"Tuma Pot"
•Tuma Pot is very similar to pepperpot. Both includes a variety of meats.
Pepperpot is made from cassareep, while tuma pot is prepared in cassava water.
•"Tuma" refers to meat or fish cooked in cassava water. The cassava water is referred to as “kada” or “kadakura sauce”. Kada or Kadakura sauce is light cream in colour with a thinner texture to that of the cassareep.
•Sometimes a special pot is assigned for the tuma. Traditionally, this pot remained at the fireside and would always have meat or fish inside. Because the tuma pot sauce is a preservative, so freshly trapped meat/fish are continuously placed in the pot.
•Tuma is usually served with cassava bread or farine, depending on the preferences of the various Indigenous nations. The Arawaks use cassava bread, while the Machusi and Wapishana nations will use farine. The Warrau will use the fresh cassava bread referred to as “arasuka”.
Info Source:
-Guyana Times International/ https://www.guyanatimesinternational.com/the-tuma-pot/
Photo: Vincent Henry