膚, 就唔怕年齡嘅侵蝕😂
劉沛蘅 Hillary Lau @ClarinsHK
#coolstylemgt #hillarylau #劉沛蘅 #ClarinsHK #DoubleSerum #MySkinFuture #第9代賦活雙精華 #AntiAgingSerum #TheDoubleFuturescape #fashion #fashionstyle #skincare #beauty #beautyaddict #skincareroutine
Stephy 鄧麗欣
完整版MV : https://youtu.be/Rmxv3-l0Wuo
#戲一場 #鄧麗欣 #stephytang #coolstylemgt
Natalie Hsu 許恩怡 @pavane.for.an.infant @tokyo_intl_film_festival
#coolstylemgt #nataliehsu #許恩怡 #搖籃凡世 #pavaneforaninfant #第37屆東京國際電影節 #東京國際電影節 #亞洲未來競賽單元電影大獎
Stephy 鄧麗欣
考籃球都有啲信心, 至於考畫圖就真係有啲啲啲擔心Σ(*゚д゚ノ)ノ
好彩有 Galaxy AI #草圖轉圖像 ,畫幾筆就自動生成,想像瞬間變真 !仲有 唔同畫風俾你揀!你哋覺得我嗰隻 Amazing 貓值幾多分先 ?
今次 Galaxy AI 公開試,有 #圖文聽說 四大試題,快啲去 @samsung_hk , 睇下我同 YT 大哥 @whoisyanting 、黃梓樂 @carsonnsean 同 Ansheles @ansheles_artem 點樣一 take pass 啦!
親身試過 #GalaxyAI,就知佢幾好用,真係一部解難,一試升級!你哋都試下吖💗依家只要到指定地點,搵 Galaxy AI 考官完成試題及提交資料 , 就可以獲得神秘禮物一份 , 限量㗎!🎬✨👍🏻
Mandy Tam 譚旻萱
今次嘅考試buddy: #GalaxyS24Ultra立即了解:http://spr.ly/GalaxyAIPublicTest_Drawing
#coolstylemgt #mandytam #譚旻萱 #Samsung #GalaxyAI公開試 #一試升級 #TeamSamsungHK #HKwithGalaxyAI #fashion #skincare #beauty #fashionstyle #cool #new