Ho&Co 眾象諮詢有限公司

Ho&Co 眾象諮詢有限公司 A building, asset and city information management consultancy for the lifecycle of the built environ

Wish all our clients, colleagues, collaborators and friends a prosperous year of the snake蛇年祝福,事業興隆、事事如意眾象諮詢有限公司 謹賀

Wish all our clients, colleagues, collaborators and friends a prosperous year of the snake
眾象諮詢有限公司 謹賀

接受台大BIM中心邀請,錄製BIM for Owners系列,轉眼間也半年多了!業主的BIM意識已漸成形,還有很長的路要走,Podcast版本也上線嘍~敬請指教~

接受台大BIM中心邀請,錄製BIM for Owners系列,轉眼間也半年多了!業主的BIM意識已漸成形,還有很長的路要走,Podcast版本也上線嘍~敬請指教~


Our founder Han-Hsi Ho will be speaking at Hong Kong's regional inaugural Women in BIM event on March 7th at AmCham in C...

Our founder Han-Hsi Ho will be speaking at Hong Kong's regional inaugural Women in BIM event on March 7th at AmCham in Central. Representing both Taiwan and the education sector, Han-Hsi will join the legendary Ada Fung and Alexandra Grierson in the panel discussion.

Join for free and get more details via the link below.

The American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong is one of the largest American Chambers outside the US, the largest international chamber in Hong Kong and the most dynamic and influential international business organization in the Asia-Pacific region.

龍年快樂 ❤️ Happy New Year of the Dragon

龍年快樂 ❤️ Happy New Year of the Dragon







Ho&Co hosted a Generative AI - Midjourney training for our talents and collaborators today. Thanks to the excellent lect...

Ho&Co hosted a Generative AI - Midjourney training for our talents and collaborators today. Thanks to the excellent lecturer Andrew and our friends from TCIT, AYD and Conc Design for joining a day of intense and fun learning!

Picture 4 below: /imagine (image) replace people with Gollum in a dark cave setting

坐而言不如起而行!眾象的 “一日生成式AI:Midjourney工作坊" 今日圓滿落幕。感謝創易整合行銷的Andrew老師為我們帶來精彩豐富的課程,也感謝合作夥伴們共襄盛舉。生成式AI所帶來的破壞式創新不容忽視,如何抓住行業應用的契機,同時又能兼顧員工們的終身學習,是很重要的課題!(大家生圖生到中午都不想用餐,可見Midjourney的魅力!)


恭喜何涵晞總監榮獲中華民國傑出企業管理人協會頒發之金峰獎!何總監以眾象諮詢有限公司創辦人的身份,獲得微型企業組「十大傑出創業楷模」的肯定。Congratulations to our Director Ms. Han-Hsi Ho for ...


Congratulations to our Director Ms. Han-Hsi Ho for the recognition of "Top 10 Entrepreneur" by Outstanding Enterprise Management Association of Taiwan (OEMA).

恭喜寶舖建設核心領導者與團隊的努力,在數位轉型的趨勢下,獲得BSI英國標準協會的肯定!寶舖是全亞洲第一個取得19650-2&3 Kitemark的開發商(業主端)。我們很榮幸能從標準化與專案模型合規方面協助寶舖。Congratulation...

恭喜寶舖建設核心領導者與團隊的努力,在數位轉型的趨勢下,獲得BSI英國標準協會的肯定!寶舖是全亞洲第一個取得19650-2&3 Kitemark的開發商(業主端)。

Congratulations to Baopu Development Co. Ltd for obtaining ISO 19650-2&3 Kitemark from BSI! Baopu is the first ISO 19650-2&3 Kitemark certified developer/owner in Asia.
We are honoured to have helped our client on standardization and BIM model compliance.

▊ 為了實現「建物知情權」,寶舖建設在 的嚴苛檢驗下,獲頒 #全球第一的殊榮 就在明天這場眾所期待的高峰會上!


您跟我們一樣重視ESG與碳管理的議題嗎?一間企業的目標方向從不僅是口說而已,寶舖堅實的團隊身體力行,投入極大心力在於所謂「 #建物知情權」,成就 #全球第一家、 #亞洲首批、 #全台首家 的建設公司!而實際作法及授證內容又是甚麼呢?

邀請關注及支持我們的您,跟著寶舖建設靈魂人物 — #劉克健 董事長,一起共享這份「靠譜、致良知、全透明 」里程碑的榮耀吧!

🏙亞太區營建業「ESG × 碳管理」高峰會|線上直播


國際標準制定權威BSI與Taiwan BIM Task Group將於4月26日共同舉辦「亞太區營建業ESG × 碳管理高峰會」網路研討會,將邀請來自亞太區營建產業的產官學研高層領袖一同探討全球ESG永續趨勢,並分享最佳實踐案例。

✅「營建產業的雙軸轉型- 從數位走向淨零」國際標準授證儀式( #寶舖建設)
✅國際「ESG × 碳管理」趨勢

⏰活動時間:9:30 - 12:00 (台灣時間, GMT+8)

BSI Taiwan



BAOPU ‧ Architecture of Humanity and Health



很榮幸獲邀與謝尚賢教授與陳清楠建築師,一同擔任上期     會員展演的與談人~ 很敬佩新北市政府推行數位化的決心,也期待後續中央與地方的共同努力!

很榮幸獲邀與謝尚賢教授與陳清楠建築師,一同擔任上期 會員展演的與談人~



Congratulations to RLB for submitting and winning HKIS QS 2022 Gold Award for The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong – Ne...

Congratulations to RLB for submitting and winning HKIS QS 2022 Gold Award for The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong – New Academic Building Project. Ho&Co is honored to work with Philip Liao & Partners and its consultant team to provide RLB the base BIM model for their innovative QS works.

The BIM models are also used for visualisation, interdisciplinary collaboration, cloud-based CDE management, clash detection and resolution, BEAM+, and smart building planning and operations.


On 23 September, HKIS QS Awards 2022 was successfully held at Hotel ICON. The award is the first of its kind organised by the Quantity Surveying Division of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors. RLB is proud to receive a total of 8 awards, covering both awards to projects, innovation and awards to i...


3/F, 201 Fuxing North Road
Central & Western District


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